“It’s that a question?….. Mandy of course” she said and I felt like throwing up…. ewwww no way

“Mom….. Mandy is my best friend and we don’t see each other like that…..I can’t even think of marrying her…. that’s a huge red flag no” I said and she looks at me as if all what I was saying we’re gibberish

“That’s the interesting part… both have known each other from childhood… only makes sense that you both tie the knot” she said and I started thinking of the fastest way of getting out of this huge mess

Mandy?…..I can’t be with her…..I can’t even be with any woman and certainly not my best friend

My mom is bent on fustrating my life

Like why is it so hard for everyone to understand that marriage is baseless notion of two people coming together and giving birth to little demons who will take over their lives and make everything become about them?……no one seems to get it right and it brothers me alot

“Mom… don’t have to worry because I proposed to someone” I said with my eyes still focused on the TV but my mom doesn’t seem to be taking it seriously

“Oh really?….. when did you propose to this mysterious lady?” She asked and I looked at her unfazed……if there’s one thing that I’m extremely good at?…then it’s lying….. I’m a top notch when it comes to making up crazy stories

“About two weeks ago….we met in New York when I went for a business meeting and she’s delightful… are going to love her” I said kissing my hands dramatically and her eyes seems to lit up a bit…..I could swear I see those sparks glistening for a minute

“Really?…. what does she look like?” She asked again and I smirked…… resting my hands on the couch as I faced her properly

“Well… she’s the true definition of beauty and crazy….. she’s tall….not that tall though and she’s got these mad killer shape… pretty eyes….. she’s just amazing”I said….. finding myself smiling at my own lies

“Wow…. that’s super…… what’s her name?” She asked this time around and I almost choked on my sliava…..I looked at Noah and he shrugged his shoulders… Mom was already feeling the intuition that I was lying so I had to do something

“Wouldn’t you like to ask her by yourself?” I asked as I sighed in relief…. that was a close one

“Of course I would…..” she trails and I secretly winked at Noah as I smiled sheepishly

“Which is why you would bring her to me in three days time….. before your ownership party” she said and my sheepish smile faded instantly

“Three days?” I asked and she nods….the smile on her face made me fake a smile too…..I don’t wanna get busted

“So….I will see you both then?” She asked and I faked a wider smile….she bends slightly…. stroking my hair like a ten year old

“Just get me a woman…..then I will fully had over everything to you…. simple as ABC” she said…. standing straight as she heads for the door

I bit my lips as different thoughts crossed my mind…… where I’m I suppose to see a girl before three days that’ll be willing to fake to be his finance?

” She’s gone….now I can scold you properly” Noah said with a stern smrik on his face as he taps his foot on a particular spot repeatedly

“Awwww don’t look at me like that….. it’s not my fault….I had to improvise” I said and his smrik got thicker….. making me rub my forehead

“And now you have to find an extremely beautiful young curvy lady before three days….all thanks to your improviseion” he said and I sink into the couch

“Shouldn’t you be helping me come up with a plan instead of scolding me?…..” I asked and he shook his head negatively

“Hell no… brought this mess upon yourself….fix it” he said as he sat besides me…..

He may be my personal assistant but we have a closer and stronger bond…..he knows everything single thing about me

“I’m so fked up right now” I said and he smiles

“Don’t worry….I can help you look up for best con artist girls…. there plenty in the internet” he said and I shook my head

“I don’t want some cheap slût to come parade herself around my mother…. she’ll kill me…I need someone who’s kinda innocent in the game….. someone who’s partially submissive….. someone I can easily bend to my will” I said….. rubbing my hands together and while Noah looked at me like I’m drunk

“Well good luck finding that kind of girl” he said walking away.


“Noah….. come on…. don’t leave just yet” I said defeatdly but he ignores me

Rolling my eyes as I fall back on the couch…… ugh!….. I’m so bored…. but where on earth I’m I going to find a girl as innocent as a newly fked virgîn?……hmmmm


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