Wait a minute…..why am I having all this chessy thoughts?… it because I’m hórny or what?

I’ve got to snap out of it…… she’s definitely not my class to even lay with

“Thanks…..I really do owe you one…. honestly I couldn’t imagine myself getting fired” she said and a slight smrik displayed on my lips

“Leave” I said to her with the wave of my hand and she frowned a bit before slowly stepping backwards……

I averted my eyes and I heard her hasten footsteps….. my eyes traveled back to her retreating figure and I almost gasped

She’s heavily……. heavenly gifted……….damn

I gulped as I looked at Noah….. he’s already giving me the teasing smile and I rolled my eyes

“You let her go unpunished….. that’s weird” he said and I smriked

“And who said I let her go?” I said and he furrows his eyebrows

“You are joking right?….. dude!” He said and I licked my lips….. staring back at the opened door

She doesn’t seem to understand how drawn I am at her guts…..she didn’t even close the door after leaving

“What?” I questioned and he raised his eyebrows….. looking at me with a side eye……I couldn’t help but chuckle

“I better hope you are not about to do what I think you have in mind” he said and I pinched the bridge of my nose in amusement

“Just lock the door….. please” I said and he looks at the opened door and shakes his head

“She’s just too brash for my liking” he said and I couldn’t agree less…..she easily gets on one’s nerves

But that kind of ecxites my interest……

“Buh she’s pretty though” Noah said as he faced me…..I looked at him for a moment before standing up and heading to my room

“Ignoring me won’t make it any less of a truth” he said to my hearing but I international ignored him again…..I know that pisses him off badly and that’s exactly what I wanted


Bartle Billion’s Mansion

Mrs Mantinda….. Jayson’s mother sat elegantly as her eyes were fixed on the monitors….. she’s currently going through the daily activities of her husband’s businesses until Jayson is ready to settle down parmanently

She poised her lips thoughtfully as she adjust her glasses…… things seems to be going well but she needs to speed things up because they never know when anything is going to happen

She can’t keep this up for long that’s why she’s eger for Jayson to get married……. before the devil decides to come back

It’s been eighteen years since she last saw him

Eighteen years since he was disowned and kicked out by his father

What if he comes back?

What if he decides to kill Jayson just like he almost did eighteen years ago?

Is he still alive?

What if that accident hadn’t occurred?

“Snap out of it!” She scolded herself…. shaking the thoughts of her

She breaths heavily and the door opened…… reveling a pretty blonde……she smiles brightly as she got closer….. hugging her dearly

” I’m so happy mother….. finally Jayson would get married to Mandy…… she’s the perfect girl for him” Gina…… Jayson’s younger sister and the last born of the family said and Mantinda sighs…..

“Jayson doesn’t seem to be interested in Mandy at all…..he says he doesn’t want to ruin their friendship” Mantinda said and Gina frowned a little

What friendship?…… they’ve already seen each other naked… least that’s what Mandy told her…..why is he suddenly finding it difficult to marry her?…… besides Mandy is head over heels for Jayson

“I don’t get it…….the occasion is in two days….and Jayson doesn’t even have a girlfriend” Gina said and Mantinda sighs heavily this time around

“He said he has a girl……I just can’t help but feel he’s trying to pull a fast one on us.” Mantinda said and Gina gasped

“That’s impossible!……he can’t have no one when Mandy is still there……I need to speak to him!” Gina bursted and Mantinda shot her a glare

“Let him be!……he said he’ll bring a girl he’s going to marry in two days….. let’s just wait and see” Mantinda said and Gina frowned

“This is pure madness!…… Jayson can’t possibly ditch Mandy!……I can’t take this right now” Gina said and stood up…… walking away as her heels made aggressive clicking sound

Mantinda smiles before resting completely on the couch…..if only Jayson knew what she’s got planned for him


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