“We barely know anything about you…… which freaks me out because your Dad owns this mansion but you still live on rentage… your own father’s house!…… isn’t that crazy?” Roland said and I sighed

“It kinda is…….I can’t believe I had to admit to what this bozo is saying” Mika said as Roland rolls his eyes

“I really don’t want to talk about it…. let’s just forget about it”I said and they immediately stopped bothering me

“Hey!… didn’t give me a soda…… that’s cheating” Roland said and Mika scoffed

“Must you talk!…… can’t you just keep quiet for once” Mika said as she throws her empty can at him and he caught it skillfully……smriking at her mischievously

“You really need to be taught a lesson” Roland said…… throwing the can back at her and it hits her head…..she yelp slightly as she glared daggers at him

“Punk” she mumbles……

“Fine I will go get you your soda Roland and don’t kill each other while I’m gone” I said as I head for the kitchen

I could still hear their arguments as I laughed secretly

“Something is definitely up with those two” I said…. as looked back at them for a while before walking away


Monday Morning

Jayson’s Pov

I yawned tiredly as I walked down the stairs…….for the first time in a long time there’s no girl in my room and that’s all thanks to my mother

She specifically restricted from going to clubs or anywhere fun since it’s days to my coronation……lol……I feel like a prince

Immediately I got down Noah was already waiting for me…..I settled besides the winery as I pulled out a bottle

“Isn’t it too early to drink” he asked and I looked at him for two seconds before pouring some quantity in the glass

“It’s my life dude……. don’t even dare try to scold me right now” I said and he chuckled

“So how’s the hunt for the perfect girl going to be?” He asked and I groan as it suddenly hits me

He’s right…..I only have two days left

“I don’t know……. I’m not allowed in clubs or classic resorts anymore till this all shit is over” I said and he looks at me thoughtfully for a while

“Well how about we order something from a resort and have one of the female workers bring it here….. hmmm what do you think?” He asked and I stroked my chin

“That doesn’t sound like a complete bad idea though….. but how sure are you that the girl is going to match up to my taste” I said and he chuckled

” You aren’t planning on doing anything intimate with the girl…. are you?” He asked and I smrik

“If she’s down for it then who cares?” I said and he gave me a warning look

“Fine……I won’t take off her clothes just make sure you order from a classic resort……I need something good” I said and he bows sightly…. walking away

Now what’s left is to come up with a good price tag…….the one that will definitely do the job.


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