THE SOUND OF LOVE : Episode 11 – The End

THE SOUND OF LOVE BY RUTHIE LEE EPISODE 11 ** Zack’s pov ** Immediately Sarah left with Valery, I sighed and got on my feet people had been watching the scene but I didn’t care all I cared about was Sarah forgiving me and I won’t forgive my self If she doesn’t forgive me, I … Read more

THE SOUND OF LOVE : Episode 1 – 10

THE SOUND OF LOVE BY RUTHIE LEE EPISODE 1 [califiona 2002] ^ Sarah’s pov^ “How does it look mom” I asked my mom staring at my beautiful self in the mirror, “you look great honey” my mom replied smiling brightly .. ..sorry for not introducing my self, my name is Sarah Barclay am eighteen years, … Read more