When she heard about Jasmine’s death, she was elated….. words couldn’t describe how happy she was that Jasmine is finally gone but now that happiness has been shortened

Even a blind man can recognize Jasmine, but she’s changed alot

She’s now slim…..curvy and surprisingly beautiful

“Fk it!!!” Mandy cursed as she flings her hair brush across the huge mirror…. making other things fall along with it

She breaths heavily as she stared at her reflection and slowly a smirk appeared on her lips

She thought Jasmine was gone for good but she’s wrong and now she’s stolen Jayson from her…. again!!!

The door opened and Gina walked in with a huge man…… he’s wearing a mask and Mandy chuckled as she faced them

“You really did it” Mandy said and Gina smiles mischievously

“Riley and Avia hooked me up……I can’t wait for what’s going to happen” Gina goshed as Mandy stood up and walked towards the huge intimidating figure

“Are you sure you will be able to do this job…..I want a trackless, clean motherfúcking job, I don’t want no mistakes” Mandy said and he nods

“He can do it…. I’m absolutely sure of it” Gina said and Mandy smiles

“I’m sure he knows everything about our target?” Mandy asked as she walked towards her draw

“He knows everything…. I’m so excited” Gina said as she claps her hands lightly

“Good….. take this, that’s half of what you asked for and I will pay you in full once everything is done…. remember, I want a clean job… tracks” Mandy said with gritted teeth and he collects the envelope….he nods at her before walking away and Gina hugs her excitedly

“It’s better she dies now that Jayson doesn’t know who she truly is” Mandy said as she sat back slowly

“But…..why can’t Jayson remember anything about her, I thought you three were friends” Gina asked thoughtfully and Mandy scoffed

“I recognized her the very first time I set my eyes on her……I don’t know why Jayson doesn’t remember and I don’t care, plus I never really liked Jasmine, I only became friends with her because Jayson was her friend……I really wished she died in that car accident” Mandy said with hate

“What car accident?” Gina asked with curiousity

” You are so curious….. you will find out soon enough” Mandy said as Gina pouted in disappointment

“It wouldn’t be bad if you tell me now” Gina said and Mandy sighs

“Fine, I don’t how it happened, but Jasmine got into an accident along side with her parents that almost killed her, I heard Jasper was behind it …..I don’t know how honestly” Mandy said and Gina frowned

“I’ve never seen Jasper… mom just told me he’s my elder brother” Gina said and Mandy smiles at her

“Jasper is bad news, trust me, you do not want to know anything about him” Mandy said and Gina nods slightly

But deep down, she really wants to know what truly transpired that separated her family and how her father died.


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