?Pretty’s On The Inside?
[The World thinks She’s ugly but He sees her Beauty?]

By Authoress Kamara

Episode 36

?Paris Myers?
I sling my backpack over my shoulder as I hum along to Jayden Roy’s music.

I’ve learnt everything relating to it, the lyrics, the beat, the rhythm, just in two days.

I guess thats what it takes in becoming a superstar.

I put on my flat white sneakers before smoothing my floral jumpsuit smoothly.

I raise my hands to curl up my hair in a ponytail as I let a few tendrils fringe just by the side of my face.

For the first time in three months, I’m actually not going to cover my face and I hope it will turn out good for me if I show up in the competition without the hoodie.

Hmm. I guess this is all better.

I look at my reflection in the mirror one last time before heading out of my room.

I walk straight downstairs knowing Rio will be there. A sweet scent chaffed my nostrils as I detected that it was Aunt probably cooking something.

I walk over to the kitchen and met her there chugging on a cup of coffee while doing something on her phone.

“Good morning, Aunt Jenny”. I greeted loudly announcing my presence.

She looked up smiling. “Paris. It sure is a good morning. How was your night, darling? Did you sleep well?”.

“Yeah”. I look around the kitchen. “Did you cook something?”.

“Chicken noodle Casserole”. She beams brightly. “It smells good right. I prepared it for breakfast. Rio actually was the one who suggested I cook it and he taught me as well”.

“Oohh!! Where is he then?”.

“In the dining. Probably feasting on his breakfast. And there’s a dish there for you too”.

“Thank you, Aunt”.

I walk out of the kitchen and went to the dining room stepping in.

And Rio was there, eating like Aunt said.

I sat in front of him. “Good morning”.

“Good morning”. He replied muffled with his mouth full.

I chuckle loudly shaking my head as I begin to dish out Chicken Casserole for myself.

“You seem to be in a happy mood. Care to share?”. Rio asked looking at me.

“Nothing”. I shake my head. “I just feel jovial”.

“About what?”.

“I don’t know, maybe the fact that another round of the competition will be holding today. And I’m confident in me”.

He arch his eyebrows. “And thats the only reason that you are happy?”.

“Yeahh. Is there another reason?”.

“I don’t know, Paris. But something tells me that you are happy because you are going to see your crush, Xavier Marion”.

“Rio!!”. My cheeks heated up as I try not to blush. “Heyy. He’s not my crush”.

“You talk about him to me all day. I’m pretty sure you have lot of his pictures on your phone. You emphasize on how cute he is and you are saying that he’s not your crush?”.

“No, he’s not. I only admire him and thats it”. I say not meaning what I said.

“Then happy admiring him when you see him today”.

“Come on, Rio. There’s no way I’ll see him today. He’s not one of the judges at today’s competition”.

“Okay, Miss ‘I only admire him’. We’ll see about that. You two talk all the time and yet you don’t have a crush on him”.

“You two are so hopeless”.

I look away from Rio to see Tiffany at the table already scowling at us.

“Everyone knows Xavier”. She started talking. “But to think that, Paris here, actually talks to him? Jeez! Take a hike”.

I roll my eyes. “You were not invited into the conversation”.

“Well I invited myself. And have you ever talked to Xavier before? One on one? It can’t happen because I know someone like you is not capable of doing so”.

What a kind of btch is this girl!

I’ve talked to Xavier before. I’ve sang with Xavier before. And I even fking know one of his deepest secrets and its that he’s a g.ay.

Or maybe Bisxual.

Anyone. I don’t know.

“I’ve been with Xavier before. Just the two of us”. I say to her.

Tiffany scoffed. “You expect to believe that? You are such a liar! Xavier can never talk to someone like you! I can bet on that”.
?Xavier Marion?
“Come on, Dad, pick up!”. I mutter to myself tapping my foot lightly.

The call went straight to his answering machine again and I cussed dropping my phone on the table angrily.

Jeez! Where could he be?

I’ve been trying to contact him for the past one hour but he’s not picking his calls.

And I really need to talk to him.

“Did it go through?”. Diamond asked twirling her chair around.

“No”. I turn to face him. “He hasn’t even picked any of my calls. They keep going to voicemails. Where the heck is he?”.

“He’s probably busy”.

“Busy with what?”. I blurted out. “I’m pretty sure he’s screwing some girls way younger than him right now. Thats what he does all the time, squandering money on people who don’t deserve it”.

“Xavier, how can you talk about him that way? He’s your Dad, our Dad. You can’t be saying stuffs like that about him, its not cool”.

I roll my eyes taking my phone again to dial his line one more time.

“And now you are just going to act like I didn’t say anything”.

“Of course, you said something. But it was something stupid”.

“Something stupid?”. She scoffed. “I talked about Dad and you call it stupid ?”.

I ignore her placing my phone on my ear as the call went through.

“I hate talking to you”. She stood up from her chair. “You know what? I’m out of here”.

She walked out of the sound check room but I couldn’t care any less as my Dad finally picked up.

?What is this about, Marion? I’m busy

?Yeah, I know you’ll say that. But Dad, this is pretty important

?Then say it

G©sh! He’s becoming pretty impatient.

?Its about Sam. He got into an accident yesterday. I know that the management sent Alex to take care of everything needed but I went there and actually found out that the accident is more serious than we think. And there’s a possibility that he may not survive it

?He has a life assurance, Marion. Why exactly are you calling me?

?I was thinking maybe, you could, you know, try to make the management take his matter more seriously?

?Marion, honestly, I’m really busy. We’ll talk about this later, I promise.

?But Dad, this is__

And then it went click!

I groan dropping my phone back on the table.

Always busy.

All the time.

I’m just so angry right now.

I rested back on the chair closing my eyes as I tried to think of something to soothe me.

Maybe music will help.

It will calm me down.

I made a mental note to remind myself to check out the contestants later in the day.
?Violet Summers?
“But how?”. I ask Andrea for the last time today.

She shrugged. “I don’t know. But all I know was that last night, news just came in he got into a fatal car accident”.

“Wow”. I muttered wondering if Sam was that reckless.

But all the times, I’ve been around him and Xavier. He doesn’t look reckless.

Just collected and calm. And I always hated that about him.

“But I kind of heard that someone had actually tried to kill him. The person made his brakes fail and that caused the accident”. Andrea continued talking.

Wait. Someone tried to kill Sam?

Jeez! I didn’t know he was hated by another person too.

Of course, I do hate him but putting a bridge between Xavier and I.

But attempting to kill him?

Nah! I can’t do that! Its too extreme.

I smile faintly at Andrea. “Can you please excuse me for a bit?”.


I excused myself and walked out of the makeup heading to where I knew Xavier would be.

I got there and glanced through the see through windows sighting him there.

I smiled.

I’m his childhood friend and I know what he likes and where he loves to be.

I walk in closing the door noiselessly before stepping to where he was.

I stood by his back and quickly wrapped my hands around him sniffing his scent which was musk by a sweet cologne.

He stiffened before removing my hands standing up swiftly.

“Why are you here?”. He asked coldly turning to face me.

“I’m here to see you”.

“Just leave, Violet”.

I scoffed. “Leave? Seriously? I heard what happened to Sam and I decided to come see how you are faring yet you say I should leave?”.

“Thank you for your concern, the door is that way. I’m really busy now”.

“Xavier. What the heck? Why the attitude? Aren’t we friends anymore? Why do you hate all of a sudden now?”.

“I’m not having an attitude. And we are still friends but you see it as something more. I don’t hate you, I just hate the way you can’t get it into your head that I am not in love with you”.

“But Xavier. I like you. How many times do I need to tell you that?”.

“Enough! Violet! I was having some peace and quiet before you came in so kindly walk out. You seriously need to get it that I can’t love you”.

“Why? Because you love Sam? I heard he got into a fatal accident yesterday”. I say unconcerned. “You and I both know he won’t survive it so get ready to lose him”.

“Thanks for the word of encouragement, what a great friend you are. And even if I lose him, someone else will fill his place in my life and that person will never be you”.

“Who .. ?”.

I ask but he had already turned his back to him acting like I wasn’t there with him.

Who the heck is the person Xavier is talking about?

She better hide well because she won’t like what I’ll do to her.

I’m not going to share him. He’s mine and mine alone to hold forever.

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