I looked down at his length and back at him and he saw the fear in my eyes…. “Don’t worry, I won’t split you in half” he smiles as he kissed me deeply, slurping deeper as my legs hugged him, I was literally hugging him as I melted in his touch but my eyes widened as I felt his dîck penetrating me and I broke the kiss instantly

“Oh my fking gawrd!, Jayson!!” I screamed out as I threw my head backwards, shaking it from side to side virgoursly, he paused as he looks at me, allowing me adjust to his size as tears trickled down my eyes, I clenched myself around him and sniffles as he started moving in and out of me in the slowest way as possible, I grabbed his face in my hands as I kissed him harder, our bodies fuised together as the soft clapping of our skins resonated the room

“Jay!!….. dmnit!!” I moaned loudly into the night,as I broke the kiss, he started going faster….by now I was used to his size and I fisted the sheets in my hands as my veins threatened to erupt…..I shut my eyes closed as I blown away into another dimension

“Star….. fck it!, your cvnt is hugging me so tighly” He moaned in his deep voice and my head snapped as I have never heard that version of his voice before, hearing my name coming out from his mouth like that sent me to another world and I just can’t explain the feeling…. it’s incredible

Things got heated as I clenched onto him, digging my fingers deep into his skin as I bucked my hips forward to meet with his fast thrusting speed

I closed my mouth as he hit a particular spot that made me squirm….I guess he didn’t like that as he shoved my hands away from my mouth, giving me a playful glare that made me less tensed

“I want to hear your screams, don’t stifle it…..let it out” he said and I cried out as if it’s going to be my last, my eyes becoming hazier as his hard strokes made my brain turn up side down, sending me to cloud 9 and back in minutes

Different inchorent words falling off my mouth as I lost my home training completely, I could barely recognize my own voice as he dipped his head in the crook of my neck, grabbing my thighs as he whispered something into my ears

“I love you, Starlight” was the word I last heard as I shuddered beneath him, my legs curling up as we both got closer and closer to our climax as different waves of escasy hits me from different angles…..I found myself curling deeper into his arms as he placed a loving kiss on my forehead while brushing my hair backwards.


Mika stood stranded as she didn’t know where she is, it was really dark and Alfred said he wanted to get something but he never came back

She looks around as fear surged through her completely, making her body shivers as she dragged her feet on the ground, her phone started ringing and she a smile plastered on her face for a minute while she answered the phone

“Roland?” She called in a shaky voice as she stopped walking

“Are you alright?, I just wanted to check up on you, how’s the party?” He asked in a go and her lips parted slightly, she can’t believe he’s still concerned about her even after all she does is make fun of him

“I’m stranded, a guy took me out and he left me…..I think Jasmine must be worried sick about me because I left without telling her” she said and Roland curses over the phone

“Turn on the GPS tracker on your phone, I’m on my way” Roland said and hung up the call as her hands trembled….her legs became wobbly as the night darkness eglofed her

“Why would Alfred do this to me?” She mumbles as she turned on her location and someone tapped her on her shoulders, she startled as she turned around and a pair of strong hands grabbed her neck tightly

Her phone fell from her hands as she struggles to free herself but the grip was stronger as she was lifted off the ground

Tears formed in her eyes as she looks down and saw a wicked smrik on ALFRED!!!!

No, no , no…. this can’t be happening, what the hell is going on?

“What are you doing!!!!?” She yells as she kicks her feet, his grip tightened as she slowly started to give out…..her eyes blurred as her struggling became weak and she started giving up to the darkness eloping her

“Just die” Alfred said and she went limp immediately, her eyes closed as she started dangling on his hand, he smriked as he flings her away like a piece of paper, her body hitting the ground violently as she layed lifelessly…. blood dripping from the side of her mouth….he took a picture of her and kicked her repeatedly but she was stiff

He walked away and drove off as Roland’s rented car pulled up almost immediately, his eyes widened as he saw Mika’s body, securing towards her as he grabbed her body

“Mika!, say something!, Fùck!!!!” He groans in pain as Mika started coughing, his eyes lit up as she weakly looks at him, a small smile on the corner of her lips before she passed out again and he quickly carried her towards his car

“You are going to be fine okay?, I promise” Roland said breathlessly as he ignited the car and drove off roughly.


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5 thoughts on “SILENT MOANS : CHAPTERS 61 – 70”

  1. Nice writeup, jasmine should really tell jay about the contract she sign with his mother before it’s too late. I am waiting for the next 10 episode today cos it’s two days interval and today makes it the third day. More ink to your pen


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