THE MAGICIANS: Episode 21 – 30

(Earth, Water, Fire, Air)

?Episode 25

Written By: Author Kelvin??

Eunice’s pov:
I appeared in their midst as i could seen sign of readiness and shock on their faces.

“The S.T.A.R will never give you the Talisman” Alex yelled at me as they all went close together.

“Hmm, how are you sure that i’m not collect the Talisman?” i asked with a laugh on my lips.

“Because, we are complete” Raymond said and stretched his hands towards me and before i could block it, The Air blew effortly and pushed me as i hit my bum on the ground.

“Argh!!” i groaned in pain as i got up the ground as i soon discovered that a oncoming rod was coming towards my direction as i quickly used my hands to block it.

I Stressed my hands towards Sylvester as chair closeby hit him at his wrist making Sylvester winced in pain.

I Walked towards Raymond as i stretched out my hands towards him.

Air blew forcefully towards him as he quickly blocked it.

A punch landed at my wrist as i groaned and staggered backwards.

Alex in turn rushed towards me with punch as i couldn’t escaped from him.

Taylor formed a knife with water as he stabbed me on my arms making me cried out loud.

“Argh!!!!” i cried out in pain as the pain ratched around my body making me gigled.

The pain was something else that even a litte child of four years won’t be able to survive it.

Raymond stabbed me the second time as i felt cold shiver run down my spine as i felt i was going to pass out any sooner.

Sylvester in turn, stretched his hand towards a table and directed it towards my direction.

“Please” i found myself begging.

“Please don’t do this to me” i whimpered in pain.

“Next time, don’t come close to us not to talk to challenge us” Sylvester warned and released the table on me as the table landed and crashed on my body making me cried out in pain.

“Noooo” i cried out as i managed to placed my my palms together, closed my eyes and disappeared to my home.

It wasen’t up to ten seconds anymore when i passed out.

Sylvester’s pov:

“Yes!! We did it” Alex happily.

“We did it, we conquered her” Raymond added as we hugged ourselves forming a group hug.

“H©lly Molly!!!” Taylor exclaimed as i didn’t bother to hear what he was about to say when i read through his mind.

“We’re late” he said in his mind.

“Yeah, Raymond, it’s true, we’re late” i stated.

“How did you do that? You read my mind?” Taylor exclaimed.

“Have you forgotten that i’m a mind reader?” I asked with a smile on my face.

“Oh, i forgot, anyways let’s get going, we’re late already” Taylor instructed as we started walking fastly.

“Did you read Eunice’s mind on why she need the Talisman?” Alex asked after a short silence.

“I Tried to, but it seems she restricted me from reading her minds” i replied.

“Alright, but no matter what, we’re not gonna give her the Talisman” Alex assured.

“Today we be all fun because we’re gonna read most people’s mind and also know their secrects” Taylor muttered excitedly.

We walked for a short time, when Alex stopped as sign of shock, guilt and pain ran through his face.

I read his mind immediately as i discovered something that almost ruined my day.

It was the Talisman, the Talisman is missing.

“The Talisman is missing” i and Alex said almost at the same time.

“What??” Taylor said in shock but Raymond didn’t make any sign of shock.

I Read Raymond mind immediately hearing what is in his mind.

“Awwn, Alex is already shedding tears, i need to give them the Talisman” Raymond said in his mind as i sighed in relief.

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