Jasmine’s Pov

“Seriously?…..are we really going to spend the rest of today locked up in your house!” Mika yells as I walked out of the kitchen with two can sodas…..

“Stop being dramatic girl…. it’s not that bad….I invited Roland” I said and she groans harder

“Now it has just gone from bad to worse!… know I can’t stand that cúnt” she said and I almost choked on my soda….. laughter following next as a funny frown plastered on her face

“I’m starting to feel like there’s more to this hatred you have for Roland… by any chance like him?” I asked and she snearled before scoffing loudly

“Sorry…..but if it were to be that we aren’t friends?….I would have given you a dirty slap…… I’d rather like a pig wearing a skirt than like Roland…. that’s absurd and creepy” she said….. sipping from her soda as she continues lamenting

” Okay….now I believe you definitely have a crush on him……. he’s cute” I said knowingly getting on her nerves

“Stop saying that!!!!” She whined and I couldn’t stop laughing

The door bell rang and I hoped of the couch heading for the door

“If it’s Roland…… make sure he’s wearing a mask so I don’t have to see his ugly face!” She spat and I couldn’t contain my laughter

I opened the door and Roland stepped in…… immediately his eyes landed on Mika he groans…. hitting his foot on the ground

“You didn’t tell me that thing was gonna be here” he said and Mika frowned as she slowly drops her soda

“You think I’m happy to see your face?……go hug a wild monkey!” She said and Roland charged after her but I held him before he could move

“Will you two stop arguing!” I semi yells….my eyes wandering on both of them

“He started it!”

“She started it!!!”

They said simontenously and I sighs…… making Roland sit across from us as Mika kept glaring at him…..

“So…… what’s the latest news?” I asked Roland but before he got the chance to answer Mika chimed in….. making him shut his mouth abruptly

“I heard the famous Bartle Billion’s son would be taking over his father’s businesses soon……but that can only happen if he gets married” she said and I found that kind of disturbing

“Really?” I asked……by now my soda was almost finished

“Heck yeah……ooh I wonder who that lucky lady would be” she said and Roland scoffed

“Certainly not you” he mumbles and Mika shot him a glare

“What did you just say?” Mika question as she faces him

“I didn’t say anything” he said in defeat and she smriks

“I have never seen him before……I wonder what he looks like” I said mindlessly and Roland hands me his phone

I took it and looked at the screen……I couldn’t help but get lost for a moment….. he’s really good looking….. and here I thought Jasper was hot

“He’s really handsome” I said in awe as I gave Roland his phone

“I know right?…..but he’s also rude and arrogant….. he’s a fúcker and a playboy……news has it that he has never dated a girl before” Mika said with a slight frown…….and 50 percent of the affection I had for him vanished

“ooh……. that’s a whole lot of red flags….. even though he isn’t rude or whatever….I would never want to have anything to do with someone of his class” I said and they both stared at me……

“And why is that?……. because of Jasper?” Mika questioned and I got her playfully

“It’s not because of Jasper…….I made a promise to my dead parents to stay away from the Bartle Billion’s……or anything that has to do with them……I didn’t know their connections but it’s a promise I intend to keep” I said and they both stared in awe

“So you parents know those freaking rich monsters?” Mika asked and I smile

“It’s a long story for another day…….I don’t want to talk about it” I said and Roland frowned


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