By Cisca. H.


“ Princess Arwen! Princess Arwen!”

Arwen jerked up from bed, rubbing her eyes from the sun rays that pierced through her curtains.

She stared sleeply at the young lady who stood before her. “ How may I help you?” she asked, not realising that the young lady standing before her was her maid.

“ Lord Rodriguez has arrived to the castle.. everyone are waiting for you.” She informed.

Her eyes widened in surprise. “ So soon?” she asked. “ What tell the time?”

“ It’s fifteen minutes past eleven.”

“ What?! Why am I still asleep until now?” she went to the bathroom. “ My dress, I haven’t gotten them ready yet.”

“ Do not worry, my princess, it is ready on the sofa.”

“ Oh, thank you, Alven.” She said from the bathroom.


After she was done bathing, she dried her skin and applied her lemon on her body. Alven helped her dress her hair, which after that she hurriedly pulled herself into her dress.

“ How long have they been waiting?” she asked her checking on herself for the last time.

“ I guess an hour or two.”

“ Oh no, I am doomed. Father will kill me at the end of the day.” She hated herself for not doing this earlier yesterday.

“ Do not say that, my princess, we may still have some time.”

“ Lead the way.”

Alven led the way and she followed after in heaste. Before they could reach to the banquet door, she had already began to sweat.

Alven used the dried face towel in her hand to dry off the sweat on her face. “ How good am I?”

Alven ran her eyes on her, nodding. “ Perfect, my princess.”

“ Okay.” Turning to the guard at the door, she said. “ Announce my presence.”

“ Lady Arwen Of Pendamour!!” cried the announcer.

The door to the banquet hall opened, everyone were all staring at her.


“ What is taking her so long?” Lady Moreen asked as they waited for close to two hours for Arwen to show up.

“ No one knows.” Enya shrugged less concerned.

“ She’s probably on her way, mother.” Anna said.

“ What if she is still asleep?” Lady Moreen muttered.

“ Then someone has to wake her up. Or we can just go ahead with the banquet and stop keeping our visitors waiting.” Enya suggested.

“ I have told your father, but he insists that we wait for her.”

Enya scoffed.

“ Lady Arwen Of Pendamour!!” cried the announcer.

“ Indeed, she is here.” Anna said happily.

“ Finally.”

“ She lookes so beautiful,” the muttering voices kept increasing, as she shyly walked up to the royal table.

“ Father. Mother.” She bowed in curtesy. “ Forgive me for delaying.” She apologise.

“ Oh, do not worry, dear child, you have not kept us waiting.” Turns to Lord Rodriguez. “ This is my last daughter, Princess Arwen.” He introduced.

Her gaze moved to Lord Rodriguez who has been staring at her since she arrived.

“ You Highness.” She bowed in curtesy.

“ My Lady.” Taking hold of her hand, he pecked it softly. “ Pleased to meet you, My Lady.”

“ Pleased to meet you too, My Lord.”

She walked over to the empty seat beside Anna, making herself comfortable.

King Neheb stood up. “ Let us make a toast.” He announced and everyone stood to their feet. “ To Lord Rodriguez.”

“ To Lord Rodriguez.” They all made a toast, dinking the wine in their cup at a straight.

As they sat back on their seat, Enya turned to look at Rodriguez only to see him glaring at Arwen.

The smile which was once on her face quickly disappeared into a frown. And not just the fact that he was staring at Arwen, Anna spared him a seductive glance.

This actually caused her to look odd in their midst. It was as if the earth had rest on her shoulder and she couldn’t breath.

She gulped in all her wine at once, dropping the cup angrily back on the table but the noise of the crowd made it impossible for Anna who was next to her notice it.


The toast was over, the ceremony has begun. Enya went to meet with her friends who had attended from other kingdoms.

” It’s been a long time, Enya. How have you been lately?” One of them asked.

” Fairly good, my dear Elizabeth. What about you? ”

” I have been good too. When I heard the King of Brok was going to pick a bride from your house, I prayed earnestly for him to pick you. ”

Enya faked a smile on her face. Though she had thought so much for such wish to come to pass, but she was beginning to doubt it will.

” Me too, but I doubt it will.” Another said, making a head sign to them.

They all stared at the direction she had given to them. Lord Rodriguez was approaching towards Arwen who was having a discussion with one of her friends.

As soon as she saw him, her friend excused herself leaving her alone with him.

” Do you mind for a walk, My Princess?” He requested.

” Sure. ” She granted.

Enya took her eyes off them, returning it to her friends. ” Or maybe, my prayers weren’t answered.” Elizabeth said painfully.

” You must do something about this, Enya or you watch your sisters take what rightfully belong to you. ” Cynthia said.

” They have taken it already. ” She said bitterly.

” And it is not too late to fight for it. ” Elizabeth added.” You are the first child of His Majesty, your are meant to be courted before any of them. ”

” I do not know if anyone seem so surprised than I am. They never have interest in love, but now they are. Don’t you think it’s so suspicious of them? ”

” I wondered about that too. If I were Lord Rodriguez, I won’t mind going through the three of you, I would rather pick you instead. ” Elizabeth stated.

On the other hand, Rosalie had urged her to forget Lord Rodriguez by finding another lover if it turns out that he picks interest in either of the two younger sisters.

” Take some new affection into your eyes and the old feelings shall die. Do not let this supress you, my dear friend.”

” I had always thought I was good with my sisters. Though you speak the truth, but I need to fight for my dreams. I will not live to watch them steal it from me.”

” You shouldn’t be discouraging her, Rosalie, she is our friend. You must advice her on the right thing to do and not this. What would you do if it were to be you?” Elizabeth asked.

” I will do as I have instructed her to. When she sees the King of Brok has no pleasure in her, all she must do is to quit and let fate handle the rest.”

” That is nonsense, Rosalie.” Cynthia chipped in.

” I know, but only for this moment will it sound nonsense to your hearing. ” Turns to Enya. ” You are so beautiful, my dear friend, there are many other men who wishes to have you. Patience, and you will find the right one for your heart.”

That wasn’t for the heart of Enya. She had hated a moment like this to happen and she fears it surely will o e day close to today.

She wished she could listen to Rosalie’s words, but those words were too much for her to hold.

On the other hand, Elizabeth must be right about one thing. She has to fight for what belongs to her.

For it has always been her dream, to be by Lord Rodriguez’s side. To be called his one and only queen.

But now, her sisters wants to change that fate? No! She will never sit to watch her dreams tumble. Not when it involves her love.

And she is ready to do anything… Whatever it takes to have Lord Rodriguez all to herself… Alone.

But the question is… Will She???


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