“I’m sorry” she mutters and I smiled

“But to be honest, you were really good in there, I never knew you had it in you” I said with a chuckle and she smiles a little…… sitting up gently

“I was super nervous…..I didn’t know what to do at first but turns out I’m really good at acting……. that’s superb” she said and I smiled…… she has a beautiful smile

“You’ve got great acting skills, you should put them into action” I said with a small laugh

“I know right?” She also said and we both laughed out as we subconsciously touched each other……it took a while for us to realize our hands were touching and she slowly pulled her hands away

I cleared my throat akwardly as she tucks her hair behind her ears…..a beautiful smile still plastered on her face……her big brown orbs glistening directly at mine

“As promised, here you go” I said as I handed her a clean cheque and she gasped a little before taking it

Looking at it as if she’s dreaming

“Thanks” she muttered and I smiled brightly….. she really made me proud today


Jasmine Pov

I hopped off the car as I stood straight…….he poked his head a little with a smile

“So this is where you live?” He asked and I shook my head

“Nah, my friend stays here, I will just hang out for a while before going back home” I said and he nods

“Okay then, bye” he said as he sat back and they drove off

I exhaled deeply as i can now breathe properly

I looked at the cheque and my tommy flutter in happiness, gosh!, this is totally worth it

“Bîtch!, where have you been!?, And who just dropped you off!?” Mika’s voice interupts as I spuned around…..she grabbed me and hugs me tightly till I could barely breathe

“I’m fine!, Just went on a little adventure” I said and she furrows her eyebrows as we walked in……I flopped on the couch as she stared at me questioningly

“You can’t just disappear and suddenly return without any valid explanation?, Who was that guy?, I couldn’t see him clearly but I know a cute guy when I see one” she said and I frowned

“That’s Jayson Bartel” I said and she gasped

“Wait, the same Jayson Bartel you swore never to come across?, The insanely cute guy that literally makes you wèt just by staring at you?, The most handsome man I’ve ever seen?, The…….” She was saying when I cut her off

“Yes!, The Jayson you know!” I snapped irritatedly and she smiles

“Okay, start talking…….. make sure you leave nothing out, I wanna hear the full gist!” she said and I smiled

It didn’t take me up to ten minutes to explain everything to her and she stared at me in awe…..her mouth wide open as she tried to grasp everything

“Uncle Bob definitely is the most heartless person I’ve ever seen, how could he have done something like that?, What if Jayson hadn’t given you that offer?” She said and I sighed

“Well, I’m done with everything, I’m moving out and I’m definitely not going to meet with Jayson or have anything to do with his family, ever again” I said and she smriks

“Don’t be so sure about that yet, missy, his mom loves you” she said and I rolled my eyes

“Who cares?, It’s only for a day and it’s over, now if you would excuse me…..I need to hit the bathroom” I said as I stood up and started walking towards the bathroom

“You can’t be so sure yet… you never know what destiny has in store for you” she said and I paused

“To hell with destiny, I’m done and I’m free!!!!!!” I yelled in excitement as she chased after me

Soon laugher filled the room as we threw pillows at ourselves


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