?Pretty’s On The Inside?
[The World thinks She’s ugly but He sees her Beauty?]

By; Authoress Kamara

Episode 38

?Paris Myers?
I blearily opened my eyes but found something blocking my view and gasp seeing it was Xavier.

There was also something on my lips and that was when it hit me!

Xavier’s lips are on mine!

He pulled away from me as if realizing that too. Almost immediately, he shifted away while I shakily touched my warm lips and felt it!

I just kssed Xavier Marion!

“What the .. ? Sht! ! What the fk did I just do right now?!”. He muttered moving back.

Oh Jeez!

This did not just happen.

“Hey!”. Xavier spoke up sounding really hysterical. “This never happened, okay? It was all a mistake, I didn’t know you were going to come in at the same time I walked out, I never wanted any of this to happen … “.

“Just a mistake?”. I asked him quietly.

“Yeah, I mean, No. I didn’t mean that kssing you was a mistake, of course, it wasn’t bad. I only just want to make sure you know that it happened accidentally and I’m really sorry, really sorry”.

I get the fact that its a mistake.

He doesn’t have to emphasize on that painful fact all over and over again.

“I get it”. I say instead. “It was totally a mistake”.

“I didn’t say kssing you was a mistake, just that doing was my mistake if you understand what I’m trying to say here”. He exhaled as a wave of relief washed over him. “I didn’t entirely mean to do that, just want to make that clear”.

“And I clearly understand”.

He nodded slowly. “What are you doing up here anyways?”.

“I was thinking of, maybe, coming here to practice ahead for what I’m supposed to sing but I think I’ll just go back downstairs”. I reply turning to leave.

“No, wait. You can still practice, I mean, I can’t be the reason you want to leave”.

I turn to face him. “I can still practice? In here? While you are here?”.

“Well yeah. And I can help you if you want, you’ve helped me before back in school with my music, so let me help you”.

Yeah! It was that time he was playing one of his songs with a piano and I had advised him to use a guitar.

Wow! So he remembers!

“I don’t think thats a good idea”. I began talking.

“Paris, I can help you. And its not cheating if thats what you are thinking”.

“What? No. I wasn’t thinking about that at all”.

He breathed deeply. “If its about what just happened, then forget about it. It was a mistake, I did it accidentally and I apologize”.

Stop saying its a mistake! Its hurting my feelings!

You sound as if like I’m the last person on earth that you will ever lock lips with.

“Its not going to be awkward”. He said butting in my thoughts. “So … ? Is it a yes?”.

“Yes. I’ll let you help me practice for a new song”.
??An Hour Later??
?Paris Myers?
“And this is how you do it”. Xavier said before strumming the keys on his own guitar.

Wow! He really has a nice voice.

Just listening to it sounds serene.

I smile staring at him, lost in his perfect perfection.

His golden brown sparkling eyes.

His pointed nose.

His cute yet full pink lips matching with his nice set of teeth fitting on his pretty skin.

How can he look so much like a greek god.

“And thats it”. He looked up from what he was doing smiling. “Thats all whats needed”.

Okay. I didn’t hear him sing.

Jeez! I was so busy staring at him.

“Sure”. I smile pretending to understand what he just said. “So thats all?”.

“Yeah! But why don’t you try it?”. He handed the guitar over to me. “I wanna see if you’ve been learning or not”.

“I have been learning”. I protested feebly.

“I know. But lets see how great you do on this song”.

I took the guitar from his hand. “So I should start now?”.

“You remember the beginning, right? First hum the song, replay it in your head and strum the top string only for a while slowly before strumming all of the strings according to the rhythm, got it ?”.

“Um, yeah?”. I replied a little kind of confused.

“I know you know how to play the guitar but this song that Jayden wrote? Crazy Beautiful You?”. He talked walking over to my back.

“What about it?”. I ask softly aware of the fact that he’s behind me.

“Its really hard to play if you don’t get the little things. Which means it doesn’t matter if you are a pro in it, just do what I said”.

“Got it”.

And then, maybe time stopped as his hand leaned over my shoulder placing my fingers on the strings carefully as he made me hold the guitar in perfect place .

“Just follow my lead”. He whispered as his voice gave me a cold chill since he was just an inch away from me.

Oh Jeez!

So right now, I’m in a music studio.

Sitting an inch from the world biggest star who is Xavier Marion.

I think I’m going to faint. Or worse, puke.

I drew in a sharp deep breath exhaling softly as I try to concentrate on what he was saying.

My heart pounded in my chest and my knees only got weaker as his soft hands directed mine.

“Start singing … “. He whispered.

I exhale once again.

?You came to me .. With those eyes of yours.

?And your glasses .. You always put on

?How I fell in love .. I don’t know

?But I don’t want you to ever go

?Stay with me to the darkest times

?Because all I want is your heart

?I hope this lasts .. Your love is all I want

I continue singing as his hands moved over mine playing the guitar. But then he removed his hands letting me finish it.

I strum the strings like he instructed me, paying attention to each key and tone.

He backed away from me coming back to my front as he sat back on a chair watching me.

I felt a little conscious due to his stares and then I closed my eyes singing.

“No, No, No, No … “. Xavier objected making me open my eyes swiftly.


“You just made a mistake, right now, thats what you did”. He sighed. “Paris, you don’t close your eyes when you sing to your audience, they need to see your emotions displaying in your eyes”.

I think the former judge of two days ago, Scarlett. She said something about me opening my eyes for the audience while I’m singing.

“Ooh!”. I let out a croaky whisper. “I’ll keep that in mind when I’m performing today, Thanks”.

“Yeah, sure, when you are performing today. Wait, what time are the auditions suppose to begin again?”.

“I think around 10. Why?”. I asked him dropping the guitar back on its stand.

“Paris, its three minutes after 10”.

“What?”. I shrieked loudly standing up immediately.

“Hey! Calm down!”.

“Jeez!! Oh My G©sh!!”. I mutter pacing around. “I’m supposed to be downstairs with the other contestants, what if my name has been called? Oh Jeez! If my name has been called and I didn’t show up then that means I’ll be kicked out”.

“You won’t kicked out”. Xavier said heading to the door then he stopped turning to face him. “You gonna come or what?”.

My blue eyes glinted brightly out of pure jittery excitement that I won’t, probably, be kicked out of this competition.

“You can take the guitar”. He instructed pointing at it. “Use it to perform”.

“What? I should take it?”.

“I think thats what I just said”.

“But its your personal guitar, you use it for most of your concerts and also your signature is engraved on it”.

“How sweet. She knows stuffs”. He said sarcastically. “Take it, Paris. You’ll need it”.

I grabbed the guitar wearing the straps as I hanged it at my back. I stepped out of the music studio and walked with him.

“So how are you going to get me back in the competition?”.

“You were not kicked out in the first place, Paris. And I’m not going to get you into the competition”.


“If they see me with you then thats called biased. I’m not supposed to have any personal relationship with any of the contestants so I won’t favor one over the other”. He replied coldly stopping in front of an elevator.

I watch as he continued pressing the button until it opened. He walked in and I followed behind before the doors slid close moving downwards.

“So whats going to happen if they see me with you?”.

“Well lets just say they’ll think that I__”.

“That you prefer to the other girls. And so they think that you might want me to win the competition which is unfair to the other girls”. I complete it.

He nodded. “Yeah! All that!. Lets just say that I’m given the same conditions with the judges. I’m not supposed to be seen with any of the competitors”.

“Then why did you offer to help me with practicing if you knew that was against the rules in the first place”.

“I don’t know. Maybe I like your passion for music and maybe because I just want you to win. Sincerely speaking, I’ll rather go on a three months tour with you than any of those random girls there “.

A blush reddened my cheeks as he said that making me to shuffle shyly.

And then the sound of the elevator ‘ding’ made me to look up realizing that we were back on the ground floor.

“So we are just going to act like that never happened upstairs?”. He asked all of a sudden.

Heat rose up my cheeks. “Um … You did say it was a mistake”.

“Yeah because it totally happened accidentally”.

“Which means its a mistake”.

“Well that might be a mistake and both of us never intended it. But this is not a mistake”.

Wait. Whats he talking about?

Heat rose from my stomach to my chest as Xavier’s lips were getting closer and my heart decided to skip a beat.

The scent of him hypnotic beyond clear reasoning …

At that moment, his lips brushed over mine making me part my lips as I felt him washing over like a wave of warmth.

My toes curled, unfurling all my senses as the taste of him nearly silenced all my thoughts.

It still wasn’t clear if this was just a dream.

Even if it was a dream, I wouldn’t want to wake up from it.

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