THE WRONG LADY: Chapter 21-30


??°°his wrong sweet mistake°°??

By: Victoria Peter

??CHAPTER 24??


After we were done getting everything in order we headed home me and miss loud mouth since we were the only ones left.

She was looking so tired and sleepy and i didn’t want to disturb her because she really tired to make this party the best for Chloe.

Sometimes i wonder if any woman can love and care for a child that isn’t hers the way miss loud mouth cares about Chloe.

And i must say the man that will have her as a wife will be the happiest and luckiest man on the planet and deep down inside my heart i just wish i was that man.

She’s a good definition of a good mother and a wife material and that’s why i will make sure she ends up with a good man.

In as much as i want to make her mine forever i can’t because my hands are tied.

But i have no regrets because i have Ashley and even though she can be a little bad mannered sometimes i love her with all my heart.

She might not be perfect but at least according to miss loud mouth no one is perfect and i am willing to make her mine.

Few minutes into the ride home i looked over at miss loud mouth’s side and saw her already sound at sleep with her mouth slight open making her look even more beautiful.
She’s just so beautiful and natural and that’s make me wonna know more about her.

I asked her that question at the party to see what her response will be and she ended up giving me an epic reply and that alone makes me like her the more.

Something about her keeps drawing me closer to her and i can’t just say what that thing is.

When i was alone at the party i mean when mom took miss loud mouth away to meet her friend’s i saw Ashley’s dad and i was surprise because i never knew he was going to grace my invitation.

And what he told me is what has been bothering me till now he told me he likes me and he can’t watch me make the wrong decision.

He said one of this greatest regret he made in life was giving birth to Ashley he said maybe that was a way god wanted to use to punish him and his wife.

I was surprised because since his wife started advising me to leave her daughter and go for other well mannered girls Mr Frances Ashleys dad has never said a word.

And at first when he told me that, i got very angry but when my anger subsided i had his urge to dig deeper into that matter.
Ashley is mannerless yes but i don’t see that as enough reason why her parent will be acting this way towards there only daughter to the extent that her father said he regrets giving birth to her.

Not like i didnt want to talk to miss loud mouth but she’s a very observant lady and tooking to her will make her notice that something is bothering me and that question is what i don’t think i can answer.

The first day i saw miss loud mouth at home i didnt want to be rude but I was scared scared that one day I will fall in love with her.

I wouldn’t have been as bothered as i am right now if Ashley didn’t come up with this her new method of ignoring my calls.

I am not angry she didn’t come for my daughters birthday but if there is something i hate the most in my life that’s being ignored.

Unlike miss loud mouth i haven’t seen Ashley carrying a baby i didn’t mean her child but any child at all.

Rhian once told me models don’t like getting pregnant because of the fear of losing here shape and i just hope Ashley isn’t like that because i am a lover of children.
I even plan on giving birth to more five kids plus Chloe making it six but to see the extent i love Ashley even if she doesn’t like getting pregnant i don’t have a problem with that.

We will just give birth to one child and she can continue with her career since that’s what makes her happy.

I can remember i have tried bring up babies discussion with her before and she only laughed away the topic and of course it turned into a hot sex season.

Will anyone blame me tomorrow if i finally fall for miss loud mouth huh? I mean she’s everything i want in a woman

I just hope Ashley wouldn’t come tomorrow and say i cheated on her i mean what other option did she give me huh?

Another woman is here giving me the comfort and encouragement my fiancee should give me while she’s somewhere in mexico city for her multi million dollars modeling contract and ignoring me at the same time.

I just wish i had seen miss loud mouth earlier because she would not have only been my wife but i would have fvcked her in my baby.

And of course i can’t ignore miss loud mouth because very soon she’s going to become my PA and that only means we will be spending more time together.

Moreover i don’t even think i can ignore her because i am beginning to enjoy her company i don’t even think i can stay for a day without us arguing about unnecessary things.

Unlike other ladies that while chatting with them they only talk about shopping at the latest mall or the latest designers she’s just so natural fun and full of life.
After a long pompy ride the car finally came to a hint in front of my mansion and the gateman opened the gate for me and i drove in.

After packing the car properly at the garage i opened the door and step out, i looked at miss loud mouth and she was looking so tired and i didn’t want to wake her up.

So i carried her bridal style and she muttered some words that i don’t understand before buring her face on my chest.

I carried her inside the house everywhere was quiet and i guess every one is at sleep already except mom.

I took her upstairs to her room and placed her gently on the bed then asked mom to help be change her cloths because i saw it as an opportunity to tease her tomorrow morning.

I went to my room after checking on Chloe and when i got to my bedroom i headed straight to the bathroom and ran a cold refreshing shower.
After taking my bath i dress up on my pajamas and sat on the bed took my phone and dialed Ashley’s line again and it was still the same old news.

I collapsed on the bed but yet sleep didn’t come because my mind wasn’t at rest.

I stood up from the bed and went to the kitchen to get myself and glass of water and when i got to the kitchen i went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water and a glass cup.

I sat down on the kitchen counter lost in thought.

I heard someone call making me flinch.

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