She seems to like drinking alot…..but that doesn’t despict the indesipcable resemblance between she and Jayson……

They look so alike and right there again I hinted another resemblance……no it can’t be right?

She doesn’t happen to have two sons right?

I shook my head as she drops the glass and pulled me in for the tightest hug I have ever experienced……

I couldn’t help but fake a smile as she pulled away…..her eyes roaming over me and then she frowned a little

“How can my son be engaged to a common waitress?… didn’t think I wouldn’t do my little investigations right?” She asked and I gulped down emptiness as we stared at each other…..we were exactly the same height

“I’m just doing it for charity….” I trailed off and she snaps her fingers….. making me flinch

“Again with the lies!” She snapped and my eyes popped

“Lies?, What lies are you talking about?” I asked cluelessly and she smriks before sitting down

“I’m a smart woman Jasmine……I know a real one from a fake and right here?, Is the real you standing in front of me…….

You didn’t think I wouldn’t find out about your little scheme with my son in the bid to fool me, right?” She said and in that very moment….I knew we had lost and she knows the whole truth

But how did she find out?…..

I looked at her and she wouldn’t stop smriking…… this woman is one hell of a kind

“I’m so sorry……I just really needed the money…..I swear I never intended to fool you” I said and she smiles before standing up again….. crossing both hands as she strokes her chin

“You I love the little game you and my son played….. and that’s why I want us to continue” she said and my left eye brow diped in with a questioning look as she faced me

“What are you talking about?” I joaked as I felt my feet getting wobbly….. I’m super tired

“My son would never change no matter what happens….. and I need someone to teach him just how much it hurts to meddle with one’s heart…..

I need him to feel the pains all those innocent girls he has toyed with felt…..

I need him to cry and beg for love” she said and I couldn’t help but keep getting confused as each word slipped out of her mouth

“I don’t understand……” I trailed off and she took three steps before reaching for my hands…… taking them both in her’s

“I need your help…..if you can help me then I’m willing to do anything you ask….. just name it” she said and I brashly pulled my hands away from her’s

What do these people take me for?

A poor homeless street rat that succumbs to all their demands simply because I need money?

Why do they have to constantly remind me of the fact that I’m poor and I would do anything to get the money?

I felt my blood boiling as I glared at her

“I’m sorry mam’m, but I can’t help you…… look for someone else” I said as I made to leave.


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