Turns out she’s been here for a few minutes and decided not to disturb

“It’s been years son, it’s been eighteen years since I last saw a smile on your handsome face” she rasped in shock and I couldn’t help but laugh

And she shrikes away from me, her eyes bulging out widely has she looks as if she’s seen a ghost

“You are laughing too?, where’s my daughter in-law?” She asked and I pointed upstairs

“I think I came into the wrong house, I will just leave” she said grabbing her bag and three expensive phones as I stopped her, my smile still intacted as she finally calmed down, a proud smile on her face as she hugs me dearly, I felt the rush of emotions in that hug

“You have no idea how happy I am seeing you smile, I thought I would come to see you scrunching your face and walking mindlessly” she said and I couldn’t help the burst of emotions in me

I opened my mouth but no words came out,but rather the cutest voice that owns my heart

“Scrèw you Jay, I still can’t feel my legssssssss” Jasmine trails as her voice turned high pitched at the last word, her surprised look on her face as she saw my mom sitting down close to me, I smriked as I saw the helpless crimstone of red plastered on her face as my mom furrows her eyebrows, both eyebrows standing up in a questioning manner

“What happened to your legs Jasmine?” My mom asked, obviously confused or she chose to to read the meaning to what Jasmine said

Jasmine looked flushed as she climbed down the stairs completely, her hands together in a nervous way as no words came out of her

“It’s nothing Mom, just a little lesson that was learnt well” I said and Jasmine facepalmed herself

Before my mom could venture further, Jasmine hurriedly hugs her tenderly and she smiles, forgetting about everything as she welcomed the embrace of her only daughter in-law

Jasmine shot me a glare and she pulled away and I couldn’t help but smile, my phone beeped and I excused myself, leaving the ladies to their chatter


Jasmine’s Pov

If embarrassment was a city then I’m pretty sure I would have been lost deep inside it as my eyes bulged out, I didn’t expect to see Mrs Mantinda here, it’s more than a surprise

She obviously got confused and curious but luckily, even though Jayson almost jinxed it, I somehow managed to distract her and made sure I glared daggers at Jayson

He’s such a freakstar and only God knows how Mrs Mantinda would have react




Or tease?

I sat besides her as Jayson excused himself and she finally looked at me

“How did you do it?, I saw my son smiling like a baby, it’s been so long I saw that expression on Jayson’s face” she questioned and I looked at her in the eye

I won’t say it’s because of my act, but maybe it actually is, or am I wrong?

I experienced something beautiful with Jayson yesterday and It wasn’t an act, I meant every single word I said, I meant every single reactions and expressions, I wanted him, I needed him, I needed his touch, for some reason his touch feels familiar, it brings back memories I can’t seem to remember, his lips are like strawberries coated in an ice cream pudding, it’s taste so fùcking familiar, so familiar that I could almost touch it and relive it

But she doesn’t have to know that, moreover all this is nothing but a game to her, she wants to punish her son, but why does it suddenly feels so wrong?

“I’m just as surprised as you are Mrs” I said with a hesated smile and she took my hands and made me face her

“Jasmine, don’t let your feelings come in between the reason you are here, keep your head in the game and don’t lose your guards, remember this marriage isn’t real, non of this is real, mixing pleasures with business is the number one way to total destruction, remember what brought you here” she said as our eyes bored into each other and I swear to God, I actually felt a sting in my eyes, tears were gathering and I just couldn’t let them down

“I understand” I said, a false smile on my face as I slowly realsed her grip from mine

How do I tell this woman that I’m not sure of what’s going on in my head any longer, I’m confused and I just can’t help but feel guilty, guilt is taking it’s hilts on me hard

“You have two months left and I can already see great changes, keep it up” she said with a smirk and I slowly nod

Looking away from her as my heart squeezed in hurt, I can’t bare the pains, it’s fcking painful and if Jayson finds out?, It’s going to shatter him and I can’t stand that, I won’t let it happen, I care about his feelings now and he’s just to good to be toyed with


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5 thoughts on “SILENT MOANS : CHAPTERS 61 – 70”

  1. Nice writeup, jasmine should really tell jay about the contract she sign with his mother before it’s too late. I am waiting for the next 10 episode today cos it’s two days interval and today makes it the third day. More ink to your pen


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