By Authoress Rhema

“Literature is a term used to describe written and sometimes spoken materia…

The English teacher paused his explanation when he saw Li Chun sleeping

“Krm krm” he cleared his throat

Zhou Xiuying looked at Li Chun and tapped her a little

“What” Li Chun groaned

“The teacher is looking at you” she whispered, Li Chun immediately sat straight

The class were laughing little by little

“This is not your first time not your second time and not the third time I’m seeing you sleeping in my class” he said with crossed arm

Li Chun took her lips in and look down

“Excuse me Mr Fang, for Li Chun to be sleeping in your class only means one thing, it means she knows more than you so why not allow her to explain to the whole class about literature” Rong Yi said from the back sit

Li Chun shook her head with pleading eyes

“That’s true Li Chun please stand up and explain to the whole class what you understand about literature” the English teacher, Mr Fang said

Li Chun bit her lips and stood up then walked slowly to the front of the class, students began laughing slowly

“Start Li Chun I’m waiting” Mr Fang urged, tapping his feet repeatedly on the ground

“Li. Literature… Ah, literature” Li Chun bit her lips and looked down but knowing what to say

Students began laughing at her, Rong Yi’s voice is the loudest

“Okay it’s not even funny at all” Lan Singtan muttered

“What’s your deal men” Han Zihao asked in admist laughter

“What do you mean, what pleasure do you guys gain in bullying a girl” he muttered

“Ah, you like her right” Han Zihao teased, wiggling his brows

“You’re just so annoying, go away!” Lan hit Han Zihao face with his note book

Zhou Xiuying didn’t like the way her friend is being humiliated so she stood up

“I’ll talk for Li Chun, I’ll teach the whole class literature” she said

Everyone began looking at her and murmuring

“Go on” Mr Fang said

Zhou Xiuying moved to Li Chun and held her hand with a smile before facing the whole class

“Literature is a term used to describe written and sometimes spoken material. Derived from the Latin word literature meaning “writing formed with letters,” literature most commonly refers to works of the creative imagination, including poetry, drama, fiction, nonfiction, and in some instances, journalism, and song..”

“I’ve heard enough” Mr Fang cut her off, even the students couldn’t stop looking at her, she talked so fast like as if she was reading directly from a computer

Li Chun looked at her and smiled, she returned the smile back, Xu Feng mouth refused to close as he stared at her

“Who is she really?” He thought

“A round of applause for Zhou Xiuying” he said and students began clapping except Rong Yi who just rolled her eyes and scoffed

“You two can go to your sit” he said to Li Chun and Zhou Xiuying

They both went to their sit and sat down

“Now as assignment i want everyone to discuss what we mean my drama, Poetry and folktale and you must explain it to the whole class, just like what Zhou Xiuying did here and someone tell Dylan that he must be part of the assignment” Mr Fang said

Some students began grumbling, not liking the assignment

“When would we be having English next?” He asked

“Wednesday” Lan Singtan replied

“Good, I want all your assignment done including Dylan” Mr Fang said and packed his books

“Good day class” he added and left

Li Chun packed her book silently and left the classroom, Zhou Xiuying looked at her and followed, leaving her book on her desk

“Li Chun” she called

Li Chun paused and look at her

“I’m sorry about what happened in class” Zhou Xiuying muttered

“Why are you saying sorry it’s not your fault” Li Chun replied and went to her locker room to pack her books

“I just feel like saying sorry because you look sad” Zhou Xiuying replied

“I’ll be fine, I’m used to this” Li Chun smiled and took her books

Zhou Xiuying rushed to her and hugged her arm

“I can be your lesson teacher from today, I can teach you and make you brilliant” she said

“Really?” Li Chun smiled

“Hmm” Zhou Xiuying nodded

“Thanks you’re the best, looking forward to your teaching” Li Chun smiled and hugged her tight

“My English note” Zhou Xiuying pulled away

“Huh?” Li Chun said, not getting

“My English note, I left it in the classroom” Zhou Xiuying repeated

“Oh, go get it then, I’ll be waiting here” Li Chun said and Zhou Xiuying nodded before rushing back to the classroom


She got to her desk and couldn’t find her book, she looked left and right and closed her eyes

“Activate footage of what happened here 10 mins ago” she muttered

Now she can see herself and Li Chun leaving the classroom, then she saw Xu Feng leaving but paused and moved to her desk, he took her book and stared at it for a while before leaving with it

Zhou Xiuying opened her eyes and shook her head

“That theif” she muttered and rushed out

Li Chun is still standing in front of her locker room and waiting then she smiled when she saw Zhou Xiuying coming but Zhou Xiuying walked pass her

“Hey Xiuying” she wanted to move after her but someone held her hand, she turned back to see Lan Singtan

“What do you want?” She asked and yanked her hand of his immediately

“Nothing just wanted to know your name” he replied with a small smile

She eyed him and scoffed then walked out, Lan Singtan sighed and ruffled his hair.


Xu Feng got to the school parking lot and walked to his car, he entered it and began driving out of the school

Zhou Xiuying just got to the parking lot and saw his car leaving, she clenched her fist and ran after him

Xu Feng looked through his side mirror with creased brow then looked clearly to see the same red hair girl chasing after him

He cleaned his eyes thrice and looked again, she’s till chasing after him, he speed up his car and she increased her pace, he speed his car to the highest level of speed but still he met her by his side

“What is wrong with this girl” he thought out loud

“Go away” he yelled out

“Stop the car Xu Feng” she replied

“Go away what do you want from me!!” He yelled trying to speed up

“Just give me back what you stole from me” she replied

“I never stole any… The fk” he muttered when she ran past his car and stopped at his front

“You made me do this” he muttered and continued driving in the mind of hitting her but his car stopped moving

“Huh” he muttered and looked left and right then realized that Zhou Xiuying is his front, holding his car and preventing it from moving

“What the he.ll is your problem” he muttered and came down

She left his car and moved to him then stretched her hand

“Give me back my English note” she muttered


“I know you stole it, I saw you take it and left with it when I left the classroom” she replied angrily

“I didn’t steal your book, you forgot it so I took to return it back I even gave it to your friend” he replied

“Liar” she spat

“I’m not lying” he said

“All thieves are bound to tell lies” she said angrily

“I’m not a thief, you can go ask your friend she’s with your book stop calling me a dmn theif” he snapped and entered his car

Zhou Xiuying bent down and did something to his car then got up back, she smirked at him and left

“What did you do, what did you too” he shouted as he tried starting the car but it refused to start

He stood up and rushed out of his car only to find out that she has plugged out one of his tire

“Strong woman what the hell did you do, how did you even do this, gosh how will I get home now” he sighed and stood akimbo.


Li Chun is already outside the school looking left and right before she saw Zhou Xiuying coming to her

“There you are, were did you go?” She sighed

“I went to teach Xu Feng a lesson” Zhou Xiuying replied

“A lesson, why?” Li Chun asked, at the same time she’s looking for a cab

“He’s a thief, I’m telling you that guy is a theif he just don’t talk to anyone in school because he don’t want you all to find out that he steals” Zhou Xiuying ranted

“Why are you angry anyways” Li Chun muttered

“Cause I hate guys that steal” Zhou Xiuying replied

“I thought you hate guys with green eyes and dark hair?” Li Chun asked and waved at a cab she saw

“I hate both” Zhou Xiuying muttered

The cab stopped and they both entered

“What did Xu Feng stole from you this time?” Li Chun asked with an eye roll

“He stole my English note”

“Your English note, no he did not he gave me to give you when you ran back to the classroom” Li Chun sighed

“Really?” Zhou Xiuying asked

“Hmm, I’ll give you when we get him” Li Chun replied

“Oh” Zhou Xiuying muttered but she has no regret because she felt no emotions

The cab man kept looking at Zhou Xiuying through the convex mirror

“What are you looking at?” Li Chun eyed him

“Nothing, it’s just that your friend looks alot like Zack’s female missing robot” he replied

“No I’m not, I’m Zhou Xiuying” Zhou Xiuying replied

“Yeah she’s Zhou Xiuying” Li Chun eyed him

“And mind your business from now on” she added and scowled at him

“O-okay” the cab man replied and continued driving.


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