By Painter

Episode 32

I stammered for words for a second, but then I recalled why I was here. “I’m here to talk about this.” I said holding up the paper with the schedule typed out on it.

“What is it?” Calvin asked, taking a step towards me.
I took a step back and he stopped moving. “It’s a list of the barbaric things your father wants us to do for the competition.”

“I agreed to shorten the damn thing!” Gordo yelled, smacking his hand on the desk. “I get to choose what you do.”

I don’t know what came over me, but my attitude really was on a high level today. “You realize its things like this that make the people think you’re a joke!” I shouted back at him.

Calvin shot in front of me, shielding me with his body from his father. “Stop it!” He yelled. “The both of you!” Gordo’s angry face glared at me over Calvin’s shoulders but he backed off and Calvin put his arms down, stepping aside. “Let me see this.” He snapped as he snatched the paper from my hands. As he read it he shook his head back and forth. “Father….”

“What?” The king asked defensively.

Calvin rolled his eyes. “She’s right.” He said taking my side. “These are ridiculous.

This isn’t a beauty pageant, and there isn’t even any need to have a stupid ceremony every night.

It’s a waste of our resources, and parading them around this way, it is a joke.” He pointed out. “One of these ladies is going to be the princess.

Do you think it’s really a good idea to degrade a future royal this way?” He said holding up the paper. “Think how our female population is going to feel about this.

This is not the time for this kind of thing. They’re rebelling against you for things like this.”

King Gordo plopped down in his chair behind his desk and his eyes shadowed over. “S¢rew it all then!” He shouted. “Just forget the whole damned thing!” He huffed dramatically. “What day is it? Monday?” He asked and Calvin nodded, looking confused.

“The competition ends on Sunday night. You’ve got one damned week to make a decision. I’m done trying here.”

My heart began to pound and I felt incredibly nervous. Calvin’s eyes widened. “Are you sure, father? What will you tell the people?”

The king shrugged. “I’ll blame it on safety concerns for the girls involved due to the rumors of a rebellion.”
Calvin shook his head. “Do you think it’s a good idea to go public with that information? It might rile them up to work faster.” He said. “Or even cause more to join in.”

The king’s eyes went black. “Don’t tell me how to run my kingdom!” He screamed.

I stood awkwardly in the doorway, watching them stare at each other angrily.

I cleared my throat, trying to break some of the thick tension. “What have you been able to find out about the rebels? Did the man with the tattoo tell you anything?” I asked curiously.

Both men cut their eyes to me, but Calvin finally sighed. “Oh he talked plenty.” He said cryptically. “He identified at least ten others who are involved and I’ve been systematically taking care of them each.” He said. “I’m showing them just how ruthless I can be.” His eyes seemed to change a shade darker as he spoke.

Something about his demeanor made me nervous. “What are you talking about?”

He laughed without humor. “They want to kill my father because they think I’d make a better king.

They want a ruthless leader who will do what it takes to advance vampires, not just one who throws parties.”

The king’s anger was rolling off of him. “You better watch your tone, son.” He spat.

I looked at the both of them in confusion. “They think you’re ruthless?” I asked Calvin. “And how much more do they want to advance? I mean, you all took over the entire world under Gordo’s rule, what more do they want?”

Gordo laughed. “They think that about Calvin, because my son used to be ruthless.

He used to be strong, and feared, but that was before you came along and made him go soft.

That’s why they want you dead, dear, stupid girl.” He chuckled again. “I don’t know what more the idiotic people want either.

I’ve given them the world, they don’t have to want for anything, yet they think they want more.

The ever unachievable more .” He said shaking his head.

Calvin walked back to me, his white shirt sporting a sprinkling of tiny red stains.

“You need to go back to the room.” He urged me. “My father and I need to go over our plans to deal with the rest of the rebels.”

“Well how long do you think that’ll take?” I asked softly, looking up into his eyes.

He stared down at me. “I don’t know.” He said simply.

“Oh.” I whispered. “Will I see you at all tonight?”

“I don’t know.” He repeated again.

His attitude hurt my heart. “Why are you being like this?” I asked reaching up for his face, but he leaned away. “Calvin…” I whispered his name desperately.

His expression lightening marginally. “Rachel, just go back to the room.” He told me again. “I’m busy here.”

My stomach felt like it was in my throat but I snorted a sarcastic laugh. “Oh, yeah.” I said with stinging eyes. “I saw just how busy you two were with that girl.” I spat and then I sighed, letting some of my anger subside.

I knew in my heart I wasn’t mad at him, I was just upset. “Calvin, I’ve missed you.” I said quieter.

He lifted his hand, and I thought his was about to hold my face the way he usually does, but he stopped before he reached me. “Go back to the room.” He repeated again, shattering my heart into pieces.

“Fine!” I said with a quivering lip. “I’m going back to my room.” I told him. “I don’t want to share one with you anymore.

And hey, you’ll only have to deal with me another week, then you can have me sold to one of your friends.” I said through tears.

“My offer still stands.” King Gordo chimed in from his desk, smiling. “Although, don’t go thinking I’ll let you run all over me like my son does, you’re free to rub all over me though.” He chuckled to himself.

Calvin’s eyes were black, but then they snapped right back to normal. I waited for him to say something, but he didn’t.

He just stood in front of me, towering over me without looking me directly in the eyes, much like he had the night we met.

It was clear he was distancing himself from me, but I had no idea why.

I turned from him so that he couldn’t see my tears anymore, then I rushed from the room.

I was sobbing loudly and I could feel that my face was covered with tears and snot as I walked barefoot to get on the elevator.

The doors started to close, but a hand shot in between them, causing them to open back up. “Miss Rachel, you can’t go anywhere alone.” A young looking guard with slicked back blonde hair and green eyes that reminded me of the rolling hills outside of Drighten.

“Come on then.” I cried and he climbed on.

We took the elevator ride down in awkward silence, aside from the sounds of my snotty nose and gasps for air between sobs. “Are you ok?” He whispered as the doors opened back up and he walked me to my room.

“No, I’m not.” I answered him. “I’m sad.” I said pathetically.

“I’m sorry you’re sad.” He smiled lightly and I couldn’t help the small smile that fought its way out of me.

“Thanks.” I said around a sniffle. When we got to my door he opened it for me, and watched me go in.

I turned back around as he was closing it. “Wait!” I called out and he pushed the door open again, raising his eyebrows. “I don’t want to be alone.” I said sadly. “Can you stay here with me?”

He looked unsure for a second but he waivered, coming in and closing the door behind him. “Only for a little while.” He said.

“Ok.” I whispered back, taking off my robe and climbing into my bed, hugging up to my pillow.

It was still really early, but I had such a headache from crying that I fell asleep easily.


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