Kennedy sits on the counter top while I sit on a stool close to her. She wanted us to play a game that i really don’t know the name. We’re gonna ask each other questions and if we don’t get it right , the person who asked the question is gonna smash a raw egg on the other person’s head. I declined at first but she was smart to trick me to play.
So much for a Saturday afternoon. We’re both jobless right now. I called Alexa and her phone went straight to voicemail. This is so strange. I FaceTime with Piper and Brandon and both of them said same thing.
They haven’t seen her either. I’m planning on driving to her house later today to check on her. I need an explanation on what she was doing with that Russian man. Gray’s not at home. He left rather too early and I’m left alone with Kennedy.
We arrange the crate of eggs and it’s really annoying we’re really going to waste this eggs. All thanks to Kennedy. She doesn’t listen. Once she sets her mind on something , she gets it.
” So I’ll go first.” She muses with her wide smile.
” Alrighty.” I puff out a small amount of breath and rub my palms together.
” What’s my favorite Disney princess and why ?”
” It’s Cinderella and why , because she’s not self centered. Even with her step mother and step sisters maltreating her , Cinderella still has a good soul.” I say triumphantly.
She raises her brows at me and shake her head sideways.
” Failed. It’s Belle.”
” What !”
” Yes , Belle. And why , because she’s the only girl who’s got balls to fall in love with a beast. Babe’s got testicles.” She chuckles.
I facepalm myself ready to be bathed with eggs. She crack the raw egg on my head as I groan. She’s dead.
” My turn. What’s my major in school ?”
” What !” She bites her lip and scratch her chin like who’s thinking.
” Business administration.” She replies.
” How did you.. who…ugh..”
” You’re going down.” She chuckles evilly and smirks like ‘Joker’.
” What’s my favorite color ?”
” That’s simple. It’s pink.”
” God , false. It’s blue.” She giggles and break another egg on my head. Two eggs and I haven’t even break one yet.
” Hope you’re not cheating ?” I ask her as I wipe the small droplets off my hairline.
” Nah. It’s the truth.”
I sigh and think of a hard question to ask her.
” What’s the usual curse word I say everytime ?” I ask her and smirk wildly.
She rolls her eyes.” It’s asshole.”
What the ! Why’s she always winning ? How can she know about my usual Asshole curse. I palm my forehead and bites my bottom lip. She laughs and winks.
” How did you know ?”
” You know you always say it. No matter how angry you’re. It’s either asshole or idiot. I’m trending. My turn.” She suck on her lips and fold her legs.
” I got it. What’s my favorite sleeping position ?” Seriously , how am I supposed to know that.
I rub my temple and think again. She’s freaking me out. How is she always winning and I haven’t gotten one point. You know it hurts , when you’re gaming with someone and you’re always loosing and they don’t even pity you to let you win just once.
” You like sleeping on your sides and most times you curl yourself like a ball. Please don’t tell me I failed this one.”
” Whatever , you’re correct. Your turn.”
I heave out a deep breath and smile.” How old am I ?”
” Ariel , you’re twenty.”
Damn. I blink my eyes and watch her. I’m totally bewildered. Is she spying on me.
” How did you know that ?”
” I’m a genius. We always have our ways.” Now she’s sounding like Gray. She’s supposed to be a detective.
” What are my allergies ?” She asks and grins. Allergies ? Kennedy doesn’t have an allergy. Never seen her react to whatever thing I cook for her.
” You don’t have any allergies.” I reply boldly. She watches me quietly as she slowly picks up another egg. Oh not again. I’ve been taking all the eggs like forever.
” I do have allergies. Seafoods , especially shrimps.” She winks and crack the egg on my hair. I groan as I feel the liquid dissolve on my precious hair. What type of kid is this ? I’m done if I don’t crack a egg on her head.
” What’s my allergies ?” I ask her , knowing fully well she doesn’t know it.
” Peanut butter.” Good Lord , shoot me. Why can’t you make her fail and let me crack an egg on her brilliant skull.
” How did you know ?”
” Don’t mess with the boss.” She chuckles and pick up an egg. It’s like she knew I was gonna fail as usual.
” My role model ?”
I swear I don’t know. She had sang a lot of times and she once said she admired Beyonce’s voice and talent. Obviously frustrated , I breathe in and out as I’m faced with Kennedy who won’t stop smirking.
” Beyonce.”
” Damn. Sorry , you’re getting an egg.”
” Wait ! Why ? You admired her talent and voice.”
She sighs and rub her temple.” I said I admired her talent doesn’t mean she’s my role model. My role model is Ariana Grande.” She’s even too young to get a role model.
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