I suddenly felt intimidated by the way he was staring down at me…..our bodies were pretty close and a slight bump would make us touch……I stylishly backed up a little

“I saw you, you were pretty lost in my charms” he said as each word vibrated out of his mouth…..his voice is deep….. just as he is huge, he’s putting on a tank top and his muscles are…..are…..I don’t even know how to explain it but he’s worth staring at actually

Yeah, I admit it…. don’t judge me!

“You are so full of yourself, that stinks!” I almost snapped….the fact that he’s right irritated me, I’m the one on the mission and he should be lost in my charms….not the other way round

“So you agree that I’m hot” he blurted out and I almost choked

“You are not!” I retorted and he moved closer…..I furrowed my eyebrows immediately and backed up but he won’t stop moving

“I want you to look at me in the eye and tell me that I’m not….. don’t stutter” he said almost in a whisper and my lips parted slightly….

I moved backwards but felt something strong stopping me… took a minute for me to realize that I’m backing the wall….. and he’s so close I couldn’t breathe

“You…are not” I managed to say….I tried not to stutter…but I guess I’m too stunned to control myself, don’t blame me though…. for fĂ»cks sakes have you seen him?

I tried moving out of the way but he placed his hand on the right side…. trapping me completely as I gulped down emptiness…..I could barely maintain eye contact

“You stuttered….that means I’m right” he said and moved closer…..our breathes fanning each other hotly as my stupid mind drifted off to yesterday’s kiss……oh not now!

I can’t possibly be thinking about that, not when he’s so close to me…..I might end up just…..urgh! no this isn’t right

“Let me go”

“Why?…..are you nerve-racking that I might kiss you?” He asked as he stared at me and I managed to look back at him and damn I shouldn’t have because now…..I can’t look away

He’s literally hovering me…..his hands still trapping me in the middle and there’s no way out on the other side

“You can’t kiss me” I said boldly and a slight smrik displayed on his lips as he tilted his head a little

“You are my wife anyways…..I can do more than kissing” he said coming closer and I hinted a smug in his eyes

Wasn’t he the same person that told me not to come close to him?….. and now I’m trapped in his loop

Maybe I should play along and see where this goes but nah….. what if we end up having…..hell no!….I didn’t sign up for that!

“So?, just because we’re married doesn’t give you the right to kiss me without my permission!……” I snapped and maybe I shouldn’t have because that got to him and he grabbed me roughly.

My air passage got blocked abruptly…. shoving the remaining words down my throat as he didn’t give me anytime to react….. pressing his lips against mine with ease

My hands on his chest subconsciously clutching onto the hem of his tank top as he sinked deeply…..

I subconsciously found myself opening up to him….. giving him more access as he took control… diving his tongue deeper, exploring every inch of my mouth in seconds

Maybe I wanted this…..the feeling of yesterday mixing with today’s?, sending different waves down my spine as pressed me tightly…..he was he control, I should be the one in control…… what’s happening?

The door bell made him groan in my mouth as he paused….I didn’t bother to push him off as he made to go at it again and the door bell rang almost immediately……

He opened his eyes….his grip lossening on me as I finally got the chance to breathe properly

I managed to free myself from his grip as he smriked down at me…… backing up

“I will go get it….” I muttered without making eye contact as I walked towards the door… mind is still messy as I opened the door and Mika jumped in….. hugging me tightly, I smiled into the hug as I hugged her back

“BĂ®tch!…..I can’t believe you live here now!” She goshed and I mentally rolled my eyes

“I can’t believe it too” I said and she laughed… looking at me as she suddenly frowned

“What?, is there something on my face?” I asked…. touching my face

“What happened to your lips?, They’re so red….did you eat anything?” She asked I felt my cheeks rise up in embarrassment

“Nothing happened…..stop asking weird questions” I said in a hush tone and she raised an eyebrow teasingly

“And you expect me to believe you?, Where’s your husband?” She asked and it took me a minute to realize that I’m actually a married woman now

“Don’t call him that” I managed to say as we both sat down

“But you guys are married and you look exhausted…..I bet last night was fun, eeh?” she said teasingly and I rolled my eyes.


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