
TRUTH AND LIES (My Mr. Perfect) EPISODE 7,8&9

It was quite big and everything was neat and sparkling.
Flower vests were kept by the corners of the room close to the wall and there was even more very big flat screen TV in front of the class.
There were about three ceiling fans and the air conditioner was on.
Wow! Tell me how to child will still be dumb learning under such an environment.

I kept looking in amusement and didn’t realise I had been standing like a tree and all eyes were now on me.
They were probably wondering if I was okay.
Oh, Alyssa!

I gulped nervously and bent my head and started looking for an empty seat.

? Who’s she…
? is she the new student?
? Hasn’t she seen in classroom before?
? Look at her hair…

I could feel my head turning and turning and turning. I suddenly had a crazy feeling to run out if the class but what was I thinking?

I got to the front seat which was empty and sat on it. I was so nervous – first day in Mico High.

They kept talking about me for a while but after a short time, they stopped and concentrated on other things.
Oh, at last!

I brought out a book from my bag not knowing exactly what to do with it.
I was beginning to catch cold due to the AC in the room. I’ve never stayed this long under an AC before.

I finally gathered up courage and decided to take a look at some of the students in the class and my eyes met with cute boys and girls.
Two boys were even staring at me and I quickly took my eyes away, taking in a deep breath.

Picked For You:  WHITE!! THE COLOR OF YOUR HEART: Chapter 31 - The End

Not long after, three hot looking girls came into the one in the middle was chewing a gum.
Surprisingly, they walked up to where I was seated and stared at me like they wanted to eat me up.
What have I done?

“Are you blind?” the most beautiful one in the middle asked and my heart skipped.
I kept wandering what my offence was.
The whole class was staring at us.

To be continued

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