“Then let’s get married” she said and they both stare at each other.
“Let’s calm down a little, we don’t have to rush,” Noah smiled.
“I am just kidding” she said shyly which made him smile wider, she looked kinda cute.
“Let me call dad and I told him everything” he said and picked up his phone.
“Hello dad, so I have decided to marry her” he said after his father picked the call.
“Have you told her?” His father asked.
“Yeah, I have, and she agrees,” he said gently.
“Bring her to the mansion tomorrow, let her come with her family, “ his dad said.
“Isn’t tomorrow a bit fast?” He asked gently.
“No, bring her right away,” his father said and hung up.
“He wants us to go to the mansion tomorrow with your family,” he said to her.
“I only have my brother, I don’t have any other family” she said nervously.
“That shouldn’t be a problem, let’s bail him out first,” he said and stood up.
“Right now?” She asked from where she was sitting.
“Yeah, didn’t you miss him?” He asked with raised eyebrows.
“I do let go” she said before picking her bag. They went out and he opened the door for her to enter.
“Thanks” she muttered and entered, he joined her and they drove out immediately.
They arrive at the station a few minutes later and Adelaide was shocked because of how the cops were greeting him and showing respect.
“How dare you lock up my brother-in-law?” He asked and their eyes widened.
“We are sorry, we don’t know, release him right now” the leader shouted and they went to release him. He didn’t say anything and just followed his sister who was signaling for him to relax, they all entered the car. Francisco was sitting at the back with his leg on top of each other that one will think he is the boss, he didn’t say anything and was just pressing his phone, they arrived at their apartment and they both came out of the car.
“I will come and carry you 6. Pm please be ready” Noah said before walking away. They both entered the apartment and Fransisco went to sit on the bed.
“Please say something, the way you are quiet is scary” Adelaide finally said which made Fransisco chuckle.
“I think I get the idea of what is happening, I saw the news online, but I don’t know you two are dating” Fransisco said.
“The whole thing is complicated, we actually have a one night stand and we are getting married now” she said. Fransisco didn’t say anything.
“I know you are judging me,” she said sadly.
“No no,that is not it, I just don’t know why you will agree to marry a total stranger, please if you are having a mixed feeling back out” Fransisco said which made her smile.
“We can make it work, there are a lot of marriages that started that way, so I have hope and he seems nice too” she said with a blush.
“Then I support you with my full chest, I am taking you to the altar, I have to give him warning before handing you over to him” he said which made her smile.
“He is going to send you to college and help us,” she said.
“I just want you to be happy,” he said.
“He said we are going to their house tomorrow, please don’t say no” she pleaded.
“You know I can’t say no to you, bride to be” he said and she hugged him tightly.
Adelaide’s mind had been troubled, she couldn’t stop thinking about her life and how everything was happening so fast, she was so distracted that she mistakenly spilled a little water on a customer.
“What the hell?” the lady shrieked loudly.
“I am so…..”before Adelaide can finish her statement, a loud slap landed on her face and she gasped in shock.
“Are you blind?Did you know how much this dress cost?” the woman yelled loudly.
“It was a mistake,” she said sadly.
“Did I look like I care, even your annual salary, cannot pay for this dress” she said arrogantly. Her loud scream got a lot of attention and the manager was there already.
“Ma’am we are so sorry, for her mistake “ the manager begged.
“I don’t want to accept any apology, “ the woman said.
“Then what do you want, cash?” A voice asked from the door and everyone gasped when they said Noah . He walked majestically into the restaurant.
“She ruined my dress,” the lady said gently.
“Oh really” Noah said and carrying a bottle of wine, he opened it and emptied the contents on her body, the lady gasping in shock.
“What are you doing?” The lady yelled.
“I am ruining the clothes so that I can pay for it” he said and brought out a bundle of cash and dropped it on the table.
“This will be more than enough” he said and grabbed Adelaide hand, he then took her out of the restaurant, Adelaide was in shock as she stared at his handsome face. They can hear people murmuring, some are even taking pictures already.
“So if I hadn’t interfered, you would have just stayed there without doing anything?” He asked.
“I am just a waitress, and you know customers are always right,” she said gently.
“Thank goodness this is your last time in there, immediately we get married you won’t do any of the job again” he said seriously.
“So why are you here, you said 6.pm and it just past 4.pm” she said.
“You think I will take you to my family, while you look this way, get into the car” he said and opened the door, she entered and he went to join her and they drove out.
Adelaide gasped when they got to the mall, it was the most popular mall and that’s where the celebrities bought their clothes, shoes and other accessories. She has heard about it a lot and didn’t dream of visiting the place.
The moment they enter the staff surrounded them with a smile, the way they are greeting Noah made her realize he might be bigger than she has ever imagined.
“I want you to change her, make her look very beautiful,” he said.
“That is our speciality, let go sweetheart” a middle aged woman said and took Adelaide into a room, Noah sat down and started reading a fashion magazine.
Adelaide’s eyes widened when she saw the price tags on the beautiful dresses that were hung, she was led to a comfortable room and they started the job from her hair. They turned her straight hair into a curl, she looked so fine as they did some make up on her face, then a dress was pushed in. She saw twenty million dollars on its tag and she was too afraid to even wear it. She looks so different as she was led toward now.
“Now this is what I am talking about” Noah said while admiring her pretty body. He grabbed her hand and led her to the male section.
“You know your brother size right, choose the appropriate clothes for him” Noah said. Adelaide look at the tuxedos in shock, they look so expensive but the fact that the man in front of her can purchase hundreds if he wants to, surprises her. She finally choose a white tuxedo because that is Francisco favorite color.
“It will be delivered to him, tell him to wear it to the mansion” he said.
“Thank you for everything,” she said.
“It’s okay, let go, it’s time already” he said and they both went out.
Their car drove in and Adelaide couldn’t stop looking at the beautiful surroundings, it looked so gigantic and pleasing to watch. The security guard opens the door for them and they come out, Noah leads her toward the entrance door and she can feel her nervously already.
“Calm down” he smiled as they entered the room, everyone was seated like they were waiting for them, all their eyes were focused on Adelaide who wished for the ground to open and swallow her.
“Welcome daughter in law” Mr Everest said with a smile. Adelaide bow respectfully before looking around. There was an elderly lady who she believed to be their mother, then there were two girls, one was smiling at her while the other one didn’t look up from the phone she was pressing. She finally looks in the direction she has been feeling someone watching her and meets eyes with a boy, he looks younger than Noah, which makes her conclude he must be Nicholas. She finally settled on a small pretty girl. The girl was looking confused as she stared at her.
“You guys should introduce yourself,” Mr Everest said.
“I am Theresa Everest, Noah’s stepmother” the older women said and Adelaide bow respectfully fully.
“I am Nicholas, didn’t know my brother is getting married to a beautiful damsel” he said and smirk when he saw the look on Noah face.
“I am Delaney Everest” the girl that was pressing her phone said without looking up from her phone.
“Autumn Everest” the last girl said, she was beaming with a smile and looked like the youngest among them.
“You are pretty,” Adelaide said.
“You too, I am so happy to meet you” the girl said and grabbed her hand, she made sure Adelaide sat beside her.
“So where are your parents? I was expecting them to be here” Mr Everest asked.
“I am an orphan, I only have a brother,” she said gently.
“Then where is your brother?” Mrs Everest (Theresa) asked.
“He should be here any minute,” he said and checked her time.
“So you are a waitress at the club?” Mrs Everest asked.
“Yeah” she said and looked at Nicholas, he has been staring at her since she arrived and that is making her uncomfortable.
“Do you tell her you have a daughter?” Mr Everest asked.
“No dad, but I was planning to,” Noah said.
“And when is that if I may ask, after your marriage?” His dad asked.
“Sorry Adelaide, this is my daughter Emily Everest” Noah said. Adelaide was shocked, she wasn’t expecting it but that wasn’t her problem, she loves kids anyway, she looked at Emily but the little girl didn’t even spare her a glance. That makes her sad a little but she knows winning her heart is the simplest thing she could do.
“Let’s go to the dining room, the food is already prepared” a maid said and they all stood up.
Adelaide trip with the sight of their dining room, everything about the place was awesome. She swallowed when she saw the table, it was filled with different delicacies , there was a lot of food, she watched as they started eating. She was confused as she looked around.
“Eat sister in law,” Autumn said with a smile. She slowly picked her cutlery and started eating.
Mr Everest was about to talk but then footsteps distracted them as Fransisco was brought to the dinner. He had a smirk on his face, he styled his hair and was wearing glittering earrings. He cut off the sleeve of the suit, turning it into an armless tuxedo. Which made him look very hot. His tattoo was showing giving the bad boy vibes. Autumn spoon was mid air as she stared at him the same thing with others except Delaney who was still focused on her phone.
“I hope I am not too late?” He asked with a smile that is when Delaney finally look up, she stare at him in surprise. Francisco smile when he saw the way they are staring at her, he went to sit beside Autumn whose was shaking nervously.
“Calm down cat, I don’t bite” he wink at her and she almost lost her breath. Delaney scoffed and continued pressing her phone.
“I am guessing this is your brother,” Mr Everest said while looking at Fransisco.
“Yeah, nice to meet you” he said and carried his cutlery. Mr Everest looked at him for sometime before continuing his talk.
“So about your wedding” he said and everyone listened to what he wanted to say.
“Your wedding is gonna be happening in two days” he dropped the bomb and everyone looked shocked.
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