Jasper sat on the couch as he watched the event of everything from the news……the kissing scene made him clenched his fist as he turned off the TV……. sighing deeply as anger surged through him

Everything has always been about Jayson





Mother’s touch

Father’s Love

And most of all….. Jasmine

Everyone thought she died……but he knew she didn’t

She survived with major injuries and a server brain tumor that affected everything about her tender memories……but somehow she didn’t forget about her parents….. probably because they were the last persons she came in contact with before the accident

An accident that would have catapulted him to extreme wealth but Jasmine had to spoil it…….so tell me, why shouldn’t he kill her?

Because of her, Jayson is still breathing……. he’s still alive because of her so tell me why shouldn’t she die?

“You missed your own elder brother’s wedding…… isn’t that weird?” Laurence asked as he joined him and Jasper smriks

“A fake wedding?…….. Jayson doesn’t even know about it” he said and Laurence smriks

“Your spies are doing a great job, they are so smart and no one has figured out who they are yet…….so tell me….. what’s next?, they’re married now” Laurence asked and Jasper rested completely on the couch

“I can’t just show up yet……. besides Jasmine has to complete 24 years before she’s eligible to take over her parents properties….” Jasper trails

“And Jayson has to be on seat for three months before taking complete possession over your father’s properties……” Laurence trails as well

“And Jasmine will be turning 24 in three months” Jasper said and they both smiled

“I see where this is going…….so in three months….. everything will be ours?…..damn!!” Laurence smriks as he drinks from directly from the bottle

“And I will finally put Jayson right where he belongs” Jasper said with evil glints in his eyes

“Someone else is trying to kill Jasmine…..we can’t let that happen right?” Laurence said and Jasper’s eyes darkened

“Nothing must happen to Jasmine yet……. make sure anyone planning on hurting her doesn’t succeed because I will be the one to end the both of them” Jasper said and Laurence nods

“I can’t wait for everything to finally fall in place and this time around….. I’m not going to miss it……I will hit them hard, right where it’s hurts” he said and smiles mischievously

Jayson took everything away from him right from birth… it’s time to take everything back and watch him roast as he takes over completely


The Couples New Home


Jasmine’s Pov

The car halted and we both stepped out as I gasped at the massive building and I couldn’t help gaze in awe

Mrs Mantinda’s bought this place specially for the the both of us to live alone and I saw the irritation in Jayson’s eyes

He walked in….. leaving me outside as I wondered where I’m going to start from

Jayson is cold hearted…… he’s rude and arrogant…..he doesn’t have any human feeling towards the opposite gender so where am I going to start from

How will I make this stone cold fall in love?

I sighed as I walked in…… everywhere was neat and ready as if they have been expecting our arrival……I gulped down as I stepped into the living room and shock surged through me

This place is amazing…..the tables were sliver in color and the chairs were super fluffy…….in front was the kitchen and a dining table of just two chairs

I noticed everything in here were two in number…..the chairs….. table….. virtually everything in the living room

Mrs Mantinda told me not to bring any clothes and I’m sure she has taken care of everything considering my outfits.

I just can’t help but fall in love with that woman’s mindset…… super smart and cunning

I took the stairs and man……was it tall?…..the building was huge so what was I expecting?


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