I groaned in pains as my eyes flutter open, my eyes were heavy and my head hurts as I tried moving my body, everything hurts at the moment as I looked around and found myself in my room, my well straighten eyebrows dipped forward as slowly sat up, my head was bandaged and it hurts

Who brought me here?, My thoughts ragged as I touched my bandaged head and winced a little bit, bitting my lips as I tried to suppress the pains

The door opened and Jayson walked in, he’s currently cladded in a sweatpant and tank top, not doing me any good as I allowed my eyes do the digging, it’s been days and he looks leaner but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s also dangerously attractive

He took three steps and stopped, studying me as I looked back at me, my eyes were swollen, I don’t need a soothsayer to tell me that, the deafening silence between us made everything akward as I slowly looked away and cleared my throat, his burning gaze drilling holes in my body

“Who did this to you?” His voice made me face him again and this time he was closer

“You girlfriend…..the one you are supposed to marry” I choked out as I stared back at him and he furrowed his eyebrows, I could clearly see his jaw tightened

“Last time I checked, you were the only girl I was forced to marry and I didn’t have any other option so tell me, who the fúck did this to you?” He said curtly and I scoffed

“Forced to marry?, I didn’t know you were forced to marry me….” I said as I tried my possible best to suppress the hurt building deep inside me

“It hurts right?, Exactly how I felt when you said you wanted a divorce” he pointed out and I looked away, I obviously forgot that I started this whole drama

“I didn’t mean it, I was just going through a really difficult time and I said that out of anger, I never really meant it” I said the last part inaudibly and he finally closed the space between us….

humping on the other side of the bed as he was facing me directly……my breath inched as he made me face him, staring directly at his gorgeous face

“You hurt me… you know that?” He sounded husky and my lips parted… eyes darted to the bed and he lifts my head up with his index finger and I just couldn’t maintain eye contact as my eyes roamed everywhere on his face but his eyes……I couldn’t look at him in the eyes

“I…. didn’t mean…to” I stutter and a smile twitched on the corner of his lips as his hand leaves my face and slowly caress my jaw….

“Who hurt you?” He asked again and I closed my eyes before opening them slowly

“Mandy…..she was here an hour ago and she started yelling, looking for you and we exchanged words and the next thing she hit me with a kitchen pistol” I narrated and his features changed instantly as anger was visible, he immediately tried leaving but I held his hand quickly, stopping him as he looked back at me

“What are you going to do?” I asked with a dry lump hanging at the back of my throat

“Maim her of course, she almost killed you!” He snapped and I shook my head, grabbing his forearms tightly, crashing my weight on his broad chest as I hugged him

“I can’t let you go after her, no after what happened between you and Jasper, just let it go” I said and felt his heartbeat mixing with mine, he’s trying to regulate his anger as he arms finally wrapped me up, he sat down and I straddled him, gluing to his chest like a leech

“I can’t just let her go, she hurt you and if I don’t do something about it…. she might come back again” he voiced out and I raised my head from his chest and looked at him, God!….. just how much have I missed being so close to him

“If you had been here, then none of this would have happened” I said and he titls his head

“Now you are blaming me?” He asked and I shook my head before smiling.


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