Unknown Location

“They’re closing in on us” Laurence said with a worried look as Jasper sprawled on the couch

“They will never find us, why are you worrying you hear about it” Jasper asked slightly annoyed

“I don’t know….. I’m just scared okay?, I’ve come this far and I can’t let anything go wrong” Laurence said as he rubs his face repeatedly

“Dude, we are literally in the middle of nowhere, no wifi… nothing, just a dark thick bush with zero electricity, how on earth will they find this place….

we are surrounded by water, it’s impossible” Jasper said confidently as Laurence exhaled deeply

“Yeah, you are right….. it’s impossible, I will just chillaxe” Laurence said as he rest his whole weight on the couch breathing out with ease

Meanwhile, Avia was evesdroping on their conversation, a smirk crept up her pretty face as she climbed down the stairs…… it’s actually wooden

Jasper was the first person to notice her as she flops on the couch besides Laurence….

“Ouuuu, look who’s downstairs to play” Jasper teased and she glared at him

“I really thought you were going to be a good fúck but this stupid attitude of yours is s turn off for me” Avia blurted out as Laurence turned to her sharply

“Don’t tell me you had thoughts of sleeping with him?” Laurence asked as he points towards Jasper who was busy smriking his life away

“I was…..but not anymore, no after this” Avia taunted and Laurence felt like biting her ears off…..his eyes blaring as he stared at the both of them

“I don’t blame her though, I mean…. just look at me, I’m worth all her wèt thoughts” Jasper voiced out and Laurence hits him with a cushion and a small smile escaped him

“Shut the fúck up……I can’t believe it, I’m going to be keeping an extra eye on you two and get that nasty thoughts about my sister off your fúcked up head, Jasper” Laurence rasped as Avia saw how worked up he looks, she actually loves messing with him

“I’m hungry” Avia blurted

“I thought your freedom was more important than food?” Jasper throws the question

“What’s the point?, I’m never going to escape so I might as well just eat” Avia snorted and Laurence narrows her a stink eye

“The kitchen is that way…” Laurence points and Avia simply walked towards it

“I don’t trust her” Jasper announced immediately she was out of sight

“Me too, she’s been too nice and comfortable, I bet it’s part of her next escape plan, my sister can be really cunning sometimes” Laurence said as he watched her find something to eat, while humming and moving to an imaginative music in her head

“She’s not going anywhere, not on my watch” Jasper voiced out with a smirk


Jasmine’s Pov

I am a Corey, and Corey’s never give up, even in the face of death, my Mom and Dad made sure I made it out alive….. and I will forever be greatful for that

I’m not just sitting down and doing nothing, no I’m not, and I also didn’t forget my main purpose for being here in the first place, I’m not just sitting down and picking up dirty fights,

my time in this Mansion is ticking fast and I’m currently in Jayson’s study room flipping through files that Noah has managed to gather from my uncle’s house, apparently he’s dead….. and I know who killed him, Laurence

I’ve always known Laurence to be a deceitful human being, he has always had eyes on my parents wealth, just like his useless father…….

although I never thought he would go as far as killing his Dad and eloping with his sister, but that’s not my problem but the fact that the original ownership documents are with him

“You really should rest, I thought Jayson gave you a day off?” My gaze narrow at Noah who seems so engrossed in what he was looking at…..

I peaked in and saw him repeatedly watching the video of the night uncle Bob was kidnapped by Laurence

“I just can’t help but feel agitated, we are talking about killers here, people who wouldn’t mind gunning you down at the slightest opportunity, they’re dangerous” Noah said with a worried tone and I sighed

This is the first time he’s talking to me without rolling his eyes or ingnoring me completely…..

we never had the best relationship… friend wise, but for the past days now….. he’s been kinda friendly and akwardly nice

“I know, Jasper killed my parents, and I can’t wait to repay the favor” I said determinedly as I tossed the files away.


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