“I’m just joking!……you seems to take everything so serious” she suddenly said while laughing and he sighed in relief

What a funny joke; he thought as her laughter subsided

“I will have a scoop of ice cream cone for now……then I will think of what to order later” she said and he smiled…. walking away as her gaze landed on his phone

She smiled to herself as she took it and tapped the screen twice….. immediately a picture of him holding a dog displayed on the lock screen wallpaper and she didn’t hold back the pout that formed instantly

“Woah…… you look super handsome in this picture” she said as he appeared with her order

He furrows his eyebrows as he took his phone from her and stared at it

This picture was taken some months ago when he, Mika and Jasmine went out and the dog belonged to end elderly woman

He clearly remembered how Mika laughed at him mockingly and said he looked like a chicken dipped in hot water

“You really think this picture is good?” He asked before he could stop himself and she licked from her cone

“It’s looks perfect….. hundred percent perfect” she said and he smiles before realizing it

The glass door opened and Mika walked in with a two sodas and vinegar chips she forcefully took from Jasmine

The small smile on her face vanished as she saw Roland smiling at a girl……she didn’t know why but she felt somehow seeing the both of them smiling at each other

Delilah turned and saw Mika still standing firmly on her spot

“Who’s that?” Delilah asked and Roland looked up and saw Mika as well

“She’s just a colleague……we work together” he simply said and Mika’s jaw almost dropped

Just a colleague?…..not even friend?

Why does it even bother her?

Mika started walking when Delilah’s voice stopped her

“Hey…..” Delilah waved and she she turned sharply….. glaring at her before walking away

Delilah faced Roland with a questioning look and he shrugged his shoulders

Mika shut the kitchen with a loud bang as she drops everything on her hand…. she looks at the two sodas and hissed in irritation

“Why do I even care that he’s talking to her?….. rubbish” she mutters as she grabbed one of the sodas and throws it in the trash can

“He doesn’t deserve a soda” she countered as she sat on the kitchen counter….. opening her’s and takes a sip from it

The laughter of Roland and Delilah filled her ears she could clearly hear them

She throws her soda away in irritation as she covers her face with both hands


Jayson’s Pov

Thank God there’s a study room for my work activities… first I didn’t notice there was another room at the far end from the main room

Why would Mom do this to me? and I didn’t want to think much about what happened earlier

Just this morning and I know exactly what her breath taste like…… what’s going to happen if we continue staying together?….. alone?….in this big cold mansion?

I sighed as I made to enter the study when I bumped into Jasmine…..she was coming out of the room and I furrows my eyes

The fact that our little make out session hasn’t cleared away from my mind and it’s still stuck in my brain still hunts me and now she’s here… my study room?…… what’s she up to?

“What are you doing here?” I asked coldly and she looks up at me…..her brown orbs glistening as she crossed her hands together

“Nothing…. it’s none of your business” she mumbles and made to leave but I blocked her path

“You are snooping around in my study room……I have every right to ask” I retorted and she sighs

“I got curious okay, I know you said I should stay outta your way and I’m sorry…..I won’t bother you again” she said and shake my head

“I don’t like anyone interfering in my personal space, stay away from this room, don’t ever enter in here without my permission” I said and she furrows her eyebrows in confusion


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