“Seriously!?, Hell no!…….mom is definitely taking things too far!” Gina yells as she pours herself another glass……her eyes were red with disgust

“Then do something……you don’t want them together right?” Riley, her closest friend and lapdog said and she snearled

“You know clearly I don’t want them together, something about that girl makes me sick in the stomach…..urgh!….I just hate her” Gina said and Riley smriks

“Very good, then get rid of her… shouldn’t be that hard” Riley said and Gina smriks as she twrills the glass she was holding

“You know that’s not a bad idea……I could do that” Gina said and Riley smriks

“And I also have someone who can help, she hates her just as much as you do” Riley said and Gina gasped

“Seriously?, Just how much do you know this girl?” Gina asked and Riley smriks

“She works at M&K CLASSIC RESORT…….she always like to open her sharp mouth, finally it’s time to teach her a lesson” Riley said and Gina draws closer to her

“And who’s going to help us get rid of her?” Gina whispered

“Avia…….” Riley said and Gina smiles mischievously as she sat down….. resting completely

They both laughed out as they clicked their glasses


“You know me too well brother, I hate that girl but I just can’t kill her…. remember she’s our cousin” Avia said and Laurence smriks

“I thought you were smart?, Look if we don’t get rid of her then we’ll be the one to suffer it, besides we have the documents and all we need is her signature” Laurence said and Avia looks away

“I can’t kill” she said and Laurence grab her by the shoulders

“Don’t be stupid!!!!, this is our one shot at greatness….. and you want to blow it away!

Aren’t you tired of sleeping with your dumb CEO for promotions!!?” He snapped as he shook her virgoursly and she pulled away from him

“I get it that I hate her and besides Mom and Dad made me hate her, she never did anything to wrong to me” she said and Laurence smriks

“And what if I tell you that our father has plans of fleeing without us once he gets Jasmine to sign those documents” he said and Avia gasped

“What?, Dad would never do such a thing!” She yells and he smriks

“Oh really?, I over heard him when he was making arrangements to run away, listen we have to be the one to get this and once we do, we will be rich” he said and she bits her lips

“But do we really have to kill her?” She asked and he pulled her for a hug

“If we really want to enjoy everything to ourselves, then she has to die, remember you are way prettier and smarter than her” he said and she smiles

“I sure am, okay fine….. let’s do it” she said and he smriks

“Good, don’t worry……I will take care of Dad” he said and she smiles brightly


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