Jasmine’s Pov

I snuggled deeper into his strong arms around me, caging me protectively as the sheets covered us in bliss

My eyes opened slightly as the events of last night flooded my mind as my cheeks heated up instantly…..I could clearly remember everything even though it’s been hours, my legs still tingles from my orgasms…. yeah you heard me right

His grunts and praises, my loud cries, honestly I never thought I had that nasty side in me, Jayson really brought out the freakish side that I’ve been hiding deep inside and made me say things I couldn’t believe

I couldn’t help but smile, we stayed up for hours trying to get as much as we could, he really did made me scream his name, even more than he intended to

I tried standing up but I felt a strong grip tightened around my waist as it draw me closer, his head on my hair as he practically snifes it…. he’s wide awake as our naked bodies glued together

“Jayson I need to stand up” I whined and he sighed as he pulled me closer

“I don’t want to let you go yet, don’t you think we should go for another round?, I heard morning s£x are freaking hot…” He said rawly and my eyes widened as I forcefully freed myself

“Hell no, I’m not having you in-between my legs, not after what you did last night, I’m still recovering” I pouted my lips and a funny smrik appeared on his face as I sat up, pulling the sheets over my body but he yanked it off

“Are you seriously hiding your body from me?, Don’t be silly Star” he said and my face turned red as I realized that we’ve already seen each other unclad

“Don’t you dare make fun of me” I threatened with a smile and that really made him sit up as he didn’t bother to cover himself, my eyes widened as I looked away and he started laughing….. this is the first time I’m hearing him laugh freely

“We’ve seen each other naked, why are you acting shy this morning, come on stop it” he teased and I couldn’t keep my mouth closed as I looked away from his face….my tummy making fluttering sounds

“Oh really, now you are shy?, but you weren’t shy when you were screaming my name and shaking beneath me…..oh Jayson… don’t stop” he teased and I covered my face as my cheeks turned red like tomatoes, his laugher became watterly as he made me look at him

“Are seriously doing this to me Jay?” I asked as my face brimmed red and I couldn’t help but smile as his hands trails my cheeks

“I need you Jayson….. don’t stop!” He mimicked and I grabbed the pillow and hit him playfully as I dragged the sheets over my body, running into the bathroom.

I could clearly hear his laughter as I shut the door with a bang

This man can’t possibly be serious about teasing me right now


Jayson’s Pov

I watched her running into the bathroom with the sheets, even though she was limping a little she still managed to run before I could stop her, her giggles filled the bathroom as I sighed deeply

For the first time in so many years, I’m laughing freely, I don’t know how to describe this feeling blazing deeply inside of me, it’s intoxicating, contagious, it’s something I haven’t felt in a while and my heart is just filled with lilies and raspberries…. sweet drenching desires that lits up my dark world

Descovering her true identity is the biggest achievement of my entire life, I missed her, loved her, longed for her little touch and cheeky bone smile, a bubbly face with cute little eyes and soft plump hands, everything about our childhood was blissful and she still hasn’t changed a bit

She’s still smart, carefree, sassy, STUBBORN, and most of all… favorite

I dropped my legs and fell the cold floor sending shivers down my spine, I can’t stop smiling, I would never stop smiling because I’ve found my missing rip, my entity, my source of happiness….. Jasmine is everything to me and now that I know I actually never lost her?, I’m going to keep her with me for the rest of our lives…..birth kids together, grow old together, and die in each other’s arms

“Jayson what are you doing!!!!, Stop that!!!!” My mom’s shrill voice pierced through the entire room as as little me stood in front of the huge giant mirror, decorated with pictures of me and Jasmine

My tiny eyes were dark and void of emotions as my mother’s sobs had no effect on me, my limps trembling as I held the sharp pointy knife, ready to dice myself open

What I’m I living for if the only person that mattered to me is dead, I can’t live without her, I can’t breathe, all my brain’s conscious systems were shut down as I stared stark blank at the mirror

My mom’s feet trembled, as her lips quivers

“I can’t live without her” my little voice said qaukly and my mom fell on her knees….she couldn’t come close because if she did….. I’m going to stab myself, it didn’t matter anyway because I was going to do it, I want to be with the girl that stole my first kiss, my first trust, my first concern, her dark orbs that makes me get lost in the wild world of her charms.


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5 thoughts on “SILENT MOANS : CHAPTERS 61 – 70”

  1. Nice writeup, jasmine should really tell jay about the contract she sign with his mother before it’s too late. I am waiting for the next 10 episode today cos it’s two days interval and today makes it the third day. More ink to your pen


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