
THE FIVE COLORED STONES [Super Natural Story]: Episode 1 to 10

THE FIVE COLORED STONES [Super Natural Story]: Episode 1 to 10.

The Five Colored Stones

? Phoenix high school

?? Written by Joan lkponmwosa ??

*? Episode two?


I walked through the bush path in pains.

This is what l get from helping a she devil, that girl knows how to cause a lot of trouble.

My hands were eletricuted and l was feeling pains.

I sat under a tree , trying to get over the pains.

Sir!a familiar voice called.

“Yes Finn, why are you here?” I asked.

“Teacher wants to see you.”

“Does he know l helped her again?” I asked and he nods.

Shit! Am doomed.

“Tell him, am coming” l said and hissed in pain.


“Don’t! just call me Lonrenzo” l said and he nods.

“Fine! I will come with you” l said and stood up immediately, trying to get a hold on myself.

“Let me help you” he offered.

“Thanks Finn, l can manage” l replied.

After walking for few minutes we arrived our teacher’s Manor.

“I will wait here” Finn said and stood still, while l entered.

As l entered, an invisible force sent me back as l found myself being thrown outside the house and l landed on the wall with a loud thud, the impact was so hard that l coughed out blood.

“Sir!” Finn screamed and rushed to help me.

“Don’t!” Teacher commanded as he walked out from his tent.

Finn stood still, he knew what it means to disobey our teacher.

Teacher! I called and he slammed his palm on my face and Finn gasped loudly.

I staggered and spat out blood.

“Go reflect on your mistakes” he said and left and Finn rushed to help me quickly.

“Why did you helped her again?” Finn asked annoyed.

“I got no choice Finn, she saved my life remember.”

“But you have compensated her for it by saving hers countless times, why do you still have to save her?Now teacher is mad at you.”

“I will go apologize later, l need to see Dreyfus so,where is he?”

“But you are injured.”

“It’s okay Finn, l will take care of myself, and don’t forget am not only a student in firmament, have got other responsibilities to take care of, l will see you soon.”

“Take care of yourself and promise to stop helping her.”

“I can’t help it Finn, am sorry l can’t promise you that, l will leave now” l said and disappeared.




“Why are you late?” She asked and glared daggers at me.

Stop bugging me witch, l said inwardly and faked a smile.

“Hmmm, ma’am,l was ………………………”

“You were what?” She asked.

“Rain…………. I screamed and she disappeared.

“Hahahaha,l laughed and headed to class.

Our princpals only fear is water, and we discovered it some weeks ago, when the rain came suddenly, just a little drop, her hand was melting.

There are some water wtches, water has no effect on them, l don’t know what kind of wtch she is, that she fears water so much.

I got into the class and as usual everyone glared at me.

Am the lowlife here, that’s what everyone calls me but they can never bully me and go Scott free, am a vengeful person, l also have my revenge.

Skylar and Maya are were wolves, just like me,they were adopted by uncle Noah.

Am stucked with the witches,not like am a witch, l hate them.

How marital art teacher came in and l frowned.

Why do l have to attend a supernatural school, l suck in marital art, am going to get beaten so badly today.

Picked For You:  SCARLETS SEASON 2: Episode 21-30

“Good morning class, today we will be calling out the names of those who registered to go for this year treasure hunting.”

Yeepy! I hope we won’t have practicals today, last week l went home with a swollen eye and splined my ankle.

About the treasure hunting, is done once every year,only Skylar has participated and she came back severely injured.

There are always obstacles to fight with before you get the treasure, it’s either a giant snake,a fire dragon, an illusion or something worse and you get to participate only if you register with your blood.

And as usual wtches are the best.

And when they come out they will be acting like Aplha and Omega.

The teacher started calling the names of those who will participate in the treasure hunt.

“Lindon our young master and Aries the minister of finance daughter walked into the class hands intwined together.”

“You bch” she snarled as she saw me in the class.

“Be quiet miss Aries” the teacher said.

“Babe, let’s seat” Lindon said and l rolled my eyes.

“Aries glared at me and stomped to her seat.”

Thank goodness! I thought she was going to cause trouble.

“Miss Clarissa” The teacher called.

“Miss Clarissa” she called again.

No there might have been a mistake somewhere, how can my name be among those who will participate for the treasure hunt.

“Ma’am, l didn’t register for the treasure hunt” l said simply

“Miss Clarissa, do you think this is a joke, why do you think you have to register with your blood to be able to participate?

The treasure hunt is what we have been doing since decades and your name can’t possibly be there without your blood.”

“But ma’am l really did not register, there might have been a mistake somewhere, I didn’t.”

“Come out miss Clarissa, you have to participate whether you like it or not, your blood is there already and there is nothing l can do about it.”

“Ma’am, there is a misunderstanding, l won’t dare to register for the treasure hunt.”

“Why will she register? Does she want to die?”

“I can’t believe Clary will die so soon, she sucks in marital art, how will she come out alive?”

“This is unbelievable, even with my cultivation and level in marital art, l dare not participate in the treasure hunt.”

The class kept murmuring.

“Show me your finger” the teacher said and l stretched out my fingers.

She took a look at my fingers.

“You are lying Clarissa, do you think the treasure hunt is fun, a place you can carry out your mischievous activities?”

“Ma’am l didn’t.”

“Then why is your finger pricked.”


I stared at my middle finger and it was pricked.

How did this happen, l really did not register for the treasure hunt.

“Believe me ma’am l didn’t, l think someone did this on purpose.”

“There is nothing l can do Clarissa, you have registered with your blood there is no going back.”

“If you break the blood oath, you will be bonded for thousands of years.”

“All those who will be participating should head to the principal’s office.”

“Yes ma’am” they said in unison.

“And that includes you miss Clarissa.”




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