Episode 7

The next few days were uneventful at best.

I’d slowly gotten myself into a routine, and my hours were finally synching up with the vamp schedule now. I wake up around 6pm every night and go meet Greer in her room for our breakfast, then we head up to the rec room and play chess or cards until time for lunch. The other girls all tend to scurry around the entire grounds, usually searing, to no avail, to find Calvin. When they aren’t doing that, they’re in the theater or playing dress up in their rooms. At lunch I have a cold cut sandwich in the library and read, trying anything to escape from this place, even if it’s only in my mind. Then, around three or four in the morning Greer comes to my room for our supper and I go to bed again at 7am.
It’s mindlessly exhausting.

Lexton is the only one who stays to herself entirely. Every time we’ve crossed paths, she’s been very sweet, but never overly friendly. I understand why she wouldn’t be. I get not wanting to form any relationships with girls you already know you won’t know for long, and that ultimately are between your chance at life or death.

Tonight throws a wrench in my usual plans, because tonight begins the arranged dates. Even thinking about the idea of being marched around in front of people so that Prince Calvin can chose a girl to take on a date makes me want to vomit.

I dressed in a royal blue cowl neck dress and tan heels, and then fern styled my strawberry blonde hair into a cute ponytail with two braids wrapped around it. She offered to walk with me to the ballroom, but I assured her I know the way. I’ve gotten pretty good at memorizing the way to and from around here, although I still haven’t come across an exit yet.


On the way to the ballroom I stopped by Greer’s room and we walked together down to the elevator. “Do you have any idea what to expect?” She asked nervously as she fidgeted with her cute purple halter top dress.

I simply shook my head. “There is no telling.” I muttered. There’s no way to know what to expect in this weird world of the vampires.

“I’m torn between wanting to get picked, and not wanting to get picked.” She smiled lightly and I reached out to hold her hand in understanding. It was the same dilemma that had been running through my mind the whole time I got ready.

“Yeah, I know what you mean.” I agreed with her. I didn’t know if it was better to hope that Prince Calvin will pick me for the date, or if I should be hoping he passes me over for now. It’s bad enough that in the long run I’ll need him to choose me.

When we arrived at the ballroom it had been completely transformed from the last time we were here. From the bottom of the stairs, and leading straight across the room to a large stage, was a red carpet that was lined with thousands of people seated in the rows and rows of chairs that covered the room on either side of it. As the doors opened, everyone had turned to stare at us and clap, some of them holding cameras with blinding flashes, others with video cameras that called out our names telling us to smile. The most mortifying thing of all was the two large screens that were hanging at both sides of the stage that broadcasted our entrances.

I could see the red on both mine and Greer’s cheeks as the cameras zoomed in on us and a banner beneath our faces listed our names and what school we came from. We walked much faster than necessary to get to the stage, just in a hurry to get out of the crowd and to a safer looking spot even if it was on top of a stage in front of a thousand vampires. On the stage were six plush chairs, and to the left was Master Pedro behind his podium again and dressed in another flawless blue suit.

Frankie, Tessa, and Regina were the next to arrive. They had a moment of surprise, but they got over it quickly, plastering mind blowing smiles to their faces and waving to their subjects like they’d already won. The people ate it up, screaming their names even louder like they were literally celebrities. Lexton came in moments behind them and her reaction matched more to mine and Greer’s than the others.

“Good evening, ladies and gentleman. We are coming to you live from the heart of Castrum de Petra!” Master Pedro announced into his microphone. My pulse quickened instantly. Live? How many people are watching this? I crossed my legs tightly and tried to keep my cool. “Let’s get things started,” he cheered. “but first, let’s welcome our beloved majesties, King Gordo, and Prince Calvin!” The grand doors opened and the crowd lost its mind with screaming as the King and Prince walked in, dressed formally in nice suits, and crowns on their heads. Both men waived politely as they ascended into the crowd and reappeared on the stage beside Master Pedro and his podium.

The king leaned into the microphone. “It’s our profound pleasure to be here tonight with all of you on this most joyous occasion.” He said warmly to his people.

Calvin smiled, clearly not genuinely, but he smiled nonetheless and leaned in too. “Yes, I am honored to share this most important, and life altering decision with the entirety of my people.” His voice was flat, not bothering to cover up his disinterest in being here.

He and the King exchanged a heated glance, King Gordo’s jaw set into a hard line, but he played it off with a laugh. “How about we meet our lovely ladies everyone?” Master Pedro smiled into the camera. “Your Highness, why don’t you introduce your people to their potential princesses.” He said to Calvin, forcing a microphone into his hand.

Calvin actually managed to look as brutally uncomfortable as I was feeling and I was suddenly thankful that I was almost the last girl in the row of chairs. Calvin walked across the stage to the first girl in line who, of course, was Regina. She stood from her chair and smiled at Calvin, brushing her dress down as Calvin brought the mic up to his mouth slowly. “This is…” I had to hide my laughter when I realized that he couldn’t remember her name, his dark eye brows knitting together and a bemused look crossing his face. “Uh…” He muttered, then just decided to hand his microphone over to her.

She took it without missing a beat. “My name is Regina, and I am just so happy to be here.” She beamed, tossing her blonde curls over her shoulder. Calvin raised a brow and nodded his head before moving down to the next one.

He didn’t bother with trying to think of her name either, he just handed over the mic. “Good evening, my name is Frankie, and I’m so overjoyed that I’ve been chosen for this great honor.” She even nodded her head at the end, looking back and forth over the crowd before us.

Then the next one, “Hi, I’m Tessa. I just want to take this moment to thank all of you for your hospitality and for being some open for us girls. I know I speak for all of us when I say how excited we are to get to know, Prince Calvin.”

I snorted a laugh, and prayed no one caught that on film. I was starting to wonder if they’d taught something different at the other schools, because I must have missed the class on how to bullshit a room full of vampires.

I held my breath nervously as Calvin got to Greer, my heart rate picking up. She stood slowly and her fingers shook as she took a hold of the mic. “Hello…My name is Greer, and um…Thank you for having me here tonight.” Her thanks wasn’t very convincing, but the people clapped anyway and I relaxed a little once she sat down again and was out of dangers way for now.

The moment of calmness only lasted about a half a second when I realized that it was now my turn. I stood and held my hand out for the microphone, ready to take it from his hands, but instead he pulled it back, bringing it up in front of his own mouth. “This is Miss Rachel.” He introduced me, a lit in his voice saying he was proud that he’d finally been able to remember a name.

Then the mic was in my hands.

I was surprised that he’d remembered my name at all, and even more so by the fact that he’d gone ahead and introduced me though he hadn’t done it for the others. I could practically feel their rage rolling down the line to me. I tried to smile at him, but when my eyes met his he tilted his chin at me and I noticed I’d been standing here like a dummy with the mic. “I guess thanks for having me.” I muttered into it, my voice stronger than I would have guessed it would’ve been.

It was the nicest thing I was capable of saying about this.
I took my seat and glanced over to Lexton beside me as Calvin stepped over in front of her. “This is Lexton.” He announced into the mic, and she started to stand, but her legs were visibly shaking.

I guess I wasn’t the only one who’d made an impression on him so far.

Calvin passed her the mic and she held it in her hand, but she didn’t bring it up to her mouth. Instead her hand dropped limply at her side, the top of the mic aimed at the floor, her giant brown eyes staring out at the crowd as if they were all raising their pitchforks and coming after her. She was a deer in the headlights. I felt so bad for her as her body began to shake and her eyes filled with tears. As a reflex from seeing her holding back her cries, my own eyes welled up without warning. Without thinking about it I stood from my seat and pulled her into my arms, hugging her tightly. “It’s alright.” I whispered to her. A small sob escaped her lips and a camera man came up onto the stage to get a closer view. I shielded her with my body and looked directly into the camera. “Can’t you see that she’s upset? Just back off!”

The crowd whispered and gasped, some covering their mouths at my outburst, but Calvin pointed for the camera man to back up and he did as commanded. I reached down and gently took the mic from Lexton’s shaking hand and I passed it back to Calvin. His eyes met mine only briefly as our fingers brushed, then he was back at the podium with Pedro and the king and I helped Lexton sit back in her seat, making sure she was ok before I returned to my own. With the pressure removed, Lexton seemed to gain back some control.

“Alright, ladies, it is a pleasure to meet you all.” Master Pedro said into his mic and the crowd cheered again. “Now is the moment we have all been waiting for. Tonight Prince Calvin will pick which of these six beautiful ladies he would like to award with the first date.” He smiled to the people. “So, Your Majesty, who will the lucky lady be?” He asked Calvin and handed him the mic back.

Calvin turned back to face us all, his eyes immediately landing on me, but I shook my head slightly, then tilted it to Lexton. He looked at me strangely, like I was the mythical creature and not him, but then he smiled, a genuine one for the first time tonight. “I’d like to take Miss Lexton, if she’d agree to accompany me?” He asked and she looked over to him and smiled with a shy nod of her head. Everyone clapped politely as he walked over to her and offered her his hand. She took it carefully, her nerves seeping back in with everyone’s eyes back on her. They stood together for a moment while the cameras flashed, Lexton turning away from the bright lights, then he escorted her off of the stage and out of the ballroom.

“And so it begins!” Master Pedro said happily. “Don’t forget to tune in tomorrow night when we will be showing footage from tonight’s magical date, and then Sunday night another girl will be chosen! This is all so exciting, and I know we all can’t wait to find out who will become our first ever princess!” Even Master Pedro’s voice showed signs that he was ready to be out of here by the overenthusiasm he added in. “Good evening everyone!” He waved into the camera in front of him until the man behind it yelled cut. Master Pedro quickly dropped his fake smile and all of his enthusiasm. “Girls, you are welcome to go about your night now.” He said to us as he disappeared off stage.

The terrible three, as I’ve come to like calling them in my head, each exited the stage, throwing their eye daggers at me as they went by.

I turned to Greer as she stood and I started to walk with her, but she stopped. “I saw that he was going to pick you,” She accused, her voice clipped. “and I saw you tell him to pick her instead.”

“Greer, I-.”

“Don’t.” She cut me off, which was fine since I didn’t know how to defend what I’d done to her anyway. “Its fine, it just sucks to know I’m in this against my best friend and not only does he already like you more than anyone else, but you had him pick some girl we aren’t even friends with. It just kind of sucks.” She said then walked away, leaving me alone on stage in front of thousands of clapping vampires.


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