By Cisca. H.


Arwen with the royal cabinets and some few other maids stood at the front of the mansion to welcome the king and the royal family as they approached close.

Arwen has been wearing the same shape of smile since she saw their carriage approaching.

” Father, mother, sisters.” She held her gown high as she ran to welcome them. ” Welcome back. How was the journey?”

” It was good, my dear. ” King Neheb answered.

” And fun too.” Anna added.

” That’s a great news then. Please, let’s go inside.” She rushed and they all walked into the mansion.

Walking by her sisters side she asked Anna, ” You said the ball was fun. So tell me, what made it fun?”

” We saw Lord Rodriguez and he asked us for a dance. Well, more did happen but, I think that is a part for Enya to explain.”

Arwen moved her gaze to Enya who has been blushing awkwardly. ” I can see the ball was indeed fun.” Arwen said, studying her smile.

” Don’t tell me you are blushing.” Anna said to her amazement.

” We both danced with the King of Brok, ” she said ignoring Anna’s words. ” And I did have enough moment with him outside the ball.”

” That’s great to hear.” Arwen said happily.

” You need to see how jealous Enya was when he had asked me for a dance with him. She was probably thinking he was gonna ask me out.” She laughed.

Enya gave her a hard gaze. ” Can you for once shut your mouth up?”

” Sorry, I was only…”

” She didn’t ask to know and I definitely don’t remember her asking either!” She angrily left to her room.

” You shouldn’t have said it that loud. You should have let her go first.” Arwen said coldly.

” I know. But, I was only joking around with that though it was the truth. We both know how she gets jealous when she sees us with things she can’t get.

I don’t want to sound rude or wicked, but I just hope my instincts is wrong about this.”

” What are you talking about?” Arwen curiously asked.

” That is some thing I wish not to say now, Arwen. All we have to do is to hope it doesn’t happen.”

” Is it some thing bad?” Her inquisitiveness was getting high.

” I hope not.” She left to her room.



That night as they dined at the dinning room, Anna and Enya always sat beside each other.

But today they weren’t. Arwen sat in between them and she was getting uncomfortable with the atmosphere.

King Neheb looked at his wife who in return shrugged her shoulders at him.

Whatever that might be the reason for the weird silence between them, is up to them alone.

” So girls, what do you think about having Lord Rodriguez into the house? Do you think he is good for Enya?” Lady Moreen asked to cheer up her daughters.

That seem not to be helping as they kept quiet to her words, grinding on their meal.

” Okay, what is going on with you girls?” She decided to ask.

” It’s nothing, mother.”

” Arwen, you don’t have to keep covering up cases in this house. I know you are only trying to help but that won’t always work even in the future. ” Said King Neheb.

She decided to keep quiet.

” Your mother asked a question, and I think it needs an answer now!” He stormed.

” It’s Anna. It’s Enya.” They said at an instant.

” It’s the two of you this time. ” He said surprised.

Anna and Enya hardly quarrelled with each other, it was vice versa. Only Enya and Arwen are said to be the Cat and rat of the house.

” What happened?” Lady Moreen asked.

” Anna called me a jealous freak because Lord Rodriguez had requested for a dance with her.” She complained.

” Anna?”

” That is a lie, mother, I never said that. I only said she was jealous when Lord Rodriguez quested to dance with me.”

” Was she?” She questioned.

” Yes and it was obviously clear on her face that she was actually jealous and I noticed it. I’m pretty sure he did notice it too. ” Referring to Lord Rodriguez.

” Even at that you shouldn’t have made such statement to her. She is your elder sister.” King Neheb advice.

” You know what, it would be better if you had said sorry.” Enya yanked.

” Sorry? On what exactly? That you were jealous of me and Lord Rodriguez?” She scoffed. ” It’s not like I’m interested in him or whatever, it was only a dance, Enya.

You decided to get jealous of me, and I only told you the truth and you expect me to apologise? Now let me tell you something I told no one, while I was dancing with Lord Rodriguez, he made a big promise to me.

Now let me ask you, did he make a promise to you? You seem to be the head over heeled one here yet, he said nothing about the future to you.”

” Can you two just calm down for a second?” Arwen yelled.

” Shut up!” They both spanked on her.

Enya smirked. ” Now, I’m beginning to see who the jealous one is between us.”

” Enya! Anna! I need the two of you to calm down.” Lady Moreen said in between the quarrel. ” Why don’t we talk about this?”

” There’s nothing to talk about this, mother, Anna has to mind her business when it comes to things concerning my life!”

” I am, bch.”

” Now you watch your words, woman.” Lady Moreen pointed.

” I don’t think I am hungry. I’m just going to my room.” Enya dropped her plate, walking out to her room.

” I rather starve to death than to dine with a jealous freak.” Anna also dropped her plate, heading to her room.

All Arwen could do is to bury her eyes on her plate. She had lost the appetite to eat.

This was the first time she ever seen her elder sisters argue over a fact that seem not to make any sense at all.

Anna was right about one thing, Enya is indeed the jealous one among the three of them, but those words weren’t meant to be told tonight.

” You should probably get some sleep too.” Her mother said noticing how uncomfortable she was feeling.

” Do you think they will come back together?” She asked, concerned.

” They will, I trust them.” Lady Moreen assured her.

” But, do you think it will be a good idea to welcome Lord Rodriguez into the house? With this that happened, I fear my sister’s trust.” She said with pains.

” I’ll try talking to them by tomorrow.” Lady Moreen said. ” They will definitely listen to me.”

” I doubt that. This can only end if one of them has to forfeit their love for Lord Rodriguez. As far as they both are in love with him, this enemity will still live among them. ”

” She is right.” King Neheb agreed.

” What then are we to do?” Moreen asked. ” Do you think we should decline the proposal for him to be in this family?”

” I will think about that. But for now, let’s work on how to get the two sisters together.”

” I’m scared, mother.”

” What is it, dear child.”

” It’s concerning what Anna said. ”

” Is it concerning the promise he made to her? ”

Arwen nodded her head.

” Lord Rodriguez making such a promise to Anna and not sister Enya, there’s only one thing it could mean.”

” What do you think?”

” I don’t know what my feelings keeps telling and I don’t want to believe either of them. But mother, do you think it will work out?”

” What are you talking about?”

” That is some thing I wish not to say now, mother. All we have to do is to hope it doesn’t happen.” She repeated Anna’s words.

” Is it some thing bad?” She asked.

” Let’s all hope it isn’t.”


With Anna’s instincts and Arwen… and with Lord Rodriguez promise to Anna, what do you think?


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