
TRUTH AND LIES (My Mr. Perfect) EPISODE 7,8&9

(My Mr. Perfect)
Episode 8

Mico’s Pov continues:

She rose her hand to my face and touched my mask.
“Doesn’t it make you feel uncomfortable?” She asked and I shook my head.
“It’s just like wearing sunglasses” I replied and she nodded with a smile.

She kept touching the mask and I tried bringing her hand down but mistakenly, I hit her chest – boobs- and she released a light gasp.

“Oh, I’m…I’m sorry. I…didn’t mean to” I apologised immediately and she bent her head and blushed in a smile.
She seemed okay with it.

“Uhm…Mico, could I have a shot with you, please?” She asked.
“Yes. Sure” I replied and she brought out her phone immediately and wrapped her hand around my shoulders.

We placed our heads together and then I held her waist and she took the selfie.

“Thank you!” She said happily and started operating her phone.
Well, I guess she was uploading the picture online.
Hm. Funny girl.

We were still standing together when you a call finally came into one of my phones from a strange number.
I picked it after a little reluctancy and a loud voice came from other line that I had almost gone deaf.

“Nigel!!!” The called screamed and I removed the phone from my ear for a short time before putting it back again.

Oh, it was Alyssa.

Alexa stared at me inquisitively and I excused myself and walked away into the house to receive the call.

“Hey wats up?”I asked as I sat on the bed.
I already had a hint on why she was calling.
“Oh my God Nigel you won’t believe it. I just got a free admission into Mico High school” she replied cheerfully and screamed again.

Picked For You:  SUMMER PICNIC : Episode 11-The End

Oh, God! My ear.

She didn’t even Introduce herself, as if she was expecting me to just recognise her.

“Really? Wow! Congrats” I replied, trying as much as possible to sound surprised.
“oh my God Nigel, I don’t even know what to do. I can’t believe ill be going to Mico High. I’ll be close to Mico!”
She paused and laughed again.

“Oh Nigel, I can’t explain how happy I am. I also got free uniforms, books, shoes, everything! And they’re so beautiful. How did I get so lucky Nigel?
“ill finally be able to see Mico again. I’ll be going to the best school in manilla. Isn’t that incredible?
“But I’m still a little worried you know. I’ll be the only student on free admission over there,meaning I’m probably the only commoner they’re going to be having. What if they bully me? Or don’t want to associate with me? And how will I be able to walk among them? How did I even get a free admission in there?
“God! What am I even saying? Going to Mico High is the best thing that’s happened to me and I shouldn’t ruin it with negative thoughts. If anyone tries to bully me, I’ll definitely smack the person in the face. I’m going to let them know in there to stay for real”.

She pauses and laughed again and I just kept smiling.
Gosh, she talks too much.

“Seriously Nigel, I’m so happy” she continued. “This is a dream come true for me…”
What is talkative.
She doesn’t care if you’re saying anything or not, just as long as you’re listening.


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