“Why are you ignoring me?” Adelaide asked with a pout, they are already in their bedroom, Noah went to have his night shower and was just returning.

“I wasn’t ignoring you, I just don’t know what to say” Noah said and joined her on the bed.

“But I want us to talk about something” she pouted cutely.

“What do you want us to talk about?” Noah asked.

“Anything” Adelaide said and rested her head on his chest.

“Then you should do the talking, I will be a good listener” Noah said.

“Okay, then I am going to tell you the reason I cried when you took me to my father’s company,” she said.

“I have been so curious” Noah smiles and touches her hair.

“The CEO of the company……” Adelaide started.

“You mean Mr Dennis right?” Noah asked.

“Yeah, he is my late father’s secretary” Adelaide said.

“What? But you both act like you don’t know each other that day?” Noah asked.


“Yeah but will do, he became my father’s secretary after he was pursued by some debt collector. My father mistakenly hit him with his car and took him to the hospital. My father paid all his debt and gave him work since he has no relatives,” Adelaide explained.

“Then how is he the owner of the company now, how do you lose the company” Noah asked.

“I don’t even understand that too, I was just sad then because Mr Dennis always visits our house, we are very close and do things together but after my parents death, he disappeared, he didn’t even come for the funeral “ Adelaide said.

“That cruel, don’t worry soon, you will become the real owner of the company, I am promising you right now “ Noah said and hugged her.

“Thank you so much” she said and hugged him back. Noah’s mind wanders around, no matter how he thinks about it, something seems very fishy and he is going to get to the bottom of it..
“Thank you so much for tonight, you don’t have to escort me to my room again” Stacy said. They are just returning from their outing.

“Did I complained?” Nicholas asked and followed behind her until they got to her door.

“Thank you so much, goodnight” she said and started going but he quickly grabbed her hand.

“So you are just going to go just like that?” He asked.

“What do you want me to do?” She asked.

“Not even a goodnight peck?” He asked.

“I don’t want to do that,” she said with a blush.

“I wouldn’t release you so better Peck me now” he said and pointed to his cheeks. She stood on her toe and pecked his cheek.

“Goodnight, take good care of yourself and don’t think too much about your friend, they will soon be here” Nicholas said and pecked her cheeks. She quickly ran into her room while he chuckled.

She was shocked to see Mrs Everest sitting on her bed, she started shaking in fear.

“Where are you coming from?” She asked.

“ I was out with a friend,” she said nervously.

“With a friend or you tried to escape from me” Mrs Everest asked.

“I am really telling the truth,” Stacy said.

“I think the college that I sent you had given you so much confidence, how about I withdraw you?” Mrs Everest asked.

“Please ma’am, it is really important to me” she begged desperately.

“What important or do you think you will ever leave under my wing, forget about that, you said you hang out with a friend earlier, I hope it is not my son?” Mrs Everest asked. Stacy didn’t say anything so she strangled him immediately.

“Didn’t I warn you to stay away from my son?” Mrs Everest yelled.

“I … .am …sorry ma’am” Stacy manages to say because she can’t breathe.

“ Avoid him at all cost or you will waste your whole life, I don’t want to talk about this again” Mrs Everest said and released, Stacy fell to the ground and started breathing heavily.

“Mum, please save me “ she said with tears, she was still laying on the ground.

“Good morning Barbie, it’s time to wake up” Noah said and shook Adelaide slightly, she opened her eyes and stood up from the bed.

“Where is Emily?” She asked.

“She has gone to school already,” he said.

“Why didn’t you wake me up, I wanted to prepare my baby for school” Adelaide groaned.

“I am so sorry” Noah apologized, she didn’t respond and just hugged him.

“Ade I need to go to work” he said and wanted to release himself but she didn’t allow him.

“Ade “ he called.

“I want to stick to your body , let’s stay together,” she said gently.

“I can’t, we are signing some deal today” he said but she still didn’t release him, Noah sighed.

“How about you dress up and let go to work together, you can stick with me as much as you want then” Noah suggested.

“Really” Adelaide asked excitedly and ran into the bathroom.

“When did she become such a drama queen?” Noah muttered. She came out of the bathroom about five minutes later and quickly got dressed, she was so excited that she was going to work today because it’s been a while.
“Hey get in” Nicholas said to Stacy who was ready for school, he has been waiting for her in his car, he was shock when she ignores him and continue her journey, he drove past her and park the car, then he came down and went to meet her, he carried her in bridal style and went back to his car, he drop her on the chair.

“Why did you ignore me?” He asked seriously.

“I just don’t want trouble for myself” she muttered.

“It’s my mummy right? I know what I’m capable of doing” Nicholas said.

“She is not, “ Stacy said.

“You can’t lie, I know she is , but don’t worry I won’t allow anybody to harm you “ Nicholas said seriously. Stacy was staring at him without saying anything. They arrive at the school and he grabs her hand, he stares at her lips but quickly stops himself before she will do what he will regret.

“Have a nice day,” he said. She smiled gently before going out of the car. He watched her till she was out of sight.

“I have to get my head checked at the hospital” he muttered before driving out of the school. Some girls that recognize him started taking his picture but he just ignores them.

The students were going into the little forest on the island, they had their camping tent and other stuff with them, they soon got to an open place and started making their tent. The instructor has told them that two people will be sharing a tent.

Francisco and his friends soon finished making their tent, and Delaney showed up immediately.

“Francisco” she called excitedly and hugged him. Some students were even watching them. Francisco didn’t feel good like he had been expecting.

“Where have you been?” He asked. He can remember he hasn’t seen her for sometime now.

“I am hanging out with my new friend, Sandy. “ Delaney said that’s when Fransisco finally noticed a girl that was standing besides Delaney, she was looking at him like a whole meal which he doesn’t like.

“Hi” he said since it looks like she is not ready to say anything.

“Hey I am Sandy “ she said and grabbed his hand for a handshake.

“Excuse me “ he muttered after she didn’t let him go.

“I am sorry about that” she apologizes and releases him. She started winking at him, Francisco noticed that but wasn’t that surprised, a lot of girls have been doing that to him lately, some even ask him out, it started since they played that basketball game.

“Can I hang out with you guys?” Sandy asked while looking at Francisco.

“You can’t, we are sorry” Autumn said, she can notice the way Sandy has been sending seductive glances toward Francisco.

“That’s too bad” Sandy said and glared at Autumn.

“I am staying in your tent tonight, I need to be protected from dangerous animals, “ Delaney said and grabbed Francisco’s arm.

“Oh sure” Fransisco said and stared at Autumn.

“Me too, so I am going with you” Autumn said and grabbed Dalton arm, he smile but soon regret it when he saw Parker going to his tent with Brielle, he stare at them till they enter, same with Brielle though, she was disappointed that her brother didn’t choose her, Parker notice her sad mood and just stare at her in silence.
The students gathered around a big campfire, they sang songs and played a lot of games too, so now it was time for story. Their instructor was telling them a horror story. Brielle was sitting between Parker and Dalton, they keep stealing glare but she was so focused on the story, Dalton catches Parker staring at her and tells him to look away but he ignores him and continues staring. Francisco was beside Delaney and Sandy who was still trying everything possible to get his attention. He was just staring at Autumn who was sitting alone. He suddenly stood and went to sit beside her since she was dozing off already. He put her head on his shoulder, he moved the hair that was covering her face and smiled. Sandy who have been watching and observing finally came to a conclusion, maybe it wasn’t Delaney that Fransisco love, maybe it is Autumn , now her target have shift from Delaney to Autumn, no matter the number of the girls, she must get them out of the way so that she can have Francisco to herself.
“This is 9pm when are they coming?” Noah groaned. They have been in the office waiting for those that wanted to sign the deal.

“I am very sorry boss, their flight was delayed in Madrid, I am sure they will be here soon” one of the workers said and they immediately entered the company, they were led by a young beautiful lady, her skirt was way too short and she has a heavy make up on her face. She smiled the moment she saw Noah and went to hug him. He was shocked by her gestures since he didn’t know her before but kept quiet.

“I am Ariana Mendez, the granddaughter of Mr Amando Mendez” she introduced.

“Nice to meet you,” Noah muttered.

“Same Mr Noah Everest” she said and touched his chest, Noah was uncomfortable.

“Can we proceed?” He asked and pointed toward the boardroom.

“Sure, my grandfather talks so much about you, do you know we would have gotten married before if not for the unfortunate events?” Ariana Mendez said.

“i Didn’t know, “ Noah muttered.

“No worries, who knows I may still have a chance with you” she smiled. Adelaide and Nicholas glared at her the moment she said that.

“Get me a cup of coffee” she said to Adelaide as they got to the door of the board room.

“Actually, she is……..” Noah said but Adelaide cut him off.

“Okay ma’am “ she said and left, Noah looked at her before entering the board room, some workers were already seated. Nicholas glares at Ariana before going to the front since he was the one presenting.

Adelaide returned with the coffee and gave it to her, she collected it and had a taste, she quickly spit it out and threw the class cup away.

“Do you want to kill me?” She shouted, some people even looked at her weirdly. Nicholas was glaring a dagger at her from where he was presenting.

“Sorry ma’am” Adelaide said and packed the broken glasses before leaving.



“I know this will be the biggest deal ever” Ariana said, they are through already and were going out of the board room, she was holding Noah arms tightly.

“Yeah, it’s perfect, “ Noah said with a smile.

“Ha, my ring just fell on the ground” Ariana said and bend to pick the golden ring, she turn her back to Noah and her a** were exposed, what she was wearing was visible because her skirt is very short.

Adelaide finally had enough, she kick Ariana a** and she fell hitting her head on the hard tiles. Noah smiles secretly after seeing that. She wasn’t done, she sat on top of her and started giving her a hot and spicy slap.

“How…… slap …..dare…..slap……you…..slap” she screams.

“Kick her a** sister in-law “ Nicholas shouted. Noah was just smiling while watching everything but after noticing that she won’t stop anything soon and Ariana’s face has become unrecognizable, he quickly intervened. He carried her away from her.

“Leave me alone, I want to kill her for trying to seduce my man, ” she yelled as Noah started carrying her to his office.

“She needs to learn her lesson so that she will know how to avoid Noah Everest, because he is my man, he belongs to me” she yelled.


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