“Thank God they are back together” Darren said, a smile of relief on his face as he walk out of the school premises with Clarissa.

“That’s great. I was thinking Graham will be angry about it for a while but he prove that his love for Judy is stronger” Clarissa said, also feeling relieve.

“Okay then. I will take you home” Darren offer like always.

“Why do you always do that?” Clarissa ask, halting her step.

“Do what?”

“Offer to take me home. It’s not like you have an obligation to do that”

“I do have an obligation since you are a friend of Juliet, I think of Juliet as a younger sister and since…”

“I don’t want you seeing me like a younger sister?” Clarissa cut him fiercely.

“Okay, I’m sorry. I won’t think of you like that” Darren said, his feathers ruffled.

“I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have snap at you. It’s just that I…that I…”

“That you what?” Darren prompt.

“That I want you see me as something more. Not as a sister and definitely not as a friend”

“How exactly do you want me to see you?” Darren ask.

“Probably as a prospective girlfriend” Clarissa said, trying to sound nonchalant.

“Girlfriend? Common, you are just a child” Darren said, laughing.

“I’m not a child! I’m seventeen, old enough to know what I want and I so badly want to be your girlfriend because I like you” Clarissa reveal before she could stop herself.

Darren stood still, taken aback by her confession.

“Pretend I never said that, okay!” Clarissa said quickly, running off before he could stop her.



Judy had her head on Graham arm when the train stop, the intercom buzz with a message for all passengers.

Everyone got out including Judy and Graham who were all smiles and lovey to each other.

“We are sorry to inconvenient everyone but the train is out of order for today. We intend to work on it tonight and it will be up and running tomorrow. We are so sorry for this” a man who seem like the one in charge announce to everyone.

“This is bad, How are we going to get home?” Judy ask.

“Can’t we get a bus or something?” Graham ask.

“We can’t. Hampton is a small town which only has the train as a means of travelling” Judy explain.


“I was once trapped here. I had to book an hotel for the night, can’t you call someone to get us?” Judy suggest and he brought out his phone only to find it dead.

“Mine is dead too” Judy said, noticing her phone ever since Graham showed up.

“Then we will have to spend the night here. What hotel did you book in the time you were stranded?” Graham ask and together they went to the hotel.

“Just one room left? We can’t get two room?” Judy ask the receptionist who explain to her that they are fully book and that it’s only one room they have left.

“What do we do, Graham?” Judy ask, turning to him.

“We will take the room. Here’s my card” he said, handing his card to the receptionist before she could stop him.

“But we stay in the same room for a night” Judy began her protest but a swift kiss on the lips end it.

“Do you trust me?” He ask and she gave a slight nod.

“Then off we go” he said, taking hold of her hand, heading to the second floor where they found their room.

Not that Judy didn’t like the idea of staying in the same room with for a night. It’s just that she’s scared and Graham isn’t making things easy by looking devastatingly handsome.

“You take the bed while I sleep on the floor” he offered since they only have one bed.

“But the floor….”

“Do you want me to share the bed with you instead?” Graham ask, a mischievous look on his face.

“No! I was just worried that it might be cold but if you are fine with it, then it’s okay. I’m going to use the bathroom for a while” She said, trying to escape from the temptation he possess but he pulled her back into his arms, kissing her once again.

The kiss went on for a while and when he let go, Judy find herself wanting more.

“I promise not to make a move on you. I won’t do anything that you don’t want, okay ” he said, trying to calm her down.

“Okay” she said, giving him a smile before going into the bathroom.

Since they didn’t have clothes to change into, she left the bathroom with her clothes still on.

She found Graham laying on the floor, he had taken off his shirt and only had on his jeans.

It took a lot of effort for Judy to stop starring at his perfect body.

“I got out our phones to charge it” he told her.

“Thanks” She said, getting into bed.

“Won’t you wait for it to turn on so you can Juliet or your mom?”

“I will do that tomorrow. If I don’t show up tonight they will know that I’m stuck here in Hampton, don’t worry” she said quickly, turning her back to him.

“Sleeping already? No goodnight kiss?” Graham ask playfully.

“Go to sleep” Judy said, doing her best to steady her racing heart.

She thought it will take a while before she sleep but it didn’t take that long.

Midnight, Judy open her eyes from a deep sleep to find Graham beside her on the bed, his arm prop under his head while he watch her.

“What are you…”

“I’m a bit cold, I just need a little warmth” he reply, faking a shiver.

“Then you should use the bed while I sleep on the floor” Judy said this already getting out of the bed but a restraining hand got her falling back on the bed.

“I said I needed warmth too” Graham said softly, kissing her cheek.

“Graham you promised” Judy said when he trail the kiss down her throat.

“I know and God knows that I did my best to keep away but I can’t. I want you, Judy” Graham confess, kissing her lightly on the lips.

“I do hope you want me too cause if you don’t then I will head straight to the bathroom and try to cool my need with a shower” He said and that got her laughing.

“You don’t have to do that, I want you as much as you want me” Judy confess, wrapping her arms around his neck to kiss him.

That was the go sign Graham needed to take charge, he went on top of her, deepening the kiss while turning off the bedside lamp.


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