What the hêll….. That voice, who’s voice was that and did… No he didn’t.

“Did I say that??” Jericho glared at then with wide eyes.

His voice sounded so commanding that even himself wanted to obey, but how?

“We should go,” Imogen stepped forward, noticing the uncertainty in his expression, she didn’t want to give Xander another reason to delay them.

“Will report to the prince but I will be right back,” Xander said, glaring one last time at Jericho before walking away.

Imogen grabbed Jericho’s wrist and Marran held her other wrist, the next thing Jericho felt was his held spinning and he quickly closed his eyes, opening them back again he found himself in front of the queens chamber, in the fûçking palace. By Rosy Johnson.

She was right when she said she could teleport.

“We are the only race that could travel the world in just a second,” She winked at him.

“Lion, be quick,” Jericho heard the voice in his head again.

“Smiley,” he called out loud, rushing towards her bedroom chamber but Hawk drew his blade.

“Traitor,” he spats, eyes red as he position himself to take Jericho down.

“Hawk, he’s here to help,” Imogen said, pushing both hands forward, a gesture that could have him lower his blade but he did budge.

“Did he tell you that?” He asked, staring from. Imogen to Jericho “This Traitor put her In this condition and should be dêâd by now!” He spats, drawing claws and fangs.

Ready to rip Jericho apart.

“Hawk, I really think he could help,” Marran said worriedly.

He glared sharply at her.

“Stay out of this!” Hawk bellowed, he glared hatefully at Jericho, his hand firmly fisted around his blade.

“You have five minutes to leave or I will be forced to take you down,” he ordered, his voice cold and menacing.

Jericho sighed, it was his fault, they’d said the queen is their radiant and if she dîês how are they going to receive radiant? They will have it wait for another to be marked.

“Look man, I Know I shouldn’t have listened to everything I was told, it was foolish of me but if you could give me just one chance…”

Hawk lunged at him, tackling him to the ground. He raised his blade to Jericho’s chest but Imogen knocked him away with full force.

They tumbled, getting back to their feet Hawk raced to the door, guarding it as if protecting it with his life.

“Damn it hawk, listen!” Imogen yelled frustratedly.

“There is no way I’m letting this traitor near our Queen, he’s lucky prince Jasper or Xander are not here otherwise he’d be dêâd,” Hawk snarled.

Imogen and Marran exchange glances.

“If you teleport him inside I will come and trust me it will not be funny,” Hawk bellowed furiously.

He’s not one to be easily tempered but seeing the guy that stole the demon blade and put their queen in this misery, putting their kingdom in this huge mess, he wanted nothing but to just end him once and for all.

He didn’t care if Jericho was the fûçking Lion, their chief, he could just dîê and another will be marked…. A feral this time.

“Hawk….” Imogen called

“You can call your Alina sisters to take her out of here but he’s stays and dîê,” Hawk rolled his eyes.

Jericho glared at the large male standing by the entrance and gulped emptiness.

“She’s connect….”

“It’s alright Imogen, i will just go to the kitchen,” Jericho cut her off.

Hawk was about to speak again when he sighted the Shaman.

“Finally, you’re here, I thought you would never come,” the shaman said walking into the room.

“Shaman,” Hawk called confused.

“Move,” The Shaman Wave a hand and Hawk shifted from the door.

“Come with me,” the shaman said to Jericho as they walked Into the queens bedchamber.

Jericho’s eyes widened at what he saw, she was inside a fireball. It was the shape of an egg and the room was so hot it could boil beans.

“Shaman,” Hawk called uncertainly.

Jericho had endangered the queens life and he doesn’t trust him. Not one bit.

“Not to worry, she created a channel with him…”

“A channel key??!!” They all asked in unison, eyes wide.

Jericho looked around.

“What’s channel key?” He asked no one in particular, like a captain addressing his recruits.

“It’s a passageway, she can channel her energy through you and you’ll do what she’s supposed to do,” The shaman replied simply.

Around him Jericho notice some presence and turn only to see females, they had matching uniform that looks like warriors… Female warriors.

“They are the Alinas, my mother sisters, I called them,” Imogen said as if reading his mind.

He watch as the women went out through the door in numbers he couldn’t keep up with. There are so many things about this place that he needs to know but he will take it one at a time.

“Lion, fûçk me now, tell them to begin the ritual. Get me out of here,” the same voice rang in Jericho’s head, bringing him back to his senses.

“W….wh…what? Now?” He asked, looking around.

The shaman was there, grace the healer just walked in and Imogen, Hawk and Marran was present. Is she kidding.

“Yes now! Tell them!!”

“Are you sure??” He looked around, but they were all staring at him As though he was a joke.

“Who are you speaking with?” The shaman asked, narrowing his gaze at him.

“Uhhhh,” Jericho glanced around. From the corner of his eye he saw Hawk pulling out his blade.

Gosh! The guy is so hot tempered.

“The…. The queen?” He rolled his eyes from one person to another, unsure if they will believe him or not.

“Wonderful, the already opened the channel key,” The shaman said delightfully.

“Lion, my people are dying, forget the story and just fûçking fûçk me, I need to help them,” He heard the voice again.

“I can’t do it here besides you’re in a fireball,” he suddenly shouted.

They glanced at him.

“What did she say?” Imogen was the person that asked this time.

Jericho hesitated.

“I knew he wasn’t talking to anyone, traitor!” Hawk spats.

“Jericho,” Grace called softly.

He glanced at the lifeless queen then glance at them one after another.

“She…. She wants me to… You know,” he shook his head as if passing a message.

“You know what?” Hawk snapped

“To make love to her maybe,” he looked away

Gosh, this was embarrassing.

“She’s wants you to bring her back instead of going to the spirit world,” The Shaman mumbled.

“That’s better, I was afraid you might never come back if you step foot in the spirit world,” The healer replied.

“Quickly, let’s begin the ritual,” the Shaman said.

Jericho watch them cut their palms one after another, letting their blood drop into a small clay pot which is at the center.

Imogen glanced around the room, hoping to see Puppy but she wasn’t there so she went to the big closet

In the next Minute the shaman, grace the healer and the priestes was outside while Jericho was inside with the queen, a curtain demarcating them.

Voice rises as they made chants in a language it’s meaning has been lost in time, a language older than time itself.

“Don’t be shy, we are used to this kind of thing and you’ll get used to it with time,” Imogen smiles at him.

She made to walked out of the barrier but Jericho grabbed her arm, pulling her back so she stopped to look at him.

“Any instructions?”

“Yeah, just tell us what you feel and do what we say,” she replied, and finally left them alone.

Jericho touched the fire ball and gulped, he was Lion, it was his duty right? He can do this, he can.

Outside the curtain all he could hear was

Spirits rise and join, empower the beasts inside this walls, goddess uplift your chosen…..

Jericho glanced at the knife in his hand then at the closed curtain.

“Cut yourself, you need access,” The Shaman said

He did as he was told and immediately his blood touched the fireball, a force pulled him inside it and he fall on top of her.

He glanced around, the place looked Larger than what it looks like from outside.


He quickly took off his dress, looking outside before reaching for her robe, he took it off her then widened her thighs.

Her sights alone was enough to get him hard.

Jericho thrust into her only to be welcome with a sickening strength he wasn’t able to handle. Power bolted inside him like electric spark, ripping through his veins and up to his bones.

“Yahhhh!!” He pulled away, blood dripping from his nose.

He could swear he saw dêâth.

“What happened?” Marran asked from outside the curtain.

“Fûçk y’all!” He spats, tears lingering at the corner of his eyes.

“Lion,” he heard the voice again

“Fûçk you! If you wanted me dêâd you should have just said it!” He spats Furiously.

There was totally silence.

“I’m sorry, I knew that was gonna happen cos you’re not my mate but I’m trying to keep it down,” he head the queens voice again.

Jericho wipe the blood from his nose but it was mixed with water, his tears… Damn he cried!

“That’s just a little bit of what I have inside me, it’s too much but I need your help,” Queen Lumira’s voice came again in his head.

“I can do this,” he went on top of her again.

Luckily he still has his erection. Slowly he penetrated into her but didn’t move, her wet heat burned him, tearing through his guts and daring him to keep up and he did.

After what felt like forever, he began to move, slowly at first, shutting down the pain of the burning fire and electric shock as he focus on the smiling face he saw in his dream a long time ago.

The pressure began to build, he thrust in again and again, banging her with urgency.

“Bite her beck at the same time he releas,”

Jericho barely had himself under control as he sank his fangs to her neck, pulling blood but he didn’t pull away.

By the time Jericho pulled away he was sweating profusely, his body so hot his hands was reddish.

He walked out of fireball, painting heavily, one would think he just stepped out of an oven

“So, what next?” He asked, trying to catch his breath, Geez? He’s never doing that again.

There was total silent.

Jericho’s mind was telling him something isn’t right cos if the silence but he wanted to hear something positive.

“It didn’t work,” the shaman mumbled.

His face dropped, all his hope of saving her was shattered.

“We were late, they already fudge her blood, the blood of a Radiant, Satanian will rise,” The priestes mumbled this time.



“My Lord, my sorcerer and sorceresses have finally fudged an unascended radiant blood, soon my Lord, soon you shall be free, ” Obiden said

“Gather your demon army, all of them, I need strength when I come out of this blade,”

“Yes my Lord, soon the ferals will come and I will trap them, once their queen’s light is out we will begin the ritual,” Obiden said with satisfaction.



Puppy glanced left and right, when she didn’t see anyone she sneaked to the back of the building but wasn’t able to cross the door

She tried to forcefully push herself out but a force threw her back into the room, hitting her back roughly against the wall before she landed with a thud near the hourglass.

“Argh!!” Puppy groaned, dragging herself up, she glanced by her side and there it was… The hour glass.

It and run down.

She got to her feet and ran to the small backdoor that lead to the garden but the force threw her back against the wall, knocking breath out if her lungs.

She lost consciousness.



Prince Jasper was fighting with a Demon when the Demon suddenly flew away from him, shocked he lay back on the ground trying to catch his breath.

He was still there when he noticed a large number of demons and Mage running out of the kingdom and back to Obiden stronghold as if they were being pulled back by their master

He sat up confused.

“My prince,” Jag called and ran up to him.

The boy was greatly injured but his animal spirit was strong.

“Why are they retreating?” Niko asked, swung his blade over his shoulder.

He ran over to Owen whom Quinn was trying to help up then held his other hand and pulled the strong man up.

Declan and Violet was already walking in with Asher.

“Why are they retreating?” Jasper asked immediately Xander ran up to him.

“I have no idea, let’s return to the Palace first,” Xander replied.

The Feral warriors made their way Into the palace, those injured were layed on the thrown room. Shortly the healer came in followed by Jericho and others.

“And what is he doing here?” Prince Jasper rasped immediately he set eyes on Jericho.

He drew his blade but Jericho stood his ground. After fûçking the queen In that fireball there is something different.

“This is not the time,” Jericho replied softly but was rewarded with a punch.

“Shut the fûçk up!!” Prince Jasper spats.

Without hesitating, Jericho returned the punch, sending prince Jasper crashing on the wall across the room.

They all gasped.

Jericho glanced at his fist but kept his cool, he wasn’t sure how he did that but it’s cool.

“I said this is not the time!” He snapped glaring dangerously at each and everyone of them.

It was as though someone else was speaking through him cos that is definitely not his voice.

“You Bastard…” Xander lunged at him but Jericho sidestepped his attack, grabbing him by his neck, he slammed his back against the golden throne before pinning him in mid air.

“When I say this is not the time, you listen!!” Jericho roared, flinging him across the room.

“Argh, damn!” Xander groaned painfully.

Getting a little strength he made to charge at Jericho again but Niko held him back.

“This is not the time,” Niko said calmly, hoping he will be calm and luckily he stand down. His heart pounding with unstoppable thuds.

How dare the fûçking human mess with him?

“I know, I Know why it didn’t work,” the shaman came Into the throne room.

“Shaman,” prince Jasper called.

“The ritual earlier didn’t work cos it most be lifted with the blood of the one who coursed chaos,” The shaman replied, totally ignoring the Prince.

“Obiden,” Declan mumbled

“You’re right, for the queen to rise we need Obiden’s blood,” he added

“Obiden’s deman army has began the ritual, you need to leave now, once the demon blade opens Satanian will rise again,” The priestes said, walking into the throne room.

“Satanian?” Quinn uttered confused.

“Obiden’s sorcerer and sorceresses was able to fudge an unascended radiant blood, his demon armys stopped their attack cos they have to guard their master as he awake,” she replied.

More like a vîrgîn blood

“Does that mean we are attacking Obiden Stronghold?” Niko asked and she nodded

“Yes, y’all should say goodbye to your love ones cos some of you might not come back,” The shaman replied.

Their eyes widened, they only have a few warriors, how are they going to attack Obiden’s stronghold with just a few numbers of them.

Declan Is badly injured which means, he won’t tag along, Marran is with child, Asher and Niko are down, the two newly marked ferals lost their lives in battle and now they are down to Jericho, Prince Jasper, Imogen, Xander, Niko, Quinn, jag and Violet.

Just eight of them!

They all began dispatching to meet their supposed familys and say their goodbye Incase they didn’t come back.

“Uhh,” Jag rushed after Niko, stopping him by the door.

“Who is Imogen, I haven’t seen her?” Jag said

Niko glanced at him, he looked around, sighting Imogen by the kitchen door so he pointed at her.


Jag glanced at him like a joke.

“I said the female warrior that once destroyed a pack all by herself, the strong one,” he flashes a smile.

“That’s her,”

“Hey, I’m talking about Imogen, not a proud seducêr….”

“Jag, that’s Imogen, perhaps you’re talking about the one that is not a feral warrior. That one is the one that brought down an entire clan by herself,” Niko walked away from him.

Jag stood there unable to move, even though Niko said it was her, he still didn’t want to believe it. No! It can’t be right?

He didn’t badmouth his role model. His favorite warrior.



Imogen stood outside the kitchen door, shortly after Zander joined her.

“Hey,” he smiled

Good thing the fight didn’t get to the kitchen side.

“I’m here for you to see my face again cos I’m going to dîè,” she replied

His eyes widened, jaw dropping.


“You will finally be tree from my mark once I’m gone, that’s what I came to say,” she turned and began walking away.

“Imogen wait!” Zander rushed after her.

She stopped but didn’t turn to look at him.

“Are you really gonna dîê?”

“What do you think will happen when we attack Obiden’s stronghold? Party? Our radiant is down so our strength are limited,” she replied rudely.

“Imogen,” Zander called softly and she turned to look at him.

Prince Jasper and Xander walked in


“Can I kiss you goodbye?”

She stared at him longer than necessary and then sighed. Slowly, she shifted closer, her hands going to his neck and she stepped on his toe, matching his height before slamming her lips on his.

From the corner Zander saw Prince Jasper, he smirked proudly wrapping his hand around her waist as he deepened the kiss.

Prince Jasper paused, his face turning red, fingers clenching into fist and….





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