Sebastian’s eyes narrowed, his face pale with fear “huh” he was shocked.

“Or do you want to be killed” Emperor Augustus twisted his head.

“No..No your highness” Sebastian shook his head but deep down he was fuming, he doesn’t want Augustus to take away his favorite daughter.

Odessa eyes widened in shock but it turned to a smirk later on as she folded her arms.

“But… Your highness, you can take her older sister instead.. she is more mature but this younger one is still a novice”

“Then, I’ll gladly take the novice,” he declared, his voice low and commanding. “She will be my slave, and perhaps…my property.”

Sebastian knew he had no choice, he had no more hopes. He knew he had to give Augustus what he wanted, or risk everything.

Aurora shook her head on hearing that as she gazed at Sebastian.

“Dad, don’t tell me you want to sell me”

“I’m not selling you Aurora, I’m talking about lives here….. I also don’t want you to leave my sight also” He said trembling as he touched her soft skin.

“Enough of this” Augustus voice came, cold and menacing.

“You have five seconds to choose between your Life or your daughter” he Said, his voice coming out deeper and Sebastian eyes widened.

” 5……….4……….3……….2……….”

“I will……., you can …….take her” he stuttered as he bit his lips in frustration.

“Finally, she’ll be gone” Odessa said inwardly and smiled dangerously knowing Aurora is weak and agile and she can’t stay alive for long in the hands of Emperor Augustus.

Aurora eyes gleamed with tears. “Take her” Augustus commanding voice came as Aurora clenched to Sebastian.

“No father, don’t let them take me away” she shook her head as tears welled up in her eyes.

Sebastian head was down as Aurora keep on clinging to him.

The guards dragged her away from Sebastian as her hands were still stretched towards her father without taking her gaze off him.

“Father….. Father….. Nooooo” she wept bitterly as she was being taken away.

Augustus laughed mischievously, the sound sending shivers down the spines of the palace guards. His eyes gleamed with amusement, his face set in a cruel smirk.

“That a good choice, you really don’t want to die yet” Emperor Augustus smirked and walked away, leaving an aura of darkness in the throne room.

Sebastian’s eyes were teary as Augustus left the palace, he leaned on the throne and gritted his teeth angrily.

“I won’t let him go with this” he growled and called in the little guards left.

“Father” Odessa moved closer to him.

Sebastian’s eyes blazed with anger as he gazed upon the empty space where Augustus had stood moments before. His fists clenched, his face twisted in a snarl.

“You monster!” he spat, his voice low and venomous. “You’ll pay for this, Augustus! You’ll pay for taking my daughter! forcefully”

Odessa’s eyes widened, her face pale. But beneath her concerned expression, a hint of satisfaction lurked. She had never gotten along with Aurora, and was secretly thrilled to see her gone.

“Father, calm down,” Odessa said, her voice sweet and soothing. “We must think of a plan to rescue Aurora.”

But Sebastian was beyond reason. He paced the throne room, his eyes fixed on the door through which Augustus had escaped.

“I’ll get her back,” he growled. “I’ll get her back, no matter what it takes. I’ll rally the guards, I’ll gather more army, I’ll move heaven and earth to rescue Aurora!”

Odessa’s eyes filled with tears, her expression carefully crafted to conceal her true feelings. “Father, please. You must be careful. Emperor Augustus is dangerous.”

Sebastian’s eyes flashed with fury. “I don’t care! I’ll risk everything to get Aurora back. She’s all I have left, Odessa. She’s all that matters.”

Odessa’s face contorted in a mock show of grief, her voice trembling. “Oh, Father. I’m so worried about Aurora. We must get her back.”

But her eyes betrayed her, a glint of excitement sparkling in their depths. She was happy to see Aurora gone, and she wouldn’t lift a finger to help her father rescue her.

Ava was crying inwardly as she saw Aurora taken away from the palace, she wished she could go with her and comfort her… She knows Aurora isn’t strong but fragile.

Someone stood beside her, an annoying smile on her face…. It was Nadine, Odessa personal maid.

“I can see you’re missing your dear princess” she smiled mischievously.

“I don’t have the time for you Nadine, leave” Ava glared at her.

“You have no choice but go back down to being a normal palace maid” Nadine smirk and left.

Ava eyes gleamed and she walked away too.


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