“Nothing happened last night” I said and she smiles with a teasing look

“Ohhhh, you mean to tell me you both slept on the same bed, without doing anything?” She asked and I found myself staring at her with a surprise shock

“Mika, nothing happened…. and nothing will happen” I said and we heard footsteps behind as Jayson walked out with an apple in his hands….he bites from it and nod at Mika slightly before walking up the stairs

Mika grinned sheepishly as she waved at him before facing me

“Bîtch, if he wasn’t your husband now, I swear to God I would have tried stealing him, he’s so attractive” Mika said and I laughed slightly

“Who’s stopping you from taking your shot?” I asked with a smirk and she gasped

“Are seriously saying I can seduce him?, because that’ll be great…..oh my goodness!” She said with a sequel as she kicks at feet in the air

“Don’t you dare….” I suddenly said with a playful glare and she bursted out into laughter…..

“I’m just joking…..but he looks a lot like someone I know” she said thoughtfully and I nod

“Jasper…..he looks like the older version of Jasper, I just can’t help but feel like they are related…they are both secretive, they hardly talk and they also keep to themselves….. that’s odd” I said as I started trying to put my two and two together

“Well, maybe we are just over thinking it, hey!….I gotta be at work in an hour, so make me something to eat” she said as she sprawled on the couch and turned on the TV

“Seriously?, fine I will see what’s in the kitchen” I mumbled and she smiles

“Yeah, you are a married woman now so go cook….. you know my allergies so becareful while you are at it” she said and I paused just before I got to the kitchen

“I’ve heard you, Mom” I said sarcastically and she chuckles

“Get me a soda!!!” she yells from the living room and I cussed

“Fùck you!” I yelled back and I could hear her laughing heartily



Roland was done in the kitchen when he checked the time, Jasmine is definitely not coming to work again because she’s now married to a billionaire and well…..who cares about Mika?

He stepped out and sat in front of the counter, bringing out his phone when the glass door opened and Delilah…..she smiled immediately her eyes caught Roland and walked up to him

“Good morning Rolly” she called and he smiles….. did she just call him Rolly?

“Delilah?, Good morning….. how are you?” He asked and she smiles brightly….. staring at him while dropping her hand bag

“Super….. and I’m sure you are fine?” She asked and he nods

She rested her weight on the counter and he dropped his phone

“So what brings you by?, fry food?…..well not cooked though because Jasmine isn’t here anymore, it will take us some time to find someone has good as her” Roland said and Delilah furrows her eyebrows

“So she doesn’t work here anymore and y’all need someone else as replacement?” Delilah asked curiously

“Yeah….. I’m already missing her…. she’s the light of this place” Roland said with a pout

“You two must be really close friends” she asked and he smiled at her

His smile is super cute, she hasn’t seen nothing like that before

“We are really close friends…..with that been said, what can I offer you?” He asked as he stood up

“You…..” she trails and he chuckled

“Very funny” he said and she raised an eyebrow

“I’m serious” she furthered and he stopped smiling as he looked at her

Is she seriously flirting with him?


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