To say I’m shocked is an understatement as Jayson held my hands down the biggest event’s hall in the whole of the goddamn city, my mouth hangs open as we walked in, I immediately spotted Mika standing beside Roland, Noah and Avia….. while Delilah is glued to her new found love

The entire space was filled with dim light, a huge disco ball hanging right in the middle as it displays different colors of light around the whole space, neatly arranged tables and chairs with a unique taste as everything spells money

My grip on Jayson remains tight as he leads me fully inside, I can see different big personalities hanging everywhere, the media are also here filming the entire event and well, at the end of the hall are my pictures, this is more than a party, this is a grand ball

“Daughter in-law……. you look surprised” Mrs Mantinda said as she pulled me for the tightest hug and I melted into it

“This looks expensive, I don’t know what to say” I stuttered and Jayson soothes my back

“This is to make up for all the ones you’ve missed, don’t ruin the moment” Jayson said playfully and Mrs Mantinda smile

“I’m definitely stuffing my face to make up being a freaking fifth wheel” Avia said and Noah chuckles

“Let’s make that a two, come on” Noah grabbed her hands and they disappeared into the crowd……

I feel Jayson’s grip lossening as one of his business associate dragged him out, although he didn’t want to go but he has to welcome them and now I’m all alone with Mrs Mantinda

“What are you waiting for?” Mrs Mantinda said and I looked at her, her cheerful smile has disapersed and she’s….. glaring at me?

“The right time” I retorted as I maintained my stance

“The right time might be too late, don’t make me regret this” she snarled as she steps away, a woman about her age pulling her into the crowd

It’s my birthday and somehow I don’t feel like the center of attention, even though there’s a particular white spotlight gleaming on most people I don’t even recognize wished me praises, I turned and so does the spotlight and I find Roland and Mika arguing, he seems tired and a tear slipped down her eyes and she quickly wipes it, what’s going on?

I made to approach them but Jayson held my hands out of nowhere, pulling me into his arms, my arching hearts immediately melts as he kissed me for a moment as if he can sense my worries, I wonder if he will make things better once he finds out the truth

The truth!

I can feel my heart racing and beating virgoursly as if it wants to rip out of it’s protective cages

He’ll hate you


He’ll kick you out of his life


He’ll shut you out completely

Thump, thump, thump!

“Jasmine!” Jayson’s voice jolted me back to reality and I find myself shaking, hot sweats coated my entire body as I feel my legs shaking in my heels, I’m going to pass out….. I’m definitely going to pass out

The lights suddenly beam on the podium upfront and soft music filled the air, I hugged Jayson tightly, inhaling his sweet scent, he seems to notice my panic anxiety and hugs me tightly

“It’s time for the main event” Jayson said as he pulled me towards the podium and I sighed deeply, trying to soak everything in, he’s by my side and everything will be fine, he’s going to stand by me

I don’t know it’s just me but the entire hall shrinks as Mandy appears on the podium, her red slicky dress matching mine as she smiles brightly……. Mandy shouldn’t be here!

“Can I have everyone’s attention please?” Her voice boomed as everywhere went silent and her eyes met mine and I freeze…….. everyone freezd instantly


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