By Painter

Episode 35

“You’re just being cheesy now.” I joked, but his face remained serious.

“That might be true, but that’s how I really feel.” He proclaimed. “If there is a god, I am going to start thanking him every single day for sending you to me.”

I got up from my chair and went to sit in his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck and staring deeply into his eyes. “Don’t go selling yourself short.” I told him. “You’re so much more than I ever dreamed for myself.” I admitted, and it was true.

He might be a vampire, and I might hate that part of him, but he was so much more than that. I’d always thought I’d probably end up alone, or at the very best, forced to be with someone I don’t even care for just so I could help keep the human race alive.

Looking into his perfect eyes, there was no place, and with no person, that I’d rather be right now.

I pressed my lips to his gently, and he held me tightly to him. When I pulled away he beamed at me. “Will you dance with me, Rachel?” He asked and I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped my lips.

“We don’t have any music.” I pointed out.

He shifted my weight in his lap and pulled something out from under the table. He held the little black devise in one hand and pressed a button in the center. “Now we do.” He said happily as music began to play from all around us.

As the slow song began, he stood us up, walking me a few steps away from the table and holding me close to him as the waiters came back to clear all of the plates from the table, setting another covered plate beside the candles, before they disappeared again.

We held tight to one another, swaying to the music as three different songs came and went.

I was soaking it all in. The music, the breeze, the smell of the air, and Calvin’s arms around my body. Too soon he began to pull away. “Uh-uh.” I protested as he tried to move away from me.

He chuckled. “I want to show you something else.” He explained, and I let go of him reluctantly. I watched as he went around one of the thick hedges. “Are you ready?” He called out.

I was confused, but I nodded, then realizing he couldn’t see me, I called to him that I was ready.

I jumped a little as all the lights went out, but then I was compelled to look up in awe at the brilliant night sky that was visible above me now without the lights.

There were thousands of twinkling stars shining like precious diamonds.

The moon was filling up the sky with its light, bathing me in its glow. I felt Calvin’s cold fingers lace with mine and pull me over to the table, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the heavens above me.

Calvin leaned in, kssing me gently against my arched back neck and I finally let my eyes drop down from the sky and land on his face.

If he was perfect looking before, there were no words for Calvin drenched in moonlight. His marbled skin seeming to glow under its light. “Wow.” Was the only word my mind was able to push through my lips.

He reached out and held both of my hands in his, his eyes demanding my attention. “Rachel, I never thought I’d have this, a person I care about, I mean.

I assumed I’d be alone, standing in my father’s shadow for the rest of my life, but then you came.

I knew I was in big trouble the first time I saw you.” He chuckled, squeezing my hands tighter.

There was an edge to his usually perfectly smooth voice, and the way his fingers seemed to keep twitching gave away his nerves.

He smiled at me. “Now, I know the competition isn’t over until the end of the week, but…” He trailed off, turning his head to the table, and I followed his gaze.

Sitting in the flickering light of the candles was that plate, uncovered now, with a little black box open in the center, holding an enormous square diamond set into a delicate ring. Tears burned at my eyes and my breathing hitched. “Oh my god, Calvin.” I whispered, turning my watery eyes back to him.

His own eyes were holding back moisture as he picked the ring up from the table, taking it carefully from the little box and holding it out as he dropped in front of me to one knee. “I know we’ve got a week before it could be official but, Rachel, I want you.” He said firmly. “I need to wake up every day for the rest of my life with you in my arms.

I want you today, tomorrow, and every damned day for the rest of eternity, I want you.” He confessed. “You’re everything I need.” He whispered. “I love you, Rachel, for everything you are.” He laughed, finally letting a tear escape. “You are frustrating, and stubborn, but you are kind, and strong, and so beautiful.

I love the way you call me on my bullshit, I love the way you are always thinking of other people, I love the way you bite your lips when your nervous, and how you roll your eyes so dramatically. I love you, Rachel.” He repeated again.

I felt it rolling over me, a warm safe feeling like I’ve never known before.

It was a dangerous feeling at the same time, but it was the kind of danger you crave. “I love you too, Calvin!” I said with a hoarse voice.

He smiled brighter than it seemed possible. “Marry me?” He asked holding the ring up.
I nodded my head and cried. “Yes, Calvin.”

He slid the ring onto my thin finger and then quickly swept me off my feet, spinning me around. “I love you, I love you, I love you.” He chanted and I joined in, giggling.

Our moment was klled when suddenly the hatch to the underground slung open and a guard stuck his head out. “Your Majesty!” He called urgently. “You’ve got to come now!” He said. “Somethings happening.”


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