By Rosy Johnson


“Wait!! Stop talking, I will get you out of here, so stop!!” Prince Jasper scowled at her, both hands gripped on the iron bars as he looked around.

Thank the goddess no one else was around, he’d been so lost in ecstasy to tell her all his secret, now the bîtch wants to use it against him.

She won’t get away with this.

“Are you getting me out or not?” Imogen asked, more like a threat.

Prince Jasper looked around

“Fine, will to speak with my sister,” he replied with gritted teeth.

“Good boy,” Imogen smirked, returning to the corner.



Sounds of two horses approaching the gate could be Heard not from afar. A boy and a girl was on one of the horses and a woman was on the other one.

“They are getting closer, Momma, the Chant!” The young boy of about 23 shouted.

More than a dozen group of Mage with sharp blade was after them.

“I still can’t remember the chant,” the woman screamed to their hearing.

Just this evening, the boy Jag, had seen the mark of a demon slayer (a feral warrior) on his arm and an hour after he told his parents, the Mage came to take him, destroying anyone that stood on their path and setting their village on ablaze.

His father, the head of their clan had asked their mother to run to the only kingdom that could protect them against the Mage, but they haven’t gone far when they heard his dying screams of pain.

“Jag, I will slow them down and you get your sister inside those walls,” the woman said, rushing her words.

The girl glanced back and more than a dozen Mage was behind them, they were dressed in a matching uniform, one would think they are humans but they aren’t.


“Jag! Do as I say, Elvina your brother is in charge so listen to him,” she pulled the rope on her horse making it stop with a roar.

With teary eyes, the two siblings kept running even though their mothers cries echoed in the night not seconds after.

“Open the gate,” Jag screamed as they approached.

“Jag,” Elvina called, her voice shaking.

They were just about to cross a golden line when one of the Mage threw a rope at the horse’s leg, the horse roared, raising both front legs up above and throwing them off him then race off.

Elvina fall outside the bright golden line but Jag fall inside.

“Vina!!” He leaped forward, grabbing her hand, he pulled her inside the Golden line and almost immediately an arrow stuck to the spot.

“Open the gate!!!” He yelled fearfully, banging his fist on the iron gate, his head turning back and forth.

It was holding in by just a trade.

“Open the gate, please!!!” He screamed, tears came rushing down his eyes as he looked back to see the Mage getting close.

Elvina was already sobbing, his hold on her tightening.


“Open the fûçking gate…..” His last words went into his mouth cos the gate slightly opened and two large hands grabbed their collar, pulling them inside then close the gate.

Jag glanced around, finally. He’s finally in his dream kingdom, though it was at night but his heart was full.

He will see his favorite female warrior -Imogen. She will teach him all that is to know about fîghtîng.

“Jag,” Elvina called, bringing him back to his senses.

He turn to her

“Vina… Uhhh,” he collapse to the ground together with his sister

“Lock them up,” Xander ordered.



Marran glanced towards the door when she heard it crackle, watching as Owen stepped into the room wrecking with alcohol.

Has he been drinking?

“Owen…” She called and reached for him but he pushed his hand forward, as if to stop her.

“I’m fine,” he went Into the bedroom.

“Owen,” she called, going after him

Marran stood watching as he slept, somehow she was wondered if he knew what she’d done.



“Her Majesty, the blade is gone,”Hawk flew in through the window, shifting into human form

Queen Lumira, seated on her throne rose to her feet. He followed, walking side by side with Puppy behind them.

“Since when?” Queen Lumira asked, her voice cold.


“And you didn’t report it!” She stopped, glaring dangerously at him.

Hawk could see the lightening she was producing from her eyes, ready to destroy him.

“Forgive me your Majesty, I came but was told you wished not to be disturbed,” he glanced at Puppy.

Queen Lumira was silent as she continues her walk. The four hefty bodyguards by the giant door pushed it open only for her to come face to face with the priestes.


“So much blood, so much dêâth, you must retrieve the Demon blade! Obiden has gathered all his powerful sorceress and sorcerers, the wicked witch of the north is one of them and are fudging your blood. once it is done, Satanian will raise! You must stop them!” The priestes began walking away instantly.

“Send for my brother quickly and gather the council,” Queen Lumira ordered, almost immediately Hawk shifted and flew away.

The priestes suddenly stopped and looked back at her.

” So much blood, so much bodies. Obiden has something that belongs to you… you must stop him! Satanian must not raise!” The priestes began walking away, mumbling the same words repeatedly

“So much blood, so much dêâth, so much bodies, so much!!!”



All the servants was preparing to go serve the warriors and Zander was one of them. He lifted his own tray but one of the servants Luca quickly took it from him.

“W…what? I got that first,” he said, trying to take it back.

“Don’t worry, Jerry will do it,” Luca pushed the tray to Jericho’s chest and he caught it with both hands. Being cautious so the hot dish won’t spill on him.

He glanced at Luca before shifting his gaze to Zander who shrugged.

“What the fûçk is going on?” He demanded.

“Zander is no longer in the same level as you, he’s now a respectable personnel so serve him,” Luca replied.

Jericho couldn’t believe it.

“Are you kidding me?”

“No, he’s not,” Micah came behind him, pushing him outside.

“Go, go, they are waiting,” Micah pushed him out of the kitchen.

He turned to Zander with a huge smile on his face.

“Tell me Master, what shall I do?” He asked respectfully.

“Master?” Zander raised his brows

“This shît is getting real!”

“Yes! You have been marked by the great Imogen and serving you might get me my own mark, my grandmother said I will be a warrior someday,” Micah replied and smiled widely at Zander.



“A new feral warrior has been marked,” Quinn said, staring from one person to another.

She’s currently seated besides Violet. Declan was beside Niko.

“Have you all heard of the newly marked feral?” Asher asked walking in.

“Quinn said it but I thought it’s one of her stupid gossips,” Niko mumbled.

The servants came over and dropped the dishes on the large table.

Jericho was the second but as he made to drop the bowl, his hand slipped and all the hot soup landed straight on Xander.

They all gasped.

“Have you lost your mind?!” Xander Punched his jaw, drawing blood from his mouth.

Wide eyes widened even more.

“Are you trying to get me kîlled?!” Xander pushed back his chest, then punched him again, Jericho staggered back but another punch sent him to his bûtt.

Wave after wave of rage surge through him, it was a fûçking mistake, he hadn’t mean it and he even apologize so what’s with the punch?

He lunged at Xander with a devastating punch.

Xander caught his fist, drawing fangs and claws and before Niko could move forward to stop them, he slashed, ripping through Jericho’s arms.

“Fûçk!!!!” Pain screamed through Jericho’s body like nothing he has every felt before.

They exchange glances.

“Xander,” Niko called with a warning.

They all knew what would happen if they don’t stop him. Jericho might be powerful as a human but there is no way he can match up to the strength of a feral warrior, they have been trained to kîll and have been fighting for millennials.

They are often considered one of the most powerful animals on earth.

“Have you lost your damn mind?” Xander roared and lunged at him again but Niko and Declan stood in the way, their fangs and claws drawn and ready to fight him if necessary.

“Move!” Xander demanded, he wanted nothing but to end Jericho once and for all. Queen Lumira was he’s to claim but cos of this fûçking human she has been keeping her distance from him.

“Enough!” Prince Jasper roared from the door.

With a roar, Xander retract his fangs and claws, but was Still staring daggers at Jericho.

“You lucky!” He sat back down.

Jericho stood there watching him with fire in his eyes.

“What are you waiting for? Leave!!” Prince Jasper snapped.



“Hey,” Elvina whispered

Imogen ignored her.

“Hey, I’m Vina and my brother Jag is the one marked by one of the lost animal spirits,” she said loudly this time.

Imogen still ignored her.


“Just leave her alone, can’t you see how she’s acting all high and mighty! I wonder if she stole something or seduce someone’s Mate to make them lock her here without clothes,” Jag rolled his eyes.

Elvina glared at him.

“Jag, be nice,”

“And why is that?” He glared “isn’t she acting all high and mighty?” He asked his sister before staring at Imogen.

“Listen, you might be half nâkêd but you’re not my type, I have a huge crush on a female feral, she prettier than you, stronger then others and she’s cool, my role model. Once I leave this place I will meet her and you will see that you’re no match for her,” Jag said all in one word.

Imogen was silent.

“Jag,” Elvina nudged him with caution.

“What? You and I know Imogen is more prettier…”

“We have never even seen the feral warriors for the first time,” Elvina Interrupted

“But we have heard stories and she will teach me all that she knows and you,” he pointed at Imogen ” I will find you and make you lick my feet, proud seducer,” he rolled his eyes.

Elvina glared at him before turning to Imogen, she was just staring at them without saying a word.

“Please don’t take his words to heart, his obsessed with a female demon slayer, Imogen. And he’s hoping…” She paused immediately she saw the door open and Niko together with Owen stepped in.

“Hey, get us out!” Jag rose to his feet, holding the iron bars with both hands.

They ignored him and opened Imogen’s cell.

“Come out, you’re meeting the council,” Niko said casually.

“I knew she was a slût!” Jag mumbled under his breath.

Imogen stopped then looked at him, she stood there staring at him for two complete minutes before walking away, Niko and Owen followed.

“Hey!!!” Jag screamed

“What about us!!”

“I have been marked!!!”


They ignored them, flowing Imogen behind as they walked down the long passage way.

“How do I severe a mating bond without harming anyone?” Owen suddenly asked.

Both Imogen and Niko glared at him but she said nothing.

“Are you having a fîght with Marran?” Niko narrowed his gaze.

Owen shook his head negatively.

“No, never! Not her. It just Crossed my mind,” he lied.

“Better cos you two are good together….”

“Just tell me,”

“Only dêâth, you know a mating bond is a strong connection and once it’s broken the other person will be destroyed, food won’t have taste anymore, the person would lose the ability to feel sêxual arousal… Dude, why will you ask this?” Niko asked, giving him a look that was quite convincing.

Owen slowed his steps while Niko rushed up to Imogen who entered the throne room.



Jericho was chopping woods with Micah and others, they kept laughing at him for trying to fight a feral warrior and he choose to ignore them.

“Guys,” Zander’s voice came out loud and Micah quickly presented one of the woods for him to seat down.

“My grandmother said I will be a warrior, once I continue serving you, I’m sure I will be marked,” Micah said sheepishly.

“Now this shît is real,” Zander settled down, crossing his legs.

“Jerry boy,” he winked at Jericho.

A female dressed in a regular dress walked up to them.

They all exchange glances, she didn’t look familiar and they couldn’t make out her face.

Jericho was about to raise his axe when she touched him from behind, startling him.

“Snake! Yahhh?!” He jumped.

“See? Zander got a warrior but you got what?” Luca laughed.

“He got that!” Micah and other laughed, mockingly

Jericho balled his fist tightly.

“He will cry if y’all keep up,” Zander mumbled, grinning widely.

“Who are you?” Jericho asked the female but she took his hand instead, strangely he didn’t object, her touch felt familiar with his skin and…

He pulled the hijab on her face but she caught it, looking down till they were far from others.

“You would have blown my cover?” A familiar voice said as the person looked up at him.

“Smiley,” he called not quite sure.

“It’s me,”

His eyes widened.

“What are you doing here dressed like this? Who’s clothes are you wearing?” He asked, staring at the way the dress showed off all her curves.

“It’s Puppy’s own. Anyways, I made you something and I did it myself,” she touched the block besides her.

“Is that food? Wait… You cooked for me?” He narrowed his gaze.

“Isn’t that what humans do?” She rolled her eyes.

He grinned and took the food flasks from her, it was Mexican rice and he wanted to ask how she learned it but decided against it.

Jericho’s took a spoonful into his mouth and instantly felt a lump in his throat, he looked at her to see her staring so he swallowed it without chewing.

“How was it? Have never entered the kitchen but I put in all my best, I even get burnt,” she said, trying to hide her excitement.

“Good thing you have maids,” He replied, taking another spoonful into his mouth.

That wasn’t what she wanted to hear so queen Lumira grabbed the spoon from his hold, scooping the rice into her mouth but she spit it out instantly, coughing.

“H…how..” she coughed “how were you able to swallow that? Poison! I don’t need rat poison to kîll anyone, all I have to do is cook and people as are gone,” she said coughing.

Jericho grinned, the thought that she cooked for him was overwhelming. And she’s dressed in a normal maiden clothes, hiding herself just to bring him food… Wow!

“What happened to your face though?” She added, now getting a good look at him.

She’d been busy trying to know how he will rate the food since humans likes it when women cook.

“It’s nothing,” he touched his broken lips and black eye.

“Were you bullied? Tell me, who was it?”

“What are you now? My Mom? It’s just a minor issue besides I can take care of myself!” Jericho suddenly snapped.

Queen Lumira raised her brows but said nothing.

“You should go back to the palace before they notice your absence and you should channel this energy into looking after this kingdom, that’s your job not after me,” the words has already left his mouth before he realized it

It was as though someone else was speaking through him

“Oh, you’re right,” She nodded but it wasn’t genuine.

The light he saw in her eyes earlier even with her face covered were gone.


“Tonight, I will be calling the radiant, it’s powerful ritual. You and others will see me nâkêd DO NOT WATCH! only focus,” she said, walking away.

Jericho stood there, staring at her back view, watching the way her hips swagged as she walks.

Damn, she was a beauty!

But she was mad at him. Now he ruined the moment, she cooked for him and all he did was piss her off. She might not be nice to him again.

He rushed towards her, grabbing her arm then he pulled her to him.


“I have people waiting for me, I should attend to what’s important other than letting my illusions get to me, the food… It meant nothing, so don’t read meaning into it,” she took her hand from him.

He stood there watching, Jericho roughed his hair in frustration then made to go after her again but Puppy blocked his way.

“Pretty boy,”

“Who were you talking to?” She asked and followed his gaze to see the queen still walking away.

She didn’t recognize her cos of her dressing style.

“Who was that?” She asked jealously. Standing so close he could barely breath.

“I… emm… It’s no one,” he replied with a lit smile

“I don’t care, I want you,” she entrapped his lips in an uninvited kiss and that was exactly when the queen remember her food flasks and turn….





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