THE KING AND I SEASON 2: Episode 31-40



Written by: Eunice Nwodu Ifunanya

Dawn’s pov?
He got up and dressed the royal robe he was putting on. I stared after him as he headed for the door.

What is going on??

I picked up the nightie and wore it slowly before removing the duvet.

I climbed down from the bed and walked fraily to the bathroom.

I locked the door behind me.

I hope I don’t use King Lee’s feet soap again. I opened the drawer and saw a white leather.

It reminded me of a sanitary pad.
Hold on…whats today’s date?

OMG! I should have seen my period few days ago.
Is…is something wrong with me? Why’s it taking so long??

King Lee’s pov?
The guards opened the door and I ambled towards the other end of the hall.

I paused and titled my head.

“Go back” I said to the guards and soon, heard their footsteps retreat.

I proceeded to the man sitting at the table.

He got on his feet immediately he saw me.

“Good morning, your highness. Forgive me for coming here so early” He said with a bow.

I nodded and sat facing him as he took his seat too.

“I’m the one who brought princess Anna to the palace. Actually, I have a confession to make my lord and I’m sorry for fooling you. The Princess Anna here at your castle is not the real princess. She’s an imposter who had the real Anna killed. She threatened us so we had no choice but to bring her here to be your third bride”.

I rolled my eyes and adjusted on the seat.

“She threatened a warrior?” I asked amused.

“Erm…yes, she had dark powers and compelled us to kill the real princess and bring her here…” He replied enthusiastically.

I suppressed the strong urge to laugh, maintaining a serious face.

“So, you’re trying to tell me she’s a wtch?” I asked.

He nodded abruptly.

“She’s a witch, your Majesty. And has dark motives. According to the laws, such witches should be burnt alive with immediate eff–”

I slapped him hard on his cheek getting up from the seat.

“Do you think I’m stupid?” I asked glaring at him.

“No, My Lord—”

I went to where he was and threw him to the floor.

“I look like some kid you can deceive, right?!” I barked and kicked him at his stomach.

He cringed and held onto it stuttering backwards.

Two guards walked in and I sighed.

The judges from the court at here already.

I need to go see them.

I turned to the disgusting man on the floor begging for his life.

“Please your highness…” He wavered and fear was clearly written all over his face.

“Take him to the dungeon” I ordered and the men quickly obeyed.

I sighed and walked out of the hall.
Dawn’s pov?
“Don’t spend more than an hour there and bring her here if you can” King Lee instructed as he operated his phone.

“Okay, your highness. Your wish is my command” I said filled with excitement.

I turned to leave but he pulled me back to his body.

“Dawn, Aren’t you forgetting something?” He asked with a smirk and I giggled.

I planted a sofr kss on his lips and he smiled.

“You can go now…I’ll be going to see a wise old woman too and I don’t want to get home before you” He said and I nodded before running out of the room.

Words couldn’t explain how excited I was at the moment.

I’m going to see my mother.

I can’t wait to embrace her and give her kisses on her forehead like I always do.
I never thought I would miss her so much.

King Lee had sent six guards to escort me home and bring me back here.
And hopefully, I’ll be bringing mom to meet the king.

Manuel’s pov?
I leaped and rushed into the room with Castro.

The news I just got is the best thing yet.

I cleared my throat getting everybody’s attention.

“Alright everyone. You all heard what the spy said – princess Anna has left the palace with six guards to an unknown location. We have to move right now and catch up with her before we loose track. The plans are clear and simple;

“Capture princess Anna alive”.

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