“The name is Jayson” he said and I blinked slightly…… shaking the thoughts off and I know he would want to know my name too

“My name is Jasmine Corey” I said and he suddenly fidgeted as he opens his mouth to say something but was having difficulties saying it

“Your name is Jasmine?” He asked again and I nod

He suddenly composed himself as he cleared his throat

“We will be meeting my mom today…….. your outfit will be brought to you and I expect you to be done in thirty minutes” he said sterning and I gasped

“Thirty minutes!?” I semi yelled and he simply walked out

Okay now I’m really angry……. All these commands just for a couple of dollars?

I exhale deeply as I felt a light bang in my chest and I slowly took in deep breaths

I’m getting stressed again and this usually happens each time I cross my limits

The door opened and there girls walked in……. I was looking confused as they brought in different designs and make up kits

“What are you doing here?” I asked bluntly and I mentally facepalm myself……. Why do I feel entitled over something I don’t have?

“We are here to get you ready” the petite one said and I stood with my mouth wide open

They stood with their hands tucked in front….. bowing slightly as I suddenly felt like a princess from an unknown kingdom

I can never get used to this no matter how hard I try.


Jasmine’s Pov

Her welcoming smile made me even nervous as Jayson walked away…… I watched him leave and each step he takes makes my heart beat louder

I clutched onto my expensive bag…… Well not mine though but still I clutched onto it like my whole existence depends on it……beads of sweat forms on my forehead as I struggled to breathe properly

Why does this place suddenly lack air ventilation?……

“Jayson has told me so much about you…….you look atonishing!” She said and I chuckled lightly…… even though I was hoping for the ground to split into two and swallow me whole

“He has?…… that’s so cool” I said and I mentally scolded myself…… what am I saying?

I’m on a mission and I didn’t rehearse before coming…….I don’t know one thing about Jayson…..I do know for a fact that’s extremely rude and egocentric!

“So tell me… did you two meet?” She asked and I smiled brightly

Just say something Jasmine!……..but what if she later asked him that same question?…… and our answers turn out different……oh man I’m toast!

“Well, it’s actually a funny story” I trailed with a laugh and she nods lightly……her eyes on me not breaking eye contact even for a minute

“I would love to hear it” she said as she snapped her fingers and two of her maids hurriedly brought drinks…….I gasped at the power and command

“Well, on my home… car got spoilt and I just happened to see him and he helped me….. and from there we started talking and that’s it…..we became really close and we started dating” I said and she furrows her eyebrows for a second before smiling

“Jayson helped you?…… that’s new and I think I’m impressed?” She said and I almost sighed out loudly

“Ohh….he is a really good guy and we’ve been really happy together…..I love him so much and I would love to spend the rest of my life with him” I said before I could stop myself……was I being too forward?…..damn!

“Wow!….. I’m shocked, so for how long have been being dating my son?” She asked and I smiled….. God!, I’m dying!

“We’ve been together for like a year now” I said before I could stop myself……ohhh Jasmine!…..a year?…..I don’t even know what life he’s been living and I’m bragging about us being together for a year?….. shît!!

“A year?…..hmmmm….. alright, I’m sure my son loves you too” she said and I nod virgoursly as she sips from the drink “go ahead and drink with me” she said and I chuckled nervously

My hands were slightly shaking but I managed to take the drink without spilling it all over myself

I’m so uncomfortable and Jayson is no where to be found.


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