The Party

You don’t need to be told twice that money is talking as we entered the venue……it was large and spacious as different decors filled the entire space….. immediately we stepped in different reporters and paparazzi flooded me and I did what I do best

Posing for the cameras as their lights flashed on me and Mika, she was a little bit awkward but I was born an actress and since I’m the wife of a billionaire, I gotta act like it

We managed to brush pass the crowd as we got in, cool lights and the calm senerade nerves calming music sent me in a completely different world

“Wow, this place is amazing…. I’m so excited” Mika goshed as we stood at the center and different big personalities were simply drinking, chatting with one another or dancing to the slow music

“Well, since we are our plus 1, let’s dance” I said childishly as I pulled Mika towards the dance floor and she giggled, the slow music continued and we danced to the beats….. holding hands as we swinged and laughed while at it

“Hello ladies” a calm voice interupts our dance as we faced the direction simontenously….. they were two good looking guys and they both hands two drinks, one on each hand as they extended it and we looked at each other before taking it

“I’m Jarred” the first guy said to me and I smiled

“And I’m Alfred” the other one said and I looked at Mika

“Are you twins?” Mika asked before I could and Jarred smiles

“No, it’s just a coincidence….. do you mind us taking a sit” he asked and before I could answer Mika was already gone with Alfred……I opened my mouth as words couldn’t describe how pissed I am at her but I had no option than to sit with this good looking guy in front of me

Oh, man!


Jayson’s Pov

I sat down quietly in the empty restaurant as it was almost 10

It’s been hours and my sources isn’t here yet, ruffing my hair as I saw him coming and I breathe out in relief

“So?” I asked and he smiles at me before pulling out three pictures

“She’s your girl” he said and for a moment I thought I had lost my earring, I gulped down nervously as I waited for his explanations

“You see this picture? It’s from three years ago before she started working, when asked in an interview about what her childhood was like, she said she couldn’t remember as she was involved in her accident that killed her parents, in the process she lost her memories due to some fractions in her brain” he explains and I felt beads of sweat forming on my forehead

“So I did some investigations and descoverd she had an accident exactly the day and time you also did….. fast-forward she attended the same school with you when you were little and all her favorites matches with the one you told us” he said and I nod….. it’s all making sense now

“Her birthday are the same with the one you told us, practically everything matches….. and this picture is when she was in highschool, she couldn’t attend college because of low funds….. and this last picture here was found in her house she used to stay” he said and I took the picture

I couldn’t believe it, my eyes became watterly as I stared at our pictures from when we were young, all doubts erased from my mind as I was convinced that my Jasmine, my Star….. she’s alive

I looked up at him and he smiled at my expression, my happiness knew no bounds as I couldn’t even say anything….. this new descovery, it’s the biggest news in my life

“She also has past trumas, she was involved in molestation by her uncle but no traces of him were found” he said and my smile vanished as anger replaced it within seconds

I looked at the picture and clenched my fists

How dare that beast hurt my Star, my empress, my everything!!?

“Double your checks, I need to know exactly where he is….. find him!!!” I yelled and my phone started ringing

I rolled my eyes as I picked the call

“What!” I snapped and I could hear Noah’s shaky voice

“Jayson, ummm….. your wife is at the party hosted by your mother…..I thought you should know since it’s been hours and she isn’t back yet” he said and I felt something snapped in my head…..I didn’t know what it is but on seconds I was in my car, driving recklessly to the party venue


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5 thoughts on “SILENT MOANS : CHAPTERS 61 – 70”

  1. Nice writeup, jasmine should really tell jay about the contract she sign with his mother before it’s too late. I am waiting for the next 10 episode today cos it’s two days interval and today makes it the third day. More ink to your pen


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