Meanwhile, a distance away from where the explosion happened, Hwang Min was seen on the ground, catching his breath. He noticed that something was wrong when nobody chased him. They wouldn’t go through so much stress to bring him out of the cell, and then allow him to escape. It’s not possible.

With that thought in mind, he jumped out of the car just in time before it exploded.

“Those spiteful bitches!” He gritted his teeth. If he manages to leave here alive, he’d make sure none of them lives to see the week after.

With the fire burning from the car, he observed his surroundings and to his utmost shock, there were two cars behind him.

Hwang Min swallowed. Who are those? He thought.

His instinct told him to run away and that was exactly what he was about to do when the black car in front zoomed towards him.

Hwang Min took to his heels and started running, however, the next thing he knew, he was soaring high through the air. The feeling of flying was great, but the severe pain he was feeling in his legs could not be defined.

With a loud cry, he fell heavily on the ground, behind the black car that knocked him off.

Hwang Min puked blood as he felt sharp pain tore through his chest. He tried to see who it was that wanted his life.

Lo and behold, the monster got out of his car. He was wearing his signature black shirt and black pants.

On his right hand was a flick knife he was messing with.

A chill runs down Hwang Min’s spine every time the knife springs out of its handle or goes back in. Against the furious roar of the fire, the knife shone viciously like it had taken more lives than its owner.

“Ma–Maverick, wh– what are you–”

“Here to settle scores.” He stopped in front of the man, looking down at him as he struggled to move further away from him.

“You– I’m your wife’s father. Do you want to kill her father?”

“My wife told me before today that I cannot harm her family for any reason…”

Hwang Min smiled with glee when he heard that. But Maverick’s next statement sent a punch to his already weak heart.

“… However, she never said I can’t punish you.”

Before Hwang Min could understand what he was talking about, Maverick stepped on his leg, holding it down so he wouldn’t move.

Hwang Min started to scream but who would hear him amidst the crackling and sizzling of the raging fire behind them?

With a flick of his wrist, he stabbed the knife into his right eye.

Hwang Min roared and started to struggle for freedom, but Maverick wasn’t done. He mercilessly pulled the knife out and stabbed the other eye before letting him go.

The roaring Hwang Min found the strength to get up while covering his bleeding eyes with his palms.

“Ahhhhhh!! I will kill you!!” Sometimes, he would throw his hands around, while other times he’d fall and grovel for a while before struggling to stand back on his feet again.

Meanwhile, Maverick was right behind him, watching the man as he fought his way toward the mouth of the flame.

Clearly, he could feel the hotness on his skin, but maybe he wanted to kill himself or maybe the pain coursing through his body didn’t allow him to feel the heat. But whatever way, Hwang Min was a few feet away from embracing the flame.


Maybe it was as a result of the fuel tank, or the nature of the fire, but it exploded again, sending Hwang Min flying and hitting his back on Maverick’s car.

The Impact created a big dent on the side of his car and broke his glass.

“The stubborn man took your car along with him. Let’s see how you explain that to your wife,” Inspector Fin chuckled.

“Who will tell her?” Maverick raised a brow.

“A little birdie might. Unless you ask her to convince my woman so we can get married immediately. Reverend Father Matt is getting married before me and his woman is even pregnant, but me, I’ve had the longest relationship, yet, it appears I’ll be the last to get married. Help a brother, Mav.”

“Send his body back to the station. If he isn’t dead, you know what to do.”

“Do you honestly think that putting the man’s dead body close to the police station would make the government not see you as the number one suspect?”

“The point flew over your head.” Maverick entered his car and zoomed off.

“You goddamn bad man! Why would you make me clean up after you?! Oh f*ck!”


News of Hwang Min’s unfortunate death hit the government and investigation immediately commenced. It was found out that Jeslyn was the last person to visit him and left with tears. She was called in for questioning and as usual, she lied her way out.

After a thorough investigation, it was reported that an attempt to break him out of cell by his men occurred but it seemed the men were rather there for revenge. They blinded him, tortured him, and then killed him by strangling him before bringing him back to the station.

Although the story was flawless, the government refused to believe that Maverick had no hand in it. However, what proof do they have?


*Weeks later…*

Chubby Jeslyn was lying on her husband’s body with her big stomach when she remembered there was something Nancy asked her to do.

With her finger circling his chest, she sighed.

“This is the fifteenth sigh. What do you want?” he asked her.

“Plum,” she looked at him with puppy eyes.

“Spill it, I’ll see what I can do.”

“I think I’m broke.”

Maverick raised a brow and gave her a teasing smile. “Broke? You mean a part of your body is broken?”

“Stop playing,” she hissed and playfully pinched his chest.

Maverick chuckled and decided he’d take her seriously before she gets really mad because these days, one no longer knows when her mood swings come. “Hm, who do you want to steal from this time?”

“Ah, ah, don’t say it like that. You make me feel like I’m a thief or something.”

“Oh? Then who do you want to rob?”


“Hahaha… Fine, what do you want my expert skills for?”

“Now you’re sounding like my husband. Hehe… You see, I forgot some money in the former First Lady’s account. I want you to retrieve it for me.” She beamed like a child.

Maverick turned her over so they could both sleep side by side. Her weight was killing him. With his elbow on the bed and his palm supporting his head, he asked; “really? How much?”

“Eh, I can’t remember. You know, when I left the money in her account, it was still little. Then the money started to grow. I can’t tell exactly how much it is, but I know it’s in tens of billions.” She wrapped her hands around his waist as she sniffed his sweet perfume.

“Incredible. Mrs. Lu, should I start to be scared that my money is no longer safe?”

“Ehhh, my darling, Mr. Lu, don’t be like that. I heard that when you marry a sugar daddy, all his money becomes yours.”

“I’m a sugar daddy?” he raised a brow.

“Doc Matt said I can’t be allowed to repeat words,” she chuckled.

“Well, is that so?”

She nodded.


“Hahahaha…Plum…hahaha…stop, sorry, sorry… hahahaha… stop tickling me, Kaylus is angry!”

“What?” Maverick stopped tickling her and asked in fascination.

“Yeah, Valen named her Kaylus.”

“Does he know it means troublemaker?”

“He does. In fact, he brought me a list of horrible names and we decided on Kaylus. It’s less evil and sounds cute.”

“…And she won’t start a fight if she grows up to know the meaning of her name?” Maverick asked with wonder.

“Of course, we aren’t going to name her that for real. Piper picked out some cute names, so I thought I’d share that with you tonight.”.

“Help me take that, ” she pointed at a card that was beside the lampstand.

Maverick stretched his hand and gave her the card. Looking through it, she started to call out the names.

“Ariel, Monica, Phoebe… No, I don’t like that name. It’d remind me of that bitch.”

“Monica might start to call her brother bitch as her first word.” Maverick was politely telling her to not use such words anymore… Especially now that the little one could hear.

Like she didn’t hear the warning, she yelled excitedly, “Yaay, that was my choice too! Monica is a cute name. Here, it means ….” She looked at the meaning of the name on the card and continued. “It has lots of meaning but I’ll just stick with ‘unique.’ This way, it won’t look too far-fetched from Kaylus. Hehe.”

“Mrs. Lu, you are already treating my daughter with injustice. Calling her a troublemaker before she comes out is very rude.” He touched the tip of her nose.

“You’ve already chosen Kaylus over me and Valen before she came,” she pouted. “Now I can understand how my Valen feels.”


“You know something, give me another boy. So we can have three against two.”

“Hahahaha… You’re so cute.”

“Are you saying I’m a child?”

“Hmmm, that’s plausible if I’m a sugar daddy,” he chuckled.

Jeslyn fumed while blinking, then an idea came to her.

“Mr. Lu, I’m suddenly craving something.”

“Oh no, no, please don’t be…”

Jeslyn nodded. “It is Fried water and iced tea.”

Maverick was flabbergasted that he had no idea when these words flew out of his lips. “Wait what?”

“I know right?! That was exactly how I felt when I suddenly thought of something like that, but you have to go prepare it. Fried water and iced tea.”

“Cool, no problem. But you’ll have to come with me and teach me how it’s done.”



“Sorry, I’m no longer hungry. Goodnight. But know that I’ll add this to the list of things you refused to do for your daughter. I’m sure she’d be very ‘proud’ of you.”

“I can certainly guarantee that,” Maverick smiled.

Jeslyn stared at his handsome face for a long time and suddenly said, “stop smiling, I won’t be seduced.”

“Really, huh?” he winked while his fingers explored.

“What are you doing?!” She chuckled.

“I have no idea, my fingers have a life of their own.”

Jeslyn’s contagious laughs filled the room and soon enough, silence followed. Peeking into their room, the cute pregnant woman was sleeping with her head on her husband’s chest, while the man messed with her hair.

“I definitely won’t be having a good day tomorrow,” he chuckled.


“Two strands of my hair are missing. I can feel it. Where did you hide them?”

“Have you checked the bin?”

Jeslyn gasped. “You really pulled out my hair?! Lie down, I need to shave all your hair.”

Maverick couldn’t help but laugh. Ever since the baby started growing inside of her, his wife has become one troublesome woman. Guess that was why Valen named her Kaylus.

“Are you sure you want to do that?” he raised a brow and folded his arms on his chest while leaning on the bathroom door with a towel wrapped around his waist.

“I’m very sure. ”

“Hmm… I remembered you like holding on to my hair when you’re riding on cloud nine. So, what will be your alternative? ”

Jeslyn’s gaze roamed the room for something and she caught sight of the bed and immediately said, “The sheets. I’ll hold the sheets.”

Maverick smiled. “That might only happen if you’re in a doggy position. But unfortunately, I won’t be going doggy anymore.” He winked.

“You’re so mean!” she yelled and sat on the bed, fuming but not angry.

Maverick’s chest vibrated with a heartfelt laughter. Once he was done, he proposed, “What do you say, you come join me in the shower? Matt said to keep exercising so childbirth will be easier.”

A cunning smile spread across Jeslyn’s lips. “Mr. Lu, all I see is you wanting to feed your rod. See, “She pointed at his waist. “… the bulge.”

“Agreed. It’s a win-win situation.”

“No, my stomach is cramping. Kaylus is kicking. She has no respect for me.”

“Monica. ”

“Kaylus. ”


“Kay… ouch! Stop kicking, Kaylus!”

Maverick chuckled and headed towards the bed.

On Jeslyn’s stomach was the outline of the baby’s tiny feet.

“Kaylus is so cute.” Maverick kissed the foot.

“You said, Kaylus. Hahahaha!”

The happy moment was interrupted by a knock on the door before it was pulled open.

“Ma’am, some old men are here to see you,” the butler said.

“Who are those?”

“They introduced themselves as members of the Lee and Zhu family.”

Jeslyn turned to look at her husband.

“You should go see,” he said.

Some days ago, they approached Maverick at his company and requested to see his wife. Maverick sought his wife’s permission and here they are.


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