“I never forced her to love me, she did it all on her own” Roland retorted

“That doesn’t give you the right to humiliate her the way you did, sometimes I wonder why she comes to my bar to cry… was only a matter of time I figured out it’s because of you because she wouldn’t stop mentioning your name in her drunken state, you hurt her and you don’t even feel sorry, she almost slit her wrist…… she almost committed sucied because of you!……..

I know you don’t love her, don’t even try to anymore but at least you should have been nice while trashing her heart into the garbage” Hudson flared up and Roland swallowed hard…….

Wow, I never knew things were that complicated between them….. Delilah….poor thing

“Reminder……I never forced her to do anything, don’t blame her obsession on me” Roland pointed out again with gritted teeth

“I never said you forced her, but you pushed her into doing everything she did, making her spend days planning a dinner date only for you to ditch at the last minute… even think that you asked her out only to humiliate her and hang out with Mika instead, just thank your lucky stars that she’s over you……

I would have drilled different holes into your stupid face,……go be with Mika and stop giving Delilah false ideas…… stop being a dick and playing with two girls emotions, I will fúck you up if I as much as see you close to Delilah” Hudson deadpan as he brushed past Roland, making sure he shoved him by the shoulders and left

“You really did that?” Naoh asked with a annyonace lacing his brows

“I was just confused……” He trails

“You owe Delilah an apology, what you did was messed up” Noah voiced out before exiting

“I’m pretty sure you hate me too” Roland said with a dejected look

“Well I’m angry at you for being a dîckhead but hey, it’s never too late to apologize to Delilah and set things right with Mika” I said tapping his shoulder

“That sounds like a lot of work” Roland groans and I smack the back of his head playfully, he deserves it because I never thought he’d be capable of twrilling two girls out of their minds, he’s bad in his own creppy ways


Mrs Mantinda’s Mansion ‼️‼️

She looks at her reflection one more time, it’s been past noon and the time for the grand party, as Jayson would call it….. it’s slowly approaching, just am hour left

Even though her mind is a ragging rollercoaster, even though she’s not in the right firm of mind for anything, she just has to be there for Jasmine, this means a lot to Jayson and she can’t afford to break his heart by ditching the party, fúck!…… she’s still thinking about Jayson again

Retrieving her phone, she dailed Gina’s number, but Gina ignored her calls, she’s been doing this after she stormed out of the mansion angrily

If there’s anyone capable of ending this madness, then it’s her, she caused all of this, and now her precious son that she spent years protecting might regret having her as a mother today, today is the D day…… today ends it all…… everything completely, including her little game

“What kind of Mother are you Mantinda?, What kind of Mother sets her son up?” She groans as she received a text from Jayson……. telling her to hurry up, Jasmine would be the last person so everyone would be there to surprise her

She tossed her phone as she heads for her drawer, pulling it out as she fiddles with some cash but something caught her attention immediately, her eyes widened, how come she didn’t notice it before!?

“Who the fúck took it!?” She breaths heavily as she continues searching for the only thing holding up the strings between Jasmine and Jayson……

She scrambled on her feet, pacing her room and trying to figure out who the hell entered, none of her workers are allowed inside her room, heck, she cleans her room by herself without any help, that only means……oh no!

“Gina!!!!” Mrs Mantinda half yelled as she grabbed her bag and head out immediately, if anything is going to happen then it has to be within her control


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