“So that’s why she was in a fowl mood” Graham said, falling back on Romeo’s bed.

“I should have known something was wrong but stupid me didn’t notice” Graham rebuke himself.

“I wouldn’t have known either if Juliet never told me. Who would have thought that Judy will be Mr Anderson daughter?” Romeo said in disbelief.

“Well, she is his daughter. Do you think I should call her tonight or wait till tomorrow?” Graham ask, sitting up.

“It’s best you wait till tomorrow” Romeo reply just as the door open to reveal their mom.

“Good to find you two together” Sarah said, walking into the room.

“If you are here to scold us, I suggest you….”

“Am not! I only came to tell you something” Sarah began cutting Graham off while thinking of how to say what she has to say.

“We are waiting, mom” Romeo urge.

“About your relationship with the Roberts. You are free to date them, I won’t be in the way” Sarah said.


“What made you change your mind?” Graham ask, suspicious of his mom.

“Turns out that am in a huge debt to their mom and this is how am paying her back by not interfering in your relationship but I still have hope that you two will come to your sense someday and break up with them” Sarah said softly.

“That will never happen” Graham said.

“Don’t bet on it, mom” Romeo added.

“Whatever. Just make sure you focus on your studies. You won’t hear a word from me if you do. Goodnight” Sarah said and left.

“Is she for real?” Romeo ask in disbelief.

“She is and I hope she stick to her words and stay out of my relationship cause even if she change her mind, I will never let go of Judy”

“Same here” Romeo said softly.



Judy got to the waiting lounge to see Travis on a video call.

“Hello” she greet, sitting beside him.

It’s been a year since that day at the hospital.

Judy had no choice but to accept Peter Anderson as her father and he prove to be a very good father.

It was quite a shock to for Travis and Natalie but Travis had accepted her as his twin sister while Natalie had first been hesitant but she ended up accepting maybe it’s due to the cancer she has.

Natalie fall that night was later discovered to be cancer and she’s currently at India with their father to get the necessary treatment.

Travis decided to study in the Philippine and that’s where he is heading to this very moment.

“Judy just arrive” Travis said putting the phone up so Natalie can see her.

“Am glad you are here, Judy. We need to convince this guy not to go to the Philippines” Natalie said.

“Why?” Judy ask.

“Cause he will definitely live there. If he meets a pretty Filipino girl, he won’t want to come back” Natalie said making the two of them laugh.

“I assure you Natalie. If I do get a Filipino girl, I will bring her here for you to check her out, what do you think?”

“Promise I will be the first?” Natalie ask and he nodded.

“How are things going for you, Judy?” Natalie ask

“Great and you? Got to tour around Mumbai?” Judy ask.

“I wish! The doctor won’t let me leave and also, he’s quite cute” Natalie said.

“Really? Take a pic and send it to me sometime” Judy said laughing.

“I think we said enough. It’s time for me to go. Say hello to dad for us, bye bye” Travis said, waving at Natalie who was trying to fix her head warmer properly to hide the fact that she had her hair cut.

“So, this is it” Judy said, accompanying Travis out of the lounge.

“It is but I promise to come visit sometime. Take care, little sis . Little sis sound a bit funny, I think I will stick to Judy” Travis said nervously and Judy gave him a hug.

“I wish you all the best Travis” she said and a while later, Judy watch the plane take off through the huge show window.

She left the airport to see Darren waiting In his car.

“What are you doing here?” Judy ask.

“Juliet told me about Travis and I came to take you home”

“Am glad you finally have some time for your friend cause ever since you started dating Clarissa, your whole attention have been on her”

“Really? Maybe it’s because am completely head over heels” Darren said.

“Wish Clarissa was here to hear you” Judy said snorting.

“So, we are going to the after school party?” Darren ask.

“I don’t…”

“No refusal missy! It’s our graduation party and we deserve to be there, so loosening your body sweetheart cause we will dancing for the whole night” Darren said with excitement.



As soon as they walk in, Judy was surprise by the amount of students who came.

It definitely isn’t the graduating student here, she could spot some juniors and in it was Clarissa who immediately went into Darren arms on seeing him and there was Juliet and Romeo having so much together.

And on the other side was Louis who had given up on Juliet to find solace in the arms of other girls, playing the field, he had called it.

Amber on the other quit attending Crystal high to attend some other school In order to be away from Juliet and Romeo since their happiness made her angry.

Judy stood watching everyone do their thing and didn’t notice Graham approaching her until he wrap his arms around her.

“Missed you” he said softly into her ear.

“But didn’t we just part like two hours ago?” Judy ask, turning around.

“Two hours is a nightmare. I don’t want to part from you at all” Graham said, kissing her on the lips.

“So, have you decide what college you want to attend?” Graham ask.

“Harvard” Judy said.

“But you said you can’t cope with….”

“I’m willing to give it a try. I might not be smart like you but I do know that I want to spend my college years with you” she said and he smile.

“Just your college years?”

“I want to spend the rest of my life with you” Judy said, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“Same here, I love you”

“I love you too” Judy thought, initiating their kiss this time around.

As the DJ kept playing a rhythmic song, everyone had fun including Judy who felt more happy than everyone.

She got her family, friends and mostly, she got her prince charming…..


Another story has come to an end. Thanks my babies for going through this ride with me.

It hasn’t been easy but you all stood by me which am very grateful for.


Thanks again for being my fan and I hope that you will keep on reading more of my stories.



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