?Pretty’s On The Inside?
[The World thinks She’s ugly but He sees her Beauty?]

By Authoress Kamara

Episode 39

?Xavier Marion

Then she opened her eyes slowly as I stared into her beautiful sea oceanic blue eyes, her upturned nose, her cute pouty lips …

She clearly doesn’t know how beautiful she looks right now to me.

“Uhh? What is going on here?”.

I quickly step back and look towards the open elevator to see Jessamyn with my little sister, Cheyenne in her arms.

She stared confusedly at me, then glanced back at Paris before directing her eyes to me again.

“Jessy, its not__”.

She gasped interrupting me. “Oh My Goodness! Please tell me that what I’m thinking did not just happen!”.

“Woah! Woah! Woah! What are you thinking?”.

“So thats the reason you’ve been up there ever since. I get it, you were busy locking lips with Miss Pouty over there”.

“Jessy, you are mistaken”.

“Hi”. She ignored me turning towards Paris. “I’m Jessamyn Hathaway. So what did you do to make Mr. Hunk over there kss you because I’ve heard he’s allergic to girls being even a little inch close to him”.

I frown. “Jessamyn!”.

“I think I’m just going to head on to my competition”. Paris muttered heading out of the elevator.

“Don’t forget what I told you”. I said to her softly. “And good luck”.

She gave me a little smile before going off with my guitar strapped at the back of her shoulders.

I stared at her retreating figure mindlessly.

Jeez! When last did I stare at a female like this?

“Wait. She’s one of the contestants, and You gave her your guitar?”. Jessy poked me.

I turned to her swiftly. “Yeah? And so?”.

“You know thats against the rules, right? Any one signed under AZ entertainment is not supposed to have a close relationship with any of the contestants and you are breaking that rule, Xavier”.

“I really don’t care about any rule”.

“Oh really? Is that why you decided to kss her?”. She replied winking at me.

I groan. “Jeez! Jessy! Quit it!”.

“No way! I’m going to tell Jayden about this. And I’m sure he won’t believe me. I mean, I couldn’t believe my eyes either, seeing you that intimate with a girl and in the elevator as well”. She ratted on. “I was like, is this really Xavier?”.

“You don’t think I can kss a girl?”.

“Well Jayden kind of told me what had happened to you, and how heartbroken you were. I didn’t expect you to move on this quickly”.

“I didn’t move on”. I reply with gritted teeth.

“Oh. Another reason why I was surprised is because she’s a girl. You’ve always said that you will never fall for a girl”.

“What?”. I pause facing her. “When have I ever said that?”.

“You say that all the time, Xavier. You always talk about how they are evil, how they are betrayers, and how you will never fall for any females”.


I guess what happened really hit me that hard.

“But I shouldn’t be talking about that anyways”. Jessy continued. “I was only going upstairs just so I could talk to you”.

“About what?”.

“Well Diamond is at Hopkins hospital right now”.

“What? Why?”. I sighed remembering something. “Oh wait! I remember! She went there to see Sam?”.

“Yeah. Samuel Hanks. How do you know about that?”.

“I know Diamond. She’s my sister. So whats it you wanna tell me?”.

“Oh yeah. She said I should inform you that there are detectives in the hospital right now, and they have been asking him questions about what happened last night on that accident”.

“Yeah … “. I trailed off listening.

“She said Sam revealed something, that you should come hear it out by yourself, first hand”.

“What did she say exactly?”.

“Okay, she said, ‘hey, Jessy, when you get to Xavier, tell me that I just found out something, tell him that Nicole is alive”.

“What?!!”. I mutter faintly as color drain out of me.
?Paris Myers?
“Hey”. I say lowly sitting next to Logan.

“Shit! Where have you been, Paris? You are lucky that your number hasn’t been called yet”.

I smile faintly. “Yeah. So lucky”.

I glanced forward and noticed it was Tiffany singing.

And with a guitar. But she was doing well with it.

That was expected. I know she isn’t good with instruments.

I look sideways sharply as a girl next to me poked me.

“Is that Xavier Marion’s guitar?”. She asked beaming brightly.

“OMG!”. Another girl butted in. “Look, it has his name and his signature on it”.

“How did you get it?”. The first girl ask but I already ignored her.


If I knew holding the guitar would give me attention then I would have just dropped it when he offered to give it to me.

I watched Tiffany and saw that she had a doleful expression on her face. I made a quick guess and found out that it was probably because she made a mistake while playing the guitar.

And then the song ended, she gave a small bow and left the stage unhappily heading over to her girl groupies.

“She made a mistake”. Logan said sighing. “Well I hope, for her sake, that the judges didn’t notice that”.

Of course, the judges noticed that. They are not amateurs.

“Yeah”. I say instead.

“And now Number 50”. One of the judges called out ticking on a clipboard.

“Hey! Its you!”. Logan nudged me. “Go ace it, girl. Show them the stuff you are made of”.

I chuckle lightly. “Thanks for the pep talk “.

“Anytime. Now go”.

I walked towards the stage conscious of people staring at me. I climbed the little stairs to the stage and then stood front of the judges.

I held the microphone I was handed, carefully and breathed in and out deeply.

Simon looked up at me. “Contestant number 50, Miss Myers. Your song is ‘Crazy Beautiful You’ by Jayden Roy and you are expected to make use of a guitar”.

“I’ve got it with me”. I said politely.

“Okay then, I can see that. Good luck, I wish you the best and you can start”.

I shifted Xavier’s guitar to my front strumming the keys slowly and then opened my mouth to sing when I was interrupted…..

“Woah! Woah! Wait!”. Violet spoke up glaring at me. “Where did you get that ?”.

“Why ask that question? Does it matter where she got it from?”. Heidi asked.

“Yes, it matters because thats Xavier’s guitar and I know he always places it in the music studio upstairs. I want to know how she got it or maybe, perhaps she went there and stole it”.

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