THE BLUE SEA: Episode 11 – 20

?The Blue Sea?

Written by Victoria?

Episode 17??

General pov

“And if he is just your highschool friend then why would you kss him” Ken said looking calm.

“Ken trust me..I didnt kss him” Belinda defended herself.

“This is the dress you put on today and this is the picture of you kssing him”..

“Ken I went to the boutique to buy Granny clothes.. I met Jack, He hugged and I think that was normal for long time friends until I felt his lips on mine.
I pushed him off Immediately, Trust me I dont know who quickly clicked those pictures and Why the person didnt click the scene where I slapped him”.

“And who would believe this story.. Of Course me”..

“The Question is who sent the picture to you?”..

“A private number”..

Belinda phone beeped
“I have a Message” She said.. Ken collected the phone and clicked on the message.. It was from Jack.

I enjoyed the Kss we shared.
Lets meet at our usual spot tomao.

“Take a look at the message Belinda” Belinda eyes widened in shock unable to understand anything.

“You still want me to believe you right??”..

“Tell me Ken.. Have I been going out, I was with you all through”Belinda said.

“Someone want to defame me” She added almost in tears.

“Belinda tomorrow is a working day.. I really need to rest, I would be going to office.
I would be attending to all this later” Ken said covering himself with the duvet.. Belinda kept crying.

“Belinda dear please stop crying… I am not moved by the pictures and messages
You can never be wrong.. You should have a reason for everything.
Please have a Nice rest and let me rest.. I have a long day ahead.

The Following day at Kenneth Hewetts Office.
Ken already forgot about the Pictures and Message..
He was more focused on his work.. He has been looking for an Investor for his father project.
The Project worth Billions of Dollars and If he should do it alone, he will go Bankrupt
Many Investors turned down the offer and he is getting pissed off.
Another Investor is going to be visiting today so he has been really busy.
The Secretary called saying Debby is Around.. Ken Ordered her to send Debby to his office.

“Are you surprised to see me Mr Hewetts” Debby asked.

“I have tons of work today so what is the cause of your visit” Kenneth replied.

“I received pictures on my phone at Midnight.. Your gf kssing another guy”..

“I also saw it”.

“I know how much you hate cheating and how you would feel but what do you expect?.. She is a politician daughter, The same rude and fl!rty babe”..

“Not a word against her Debby.. If there are no other unturned stone then you can leave”..Kenneth said.

“I actually came here to keep you company as a friend.. You may feel kind of bored” Debby brought out a bottle of grape drink and 2 glass cups.

“You can’t reject this, Its your Favourite”..She said filling both cups.. Ken picked one.

“Yes it is my favourite.. It still remain that”..

“How was work today” Debby asked.

“It was kind of Hectic.. I received some business proposals and had to send out some.. Now I am waiting for an Investor and I pray he accept the offer”..

“He would accept it. You don’t need to worry..
So How is Granny Health??”.

“Improving Perfectly. She no longer lose strength like before” Ken replied.
With the Help of the Grape Juice, There was a conversation flow as it was Ken Best juice
All Ken mind was on the Investor.. He wants to complete the long left project.

At the Hewetts Home.
Grandma was taking Nap in her room.. Belinda was in the sitting room watching movie
Why would Jack send her such a message.
She tried calling him but It was not reaching through.
She didnt know how and why she was trapped in the mess
Ken didnt react this morning… He just dressed up and left for work after a Goodbye peck.
The Maid brought Orange Juice for Belinda.

Sarah wedding is drawing closer likewise Belinda Engagement party.
Belinda is happy with the news that she will be engaged again and the Slyvester family are planning a Joint wedding Ceremony.
Belinda drank the Juice and her eyes closed slowly.. She was feeling dizzy within minutes before falling fully asleep.

“Come in and take her away” Sarah said and some huge men walked in.
They tied up her mouth and hands then carried her out of the house.
Sarah paid the maid and the Security some money.
Belinda was carried into a House.. They lay her on the bed and strip her N@ked.
They took pictures and Video of her.. They sent them all to Sarah.
They walked on the instruction not to r@pe her..
They dressed her back and drove her back to the Mansion
With the help of Sarah…They took her back to Ken’s room
She was still in deep sleep.

Sarah’s Pov
I smiled wickedly watching the Video of Belinda n@ked body
I will use the Video to create wonders.
I will use this video to destroy the Slyvester’s reputation.
I am Sarah Thettford.. The Only lady meant of Kenneth Hewetts.

General pov
All these while Sarah was watching the Video..
Ken and Debby are back and on the way to her room.

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