THE PRINCE AND I : Episode 11-20

?(He saved me…now I have to marry him)?

?Episode Seventeen?

Khalid’s POV??

The only thing I wanted to do was to shake her up a little and give her a little scare and she almost beat me to de@th??..

‘Oh God my head hurts’..i muttered in pain and tried standing up….

I opened my eyes clearly and surprisingly it was already morning and I’m in the hospital??..

What am I doing in the hospital with a drip attached to my veins??..

And how long have I been asleep??..

A nurse came inside suddenly and when she saw me she called for the doctor…

‘He’s awake doctor!!’..

The doctor came in and started touching my head and my pulse and I slapped his hand off..

‘What am I doing here??’..I asked and he smiled..

’Well Prince Khalid I want to tell you that it’s an honor having you here and secondly you passed out over a series of hits to the head’..he added and then Madison came walking in…

She did this to me?!!!…

‘Well we’ve applied a bandage over your head and in the next four days you’ll be okay’..The doctor said and i nodded…

He left and Madison walked closer to me with her fingers crossed and her lips folded…

‘Uhhhh K..Khalid?’..she said and i scoffed…

‘What?,aren’t you happy now?,you wanted to kill me right well sorry to burst your bubble Madison but your plan failed!!!’…

‘Khalid I didn’t know it was you I swear on my dead Father’s grave,i had no idea that you were the one,I was shaken up and pretty scared too’…She protested…

I grunted a little bit and when I saw the apologetic look on her face i relented a little…

‘Okay fine just take me home’..

Arnold’s POV??

I slammed the paperwork on the table and groaned loudly at Kyra…

‘What if she doesn’t do it Kyra we’re running out of time,the Ita festival is next week Kyra,Next week!!!’…I screamed..

The Ita festival is the only time when a new king is coronated and if I don’t get what I want before that time then all my plans are void…

This special festival comes once in every seven years and now all my plans rest on the shoulder of one servant…

‘She wouldn’t disappoint Arnold she loves her brother way too much to back out now’..She replied and I rubbed my cheeks in frustration…

‘i just hope Nita knows what she’s doing Kyra or else she would end up just like her already dead brother’…..

Madison’s POV??

Two Hours Later??
Khalid was discharged from the hospital with a bandage on his head

I can’t believe I did this to him…

I thought he was a villain or something scary and I wouldn’t have done this to him if he didn’t scare me so much…

‘Khalid I’m sorry for your head once again’..I said and he grunted a reply..

I tried moving closer to touch his bandage but all he did was to slap my hands off..

‘I’ve heard you Madison,you don’t need to touch me or do anything more,you’ve done more than enough damage to my body already’..He said and I winced…

Sometimes he can be so glumly cold and it just frustrates me So badly…

I’ve been staying with him for almost a month now I still don’t know who he really is or what he really likes..

The only thing we do is just fight,fight and fight….

Is this what a marriage should be like???…

Nita’s POV??

I slipped the cash into the maid’s pocket and she smiled revealing a set of yellow teeth…

‘You know what to do Misha,slip this vial of poison into anything Lady Madison wants to eat and take this coke and put it into her bag’..I whispered…

Kyra said that if the poison plan doesn’t work then I should put cocaine in her bag…

If she’s caught with it on the airplane then she’ll be given a life sentence that’s for sure…

I just want my brother to be okay and I have to perish just to save him then I’ll perish…

I don’t care about anyone else..

Once all this is done I’m leaving this godforsaken country…

I’ve had enough problems from royals before….

Khalid’s POV??

Madison and I got home and I took off the top of my clothes immediately..

Madison went into the bathroom to do only God knows what and when she came out she released her hair..

It was so thick and curly with a bumpy fringe at the front and d@mn she’s beautiful…

‘is your hair natural?’..I said aloud by mistake and when she turned I shifted my gaze to somewhere else..

She went out side and I removed my loop earring only to open my drawer and see a plane ticket with the name Madison Casteli in it…

‘Madison!!!’..I screamed and she came in running…

‘You called me?’..she asked and I showed her the plane ticket…

‘You are planning on running aren’t you??’..I replied and grabbed her arm..

‘Yes PK,I want to go home!!’..she cried out and I pushed her to the ground..

‘You want to go home?!,well go and you’ll get killed immediately you get to the airport!!!…Why do you think I married you?..I married you to save your life Madison Casteli,did you really think your slave traders would let you go Scot free when you know all about their trade and who they are?!!!,that is why I married you Madison,I married you to SAVE YOU!!!!!!’…He screamed and walked away…

H..he married me to save me??..

Oh God what have I done??..

Khalid’s POV??

‘Arrrgghhhhh!!!!!’..I screamed and threw the wine bottle across the room…

Now I’ve told Madison the whole truth and she made me do it…

Sometimes she acts so irresponsible and unreasonable that I feel like slapping her…

‘Who’s that drink for??’..I asked as the maid passed by with Nita…

‘It’s for lady Madison,she asked me to give her a glass of juice’..Nita replied…


When did Madison order a glass of juice???…

Something doesn’t feel right…

‘Okay fine don’t give Madison the juice,drink it up Nita’..I said and she flinched….


‘i said drink the juice Nita!!!!’…

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