Twist of Fate

(Battle for Supremacy)

By Humble Smith & Clara Williams?

??Season 2

Episode 29..?

Anna’s POV

“What video are you talking about!!” I seethed at the strange guy who was even wearing one stupid face cap..

The king and queen turned to him with an arched brow..

“You have the video of her shooting at my son???” The queen was the first to ask

“Hey, you both shouldn’t listen to this guy, let’s go check on my fiance your son, some people can be stupid at times, can you imagine!!” I snorted giving the strange guy a killer glare, he smirked at me before turning back to the king who was really waiting anxiously..

“The truth is hard to believe, lies are sometimes more acceptable, would the video tape of her jumping over the window make you both believe she is the unseen devil here??” The man asked sending another smirk to me..

The only thing I felt doing that moment is killing this man, yes!!..I feel like shooting at him right here and now!!..he must be the one that mounted that cameras there, why??..who even sent him!!
“Your Highness, are you gonna keep listening to this strange man? you know him, he may be a….”

“Shut up!!..” The king barked at me leaving shock rush through me..

“As much as I can’t believe you are the one who did all that to my son, I still wants to clarify my belief!”

“Okay…” I shrugged and slumped on the chair there..

“Okay man, who are you?” The king asked

“My identity is hidden for the time now, I’m here to save the throne, this is the video right here..” He said and handed a device to the king…

Everyone rushed to take a look including presh mother….words can’t explain how I feels now, I think I’d strangle someone to death…

“What!!!!!!” That was the first scream from the king.

The Queen also wailed…

“Amanda was brought into that house but she didn’t came out, what happened to her???” The king muttered with his eyes widened..

“How couldn’t we even saw her when we got in?” The queen asked
Everyone raised their gaze to me, I could even see fury right in their eyes,

“Anna don’t think you are all wise, you can’t hide anymore!!” Presh mother spoke out..

Wow!!…she has gotten balls all of a sudden, let’s watch and see..
“That video is not pointing at me as the culprit, it’s Victor and presh..ask them where Amanda is?” I seethed

“When we came in, that bodyguard was about jumping out of the window where you passes through, it means you both are into this, Anna I’m worry but you are really a suspect!!!” The king growled.

“You are talking nonsense old man!!!!” I shouted and like a dream, presh mother slapped me..


“You don’t talk to the king that way, how do you intend to be the Queen one day!!” She gritted

“I can’t conclude anything now, I can’t even arrest you, I can’t lay a finger on you..the Oracle pointed at you as the is never possible for the princess to shoot at the Prince” the king shrugged and the Queen also nodded making me smile..

“I thought you both had believed all those set up” I breathed
“It only means one thing..” The king added

“Huh?..what is that?”

“You are not the real princess and heir to the throne!!” He stated leaving shrill flowing down my spine..

“I don’t get you!”

“There is only one way for a mere person to be pointed as the princess…did you took that journey?” The king asked and I found myself shivering..

His eyes were peering into mine accusingly.

“I don’t know a bit of what you are saying!!” I snapped

“Your eyes shows you know a lot about it, I don’t want to believe you did it…time will tell, just know that death awaits anyone who would took that path for evil!!” He gruffed before leaving…

The Queen followed immediately leaving only me, the strange man, presh mother with presh too…

In anger, I rushed to presh mother to slap her hardly only for a muscular arm of the strange man to stop me,
“Hey you…get off me, guess you don’t know I am the princess!!!” I seethed

“Princess???..” He scoffed and shrugged
“I only know presh as the princess..get your self out of here!!” He growled

“You are a fool, you even thought that silly video would make an attempt, you are a loser…watch and see as your death knocks on your door fool!!!” I bawled before stomping out, all I could hear again was his laughter..

More people would surely die very soon!

I got home and the first place I head to was where I kept the bracelet, I just want to make sure it is safe. with it, I’d be the crowned princess!!!
I brought out the box and opened it with a wide smile..

My eyes popped out as the box fell off, my heart beat accelerated, sweat formed all over my body, I couldn’t believe what my eyes saw..
It was so unreal and I would never believe this is reality….
The bracelet is gone!!!

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