Princess Sapphire’s eyes sparkled with excitement as she wandered through the bustling market. She had sneaked out of the palace, eager to experience the world beyond the gilded gates. The freedom was exhilarating, and she felt alive.

She sampled sweet pastries and savory treats, laughing with the vendors and merchants. For a brief moment, she forgot about her royal duties and simply enjoyed the thrill of being a normal person.

But her joy was short-lived. As she turned a corner, she spotted Astrid and the guards. Her heart skipped a beat as she quickly scanned her surroundings, spotting a nearby alleyway. She darted into the shadows, holding her breath as she peeked out to see if she had been seen.

The coast seemed clear, and she let out a sigh of relief. But as she turned back to her treats, she was met with a frightening sight. She screamed flinching in the process.

Astrid stood before her, his eyes stern and unyielding.

“It’s time to go home, Princess,” he said, his voice firm but gentle.

Sapphire’s face set in a stubborn expression. “I don’t want to go back yet. I want to stay longer.”

Astrid’s expression remained unyielding. “Your safety is my priority, Princess. We must return to the palace.”

But Sapphire refused to budge. She crossed her arms, her eyes flashing with defiance. “I’m not a child, Astrid. I can take care of myself.”

Astrid sighed, his eyes softening slightly. “Princess. His highness would never forgive me if anything happened to you.”

“My brother won’t do such” she blinked.

“Princess Sapphire, let go back to the palace” he grabbed her hands but she yanked it off

But Sapphire was resolute. She had always been a bit of a rebel, and the thrill of sneaking out had only emboldened her. “I won’t go back,” she said, her voice firm.

Astrid’s expression turned stern. “Princess, I’m not asking you. I’m telling you. We must leave. Now.”

But Sapphire refused to back down. And so, Astrid had no choice but to scoop her up in his arms, ignoring her frustrated kicks and screams. He carried her to his horse, depositing her onto the saddle with a firm but gentle motion.

Sapphire swung her legs in frustration, her face red with anger. “I hate you, Astrid!” she exclaimed, her voice echoing through the streets.

Astrid’s expression remained calm, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. “I’m doing this for your own good, Princess,” he said, his voice firm but kind.

As they rode back to the palace, Sapphire’s anger and frustration slowly gave way to a silence as she rolled her eyes.

Astrid’s grip on her was firm but gentle, and she scoffed.

“Won’t you leave me” she snapped.

“You’ll fall if I do” He replied firmly and she rolled her eyes

Finally, they arrived at the palace gates, and Astrid lifted her down from the horse. Sapphire’s eyes flashed with anger as she gazed up at him, but Astrid’s expression remained calm and unyielding.

“Let’s get you back to your chambers, Princess,” he said, his voice soft but firm.

“Are you now assigned to follow me around” She blurted.

“No, I just want to make sure you enter your chamber” he said, his expression motionless.

She grinned and left for her chambers and Astrid followed suit.



The throne room was abuzz with activity as the ministers gathered. Emperor Augustus sat at the throne, his expression unreadable. The ministers spoke in hushed tones, their voices rising and falling in a gentle cadence.

“Your highness” a minister stood up and bowed to Augustus then continued “we are troubled about you not having an empress by your side” Minister lee bowed his head

“You can make Mistress Esmeralda as the empress, I’m sure she has the capability to rule this kingdom” He added and others nodded in affirmation.

“I think it’s a excellent idea, Your Majesty,” said Minister wong, his eyes cast downward in respect. “Having an empress by your side would bring stability to the empire. And Mistress Esmeralda, would be a perfect choice.”

Minister chen nodded in agreement. “Yes, she’s beautiful, intelligent, and well versed in the ways of the court. She would make a fine queen.”

Augustus listened intently, his face a mask of calm. The ministers continued to speak, their words flowing like a river.

“I think it’s a wonderful idea, Your Majesty,” said Minister Leong, his voice melodious. “Esmeralda would be a great asset to the empire. And she’s already shown her loyalty and dedication to the crown.”


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